Thoughts about diablo 4 Beta and some suggestions

Diablo 4 Beta test issues and proposed fixes

Too powerful
Completed Kor Dragan at level 18, Entered at 17, it is a level 25 area. Completed with decompose, corpse explosion, and blood mist. All other skills were passives.
Minions are to powerful in comparison to other classes in general, maybe scaling back health on all skeletons. I do not believe I had any legendary equipment on.
There was a noticeable power difference when leveling and I had no minions. It essentially made the minions necessary if I wanted to get through the content as fast as possible.
Minions should scale better or be comparable to necromancer’s minions, especially considering the skill point investment needed.
Ravens - I would have like to have seen the ravens fly above my character instead of coming out of thin air whenever they attack and then go away.
Items that give additional companions did not seem to work correctly I had to load into a different area to visually see my third wolf companion. I honestly was never able to tell if I had a second vine or additional raven.
Once legendary aspects were added to the character there was a lot of build diversity. Prior to attaining those aspects leveling the character was a struggle.
I felt as if I had to take hydra to make a strong character of this class. May only be an issue with current max level.
Players complaining about lower-level characters clearing same mobs easier. Remove level from character name on screen. Also gives it a truly unknown open world feel, if characters are roaming in the open world they should not know how strong other characters in the world are, unless the inspect them.
Sluggish loading experiences, specifically when leaving Kyovashad and using East Gatehouse. Happened several times requiring me to close the game all together and restart the program.
Adding points into skills to only add damage really deterred me from maxing out skills. It felt better to get passive skills unlocked, which effected multiple skills, rather than just up my damage by 10 on one skill.
If you pass an altar of lillith it should be marked on your mini map. It felt odd that only the completed altars would show up on the map.
Events would occasionally have the orange highlight on the map but not be running.
World events at strongholds never seemed to be on a timer, they seemed completely random.