Thoughts on the game one year later

Wanted to get people’s thoughts on it one year after launch? How’s everyone feeling about it? Maybe rate it out of 10

I am pretty happy.
+Loot hunt feels better.

  • Codex is good.
  • leveling is fast
  • tempering is a cool feature
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No more dependency on Core skills. FINALLY!!! Build diversity has gone up. Not by a lot but still better than it was during Season 1 and Season 2.

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It’s getting there but still needs more to get to a proper place for a Diablo game.


I’ll definitely agree with this. It still needs a lot of work. I started V Rising earlier and the accessibility is so much better. You can turn pvp on or off. You can have private games or open games with everyone in it like D4/PoE. I really hope this game is a lesson learned for Blizz.

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Its meh/10.

10 mehs required

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Well it’s literally D3 2.0

I don’t like end-game loop, i hope they will add smthing better than Grifts. But this season was playable first of all cuz of open-trading, was kinda fun(it had even some kind of similarity to true loot hunt game), still lack basic QoLs.

Idk how to describe it properly it’s kinda better than it was, but i just don’t see myself playing it again for 2-3 seasons and spending a lot of time. Longevity of the seasons depends on exactly what? Pit was Okish for 1 season but for 2nd or 3rd or even for 5th?
Probably this game will completly turn to D3 model 10h per season, but maybe i’m wrong. Overall i think that this game need major changes cuz of end-game loop, D3 end game was not for everyone, it was clearly showed by it’s online and day 3 ghost town.

Main question for me is would i buy it if i knew that it will turn completly to D3 2.0? Probably not for 100$, but for 20$ i guess it was ok.

Quite a lot of frustration for me is mainly due to the false marketing of this game.

still 6/10 for me. Okish, but not even close to legendary D1/D2 still a bit better than D3 level.


The game has come a long way and most of it is very positive.

Things that they are doing well are:

  1. Having seasonal content that is varied and interesting.
  2. Incorporating feedback, though it takes time.
  3. Improving game events like hell tides.

Things that are still challenges are:

  1. No purpose for eternal realm
  2. No incentive to replay quests
  3. Post 100 gameplay geared to ultra skilled players
  4. No wardrobe or simple way to change skills in a class
  5. No real use for magic and rare items (same as D3)
  6. Classes and bosses still unbalanced.
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The new codex and loot are good, but the balancing is a disaster. I don’t like the fact that you walk through the campaign without skills and equipment. The basic game, without the endgame, is far too easy. It’s ok to level quickly as the paragon board is essential to the build, but everything being so easy is not fun. Had more fun in the beta

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On the right track but desperate suffering from issues that have never been addressed and new ones made recently such as

  • No AH yet 99.9% items tradable. →
  • Most builds based on bugs and broken interactions. Most skills not usable.
  • Entire druid class way behind and forced to run minions as multiplier sticks.
  • Sorcs forced to run fireshield. Sorcs allowed to become immortal a huge failure of dev planning.
  • OTK boss pit design
  • Tempering leads to :brick: items → Tempering 2.0 🔨
  • Excessive reroll costs for masterworking rerolls and excessive costs for masterworking in general
  • Enchanting is too hard because of rolling main stat every single time!
  • No idea on how an item upgrades with masterworks in regards to plus to skills or passives. Need a way to see this. Example: I have a +2 conjure mastery winterglass. How many times do I need to masterwork crit it to hit 3 or 4? What about a +3 version? What happens here on 1 2 or 3 crits?
  • Stygian stone droprates are too stingy
  • PvP is a complete mess with immortal sorcs, thorns builds (shouldnt exist or work in pvp), and players with 150k life.
  • Not enuf being done about RMT
  • Angelbreath have no recipe to make them from other mats which we have oodles of
  • Holy Bolt elixir is broken dumb OP and I mean barber heart almost type power
  • There are still too many useless affixes like impairment reduction. Nobody cares.
  • many more I cant think of yet