Thoughts on Abattoir of Zir

I love getting one shot from a death explosion or stacked floor damage and the overtuned Blood Seekers at the end. May as well have had it be the Butcher instead.

Yep, zero chance I can beat the mini bosses at the end short of getting lucky with a shrine.

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oneshot is not difficulty


I died 8 times so far and 1 death was my fault.
The rest was insane lag.

http s://imgur .com/gallery/Da6mB6e

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Sounds like you are bad at d4 or your build is not balance into offence/defence, i one shotted everything and didnt even lose 1hp and finished the 1st stage. Bye.

Its time for the DEVs or Marketing people of blizz to do a live play round again in AoZ…
Lets see them die in vain… LOL

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Yep, done with this. I can make it to the final 3 mini bosses but zero chance against them. I guess I just need to pick the OP build of the season next time and follow the in crowd…


Same, one shots 4 times in a row (that was everything I had to craft, 4 sigils). Again over tuned (and that in Level 1) mobs, thinking this is fun. And before everyone goes crazy here hear me out: Level 100, full min-maxed build, sorc LB, full 21 glyphs all maxed, my resistances at 75% up to 85%. What else can I do to progress, if I can’t even finish the level 1 blood sigils. Like what am I actually hopping for trying over and over? I am done with this game. Will come back in season 5-6 or later on, when they realize that making this type of errors, will not help them on a long run. Hope PoE 2 will come out soon, so I can satisfy my needs of playing real ARPGs. Thanks.


You know what I hate the most about this? If you even dare to post that you can’t do it all the no-life meta build types pop in to tell you to “git gud”. They don’t offer any help they just lord it over you like it’s some kind of real achievement. I’m not sure bringing out the worst in people is going to do this game any good in the long run.


Lol, this is intended as an hardcore like objective to test ( they said you need a almost perfect build/gear/ability/git gudded)

I’m at 5 tier and think i can go a lil bit up until explode and get gutted myself

Anyway if you quit for a one shot kill in AOZ you just launch your pc/console out of the window and get gud in real life

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Yes, it was funny when on livestream they shown AoZ gameplay with OP broken build)))

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I was so looking forward to playing this new content. Played some T1-T4, but got low on sigil powders. Farming them is just not an option for me, as I only play like a few hours an evening, and I dont want to spend them farming keys. D4 was so casual friendly, I just loved it. And now it feels like I got blocked out of the game. I want to really try hard on this new dungeon, but blizz just wouldnt let me now. This is like really frustrating


You do realize that includes you as well. I agree with the rest of your sentiment, though.


I do not one shot the larger foes. But I also rarely die. I have a Frozen WW Barbarian: I look to test this. I currently think I am at 19k in life and nearly 13k in armor. Potions and incense…

F knows why they keep on making content for only broken builds.


It is if you’re trying to dodge it instead of just standing there.

  • knows why you are still here.

Abattoir of HoTA … all others go back to grinding Duriel


No doubt you’re using a totally unbalanced uber-OP build like BL sorc or HotA barb. I’m glad I decided to skip AoZ. Not wasting my time obtaining a glyph - let alone leveling a glyph that will be gone in a few short weeks anyway. AoZ was obviously designed only for unbalanced uber-OP builds like what was showcased by Blizzard in their video. I’ll pass.