Thoughts on Abattoir of Zir

hit me up if you need help.

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I am not surprised. Diablo games have never been difficult, Just time consuming. I am sure the player base is in shock.

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I feel like you need to hear this. git gud

I love defeating the last bosses and dying to fire wave instantly. Level cleared but GOTCHA! Explosions on death, real fun mechanic.


Ya yer a real funny guy all right

t10 in about 8 min full bis hota barb, 3.6k exp glyph, 15k exp for lvl up. Next level will be 18,5k estimated, still to10 in 8 min will mean about 1h per lvl, with glyph power increase 0.1 instead of what maxroll say on their page 0.4. exacly this will make ppl quit aoz before even 50. lvl 49-50 will be like what, 9h of grind, probably much more, ant you won’t get extra powerful in any way fast enough to shorten it

Tier 1 should have been an entry level at maybe NM 90 or so and given 500 glyph XP. Non meta or overtuned or bugged builds need an option to progress albeit slowly.


Ummmm… is this sarcasm? I’m not good at detecting that.

The no-death thing increase difficulty.

The progression gate is so people don’t try it too early and get turned off by getting destroyed. If you made it that far you should know how to play.

The time gate? Assuming you mean how long it took to launch? Maybe they wanted to make sure people who tried it had time to get prepared for it.

If by time gate you mean the time limit on completion, that’s a layer of difficulty.

Sigil gate? Can you clarify because I’m assuming you are asking why you aren’t given a max sigil right away? If so, why would someone go into a T25 AoZ without powering their glyph? That would be completely stupid and literal immediate character death.

I feel like you don’t understand that there are safeguards to prevent stupid mistakes precisely because it’s harder than normal.

yep, nothing like being forced to play a build you don’t want to so you can get to the End End game stuff, Good Job Bli-- err Activision, give yourself a pat on the back for forcing us back into cookie cutter builds. Was a problem in D3 and now a problem in D4. So much for play D4 your way…


Alot of you grew up with participation trophies and it shows.

managed to beat it even with the blizzard debuff of them always breaking stuff but not doing more til they fix my glyphs

Its lets test BETA Endgame live instead of on a PTR then end of Season 3 say were bringing AOZ to Eternal to “pretend” like were making endgame for everyone when actually we just want a Seasonal Test cause thats where most of our players are and we might bring it back in later seasons as a per fixture. Cause having a D4 PTR server is just to hard for us

Exactly…it’s not for you. It’s for people that already have EVERYTHING to have even more power. You know only the small minority of no lifes matter to blizzard. You as an average player are supposed to be happy with no good drops and zero damage while people that hit in 300 million are gonna hit 1 billion now.


If Blizzards plan is to release random le epic “Prepare To Die™” events in the middle of a season then there’s no idea playing this game at the start of a season. I played a Bone Spear Necro because it was fun and majority of my playtime was within the first month. I finished the journey, got to level 100, got a great build with great stats and all gems to 21, cleared NM100 and killed Uber Lilith with it. Mission accomplished, right? Not so fast. Get ready for this new epic hard content!

My build was great for the pre Zir content. I had good dps that could burst Uber Lilith and with lidless wall and bone storm I have great tankyness even in NM100. My build gets absolutely smoked in AoZ. I have enough dps but the mob damage is crazy. With fortify/bone storm barrier/defensive vampire stuff I might tank 3 random mob hits or maybe stay in aoe for 1 second. With bone storm on cd I get one shot by anything. The end bosses 1 shot me no matter how much barrier or defense I have. And don’t get me started on Bone Spear and Supressor.

I honestly feel bamboozled, lol. Instead of playing the game at the start of the season I should’ve waited 2-3 months and hopped in playing the now established op class and build on maxroll so I can participate in the end game content that randomly pops up at the end of a season. I don’t have time to farm a new class, gems and new perfect items all over again. Guess I won’t get any AoZ achievements this season. Next season just call it the Abattoir of the Streamer.


I was really waiting for this.
Knew, leveling up this glyph to 200 will need long.
But i doubt, even the best players, playing 16 hours every day until S3 are able to level it up.
So yes, the devs were right. Nobody can beat AoZ with a level ~80 glyph, that was nerfed by 75% after announcement and can only be outleveled until season 9.
But, devs were right.

In any case, the whole thing makes about as much sense as Space Invaders. Only there was at least a highscore list and it’s a different feeling on the arcade machine.

My glyph is only level 5, but why play it up to 50?

The beta testing is getting on my nerves.
It doesn’t feel like fun at all.
It feels like work.
Like boring work, I have to say.


The 3 bosses stagger their attacks so all cool downs are exploited. Got to them with plenty of time to spare but their health was not dropping at all and unless I had 100% cool down reduction, it is impossible. They might have had cold damage reduction or some other stupid affix but I will never know.

I tried, I failed and no tools to see what to improve.

This is not meant for me. Time to check in on my D2 toons. Really disappointed in this stupid event.


let me guess, you put 0 effort in preparing.

ah…2 poster. no wonder.

And many of you play this all day, and it shows. Some of us were hoping they would find some middle ground for those of us with lives outside of video games. Glad this game is perfect for you. I am glad you found something meaningful and that it fulfills you.


You guys need to dial down the personal attacks and hostility. Its holiday season. Get your eggnog coma on and be happy!


enjoy your game, save for sympathy for cry baby. they dont deserved it.