Many Helltides later, I got three maces that could be upgrades. Trying to roll Bash Cleaves temper, I got the Kick one 14 times and the Upheaval one once, all bricked.
But muh RNG right? Not weighted at all, lol. GTFO with your RNG lies. Tempering shoudl improve the game but it has ruined it instead. What motivation does Blizzard think we are supposed to have? To keep losing at the obviously FIXED/RIGGED casino? No thanks bro.
To the Temper limit apologists, you are wrong. How about I can sacrifice one temper to remove the last rolled one from future rolls? Give us some way to influence the roll for goodness sake. If I roll a garbage temper (why are there garbage tempers?), let me spend something to remove that option from the next roll.
it’s all fun and games until you brick x3 (possible upgrades to your build) items. I know the feeling. it makes me lol out loud but i’ve played that other game(LA) as well.
LE had the solution from the get go. You can “temper” whatever affix you want. But upgrading that afix to max is RNG based on the item’s forging potential. So, bricking an item there means that you have all the affixes you want, but maybe not all are upgraded to their max values.
People cried and cried about how bad itemization was and now they are crying and crying about tempering. I think they will only be happy if the system gives them absolutely perfect BIS gear after week one.
Yeah; I’ve bricked a coupe nice 2GA and 3GA gear but I accept it and move on. You go with what you got and then you look to improve what you have. Over time your build will improve.
I too like the idea of having the RNG be on the value instead of the temper affix itself. For semi-casuals like me who don’t really care about maxing out everything to push the highest Pit level possible, it would be a great solution. And for those who like to min-max to the extreme, they can play the Blizz slot machine on the values hehe.
Bricking items with tempering was, is, and will continue to be a bad idea
Specially GA items
It amazes me how Blizzard can continue to make mistakes like this just because they keep listening to idiot streamers that have been giving terrible feedback for years
The same streamers that praised them when they announce the Vaults in S3
They need to go back to focus on the PLAYERS instead of listening to the streamers. They will NEVER please someone playing 10+ hours a day
Welcome to RNG some get it on the first roll others spend so much time on things! I had one ring cost me over a billion gold in rolls trying for a stat… Gave up on it grabbed a second ring and it rolled the stat in 2 rolls.
This is exactly why Blizz will never implement that. Because of people like that. Think about it. You are saying that you are fine with not maxing out everything as long as you have the stats you need. Then what? You finish the seasonal journey, finish your toon and leave to play other games. Nah… that’s not a good strategy for player retention time. On the other hand, if you can play the weighted and rugged casino to brick 10 times in a row… well that’s a lot more play time and they can provide better statistics to the shareholders.
I stick around and farm in D4. then the character goes to eternal and if need space (for new season mules) I might migrate some gear but will probably delete it. just wiped out characters that were made during the early access(eternal)…at least I think they were from that.
I have bricked every 3GA item I have found. I dread tempering now. The novelty has worn off.
We just need to find the items with the extra affixes 1 per WT3, 2 per WT4 and then we can modify them some how or take a chance on changing them. Even while futsin’ around on the PTR, I dreaded having to temper anything. Upgrade items seem to have a 60% fail rate… maybe 50%. Side grades have an 80% success rate. So it feels anywho.
I made a post about drops in the PTR favoring rings and amulets. I was unable to find an Ancient weapon for 15 levels or so when I got into WT4. Like right after I made the post, I found a 2H AXE… and bricked it.
There was a streak where I bricked 4 items in a row. The tempering seemed to be favoring 2 of the options, bouncing back and forth between, on all the items. Almost feels like there’s an instance seed.
Less effort should be spent on them trying to control our success and balance the classes.
This is what I personally do as well. But only because I play mostly for pvp and like to experiment with different builds and characters. However, I am so burned out from the pit now, having masterworked 6 builds on 3 characters, that I cannot see myself doing that any longer. So I called it. Yesterday I logged-in for the last time this season. I find myself spending 10x more time in the pit than in the pvp… I would want to continue experimenting, but knowing that I have to spend again at least 10 days farming gear and the pit (in the best case scenario), just to be able to test a build for couple of hours… Can’t do that anymore. If the pit mats were easier to acquire - yes. But at this point I will be going back to Warframe and then LE’s new cycle.