Sorry? Look i don´t want to be harsh, but i have to talk more than i wanted. I hope you don´t mess with me, because i´m trying to maintain my health condition and still arguing you. Sorry if i say something that sounds rude, is not, is just i have a lot of stress in my life, so is hard for me. I hope you understand and not to become a troll.
Do you know that everything is a copy of a copy? i work as an artist (and learnt everything because i´m learning to become a game dev) from various decades ago, so YES, i want they LEARN when is neccesary to copy other ideas, also POE has copied a lot from diablo so what¿ if you don´t want copies, (that is not the same of plagiarism, specially when you are using reality as feedback) then don´t play games, because just the mechanic of movement and attack or do anything, is the same code than every single game in the entire world. The point and click is the most basic and is not only for mouse.
Well is ok you don´t agree, but saying all what you have been written is like you know nothing about what i´m talking, so you are just here saying i´m wrong (except for sorcerer), so i will tell you. THIS IS A GAME that tries to be realistic and they have been promising since years and years. SO YES, necromancers need to have movements instead of being a turtle, i gave a few examples of how they can improve it (it seems you didn´t even red), this is a huge handicap and you cannot play with others being necro because you cannot move that fast. Man, i have had the same body than a necro in real life and i have ran all my life with no problems, yes i was skinny, and damm you don´t know how much i was fast, even having the worst ASTHMA with alergic to dust (where i live we live with dust all the time), also runing with skates, bikes, etc. SO FREAKING YES, move faster-
Also necro players and others too say the same, and blizz already stated that they did a mistake, so you are wrong on it 100% is not about personal opinions, is about real facts. DND is nothing, if you want to compare DND add elves and dwarvs…man…
About Druid (you should specify more, cause druids comes from celtics, not dnd or fantasy, neither necromancers, cause african people did have myths about necromancy and they make the mistery of zombification when they went to Haiti and found a globe fish, that is pretty much the context of a necromancer, to have dead people working for u, is not true fantasy), i only said that the bear really moves like a bear in poe 2 and i prefer it, specially when you are in a party or world bosses or legions and comes a bear druid running more than everyone and oneshot everything while you are still moving like a turtle being necro (that is the most handicaped in movement) despites they have heavy weigh in this game, so have you seen olimpics peope being this weight to run? do you know that your heart would explode if you do this right?¿, is ok when werewolf move faster, that´s it, because the video is only about how the bear moves and attack. Actually real druids where medics, that healed people, like shamans, etc, they had connection with nature and animals and that´s why they knew what medicine to use, this is the reality of druids.
All what i said from the rest was because sorcerer is pretty much 3 element skills (also they are not the real elements, and in real life there are not 4 elements, you may think the movie 5th element as a reference, but is a movie, not real life), so yes, is not a sorcerer is a half sorcerer, due there are more elements, water, and air, the earth, can make ice, but is still water and air not ice, fire to uses combustible, but it needs air and needs something that can make burn the combustible, i give you real examples. (you can say that nature is earth or another element in life, but give it to druids)
And like i said if you burn with fire that uses 3 elements, (i studied metal foundry so i had to know what i was doing, so they have a triangle, oxigen, combustible and a spark, that´s also how you make fire, if you don´t have any oxigen, or other you cannot make fire)…so fire with hot water, or ice, you get melting so the heat and the frost creates a smoke that can burn everything around and also explode, it´s pretty dangerous, you cannot see here, but you can see it in a gacha chinesse free to play genshin impact, if you use water, ice with electricity there is electrocution (sorry if i say wrong words, i don´t even speak english), so that´s what i said about sorcerer, i know you didn´t disagree but i feel i have to explain more deepth everything-
Actually i can say that because druids also use vitality to become more strong, so yes they are too strong and too tanky. When devs said sorcerer and necros due they are glass cannon and they are more sorcery style, they are or should, and would be more powerfull than anyone else in terms of power attack, so YES ANOTHER FACT.
I have been reading and listening everything they promised since the begining, as in fact, i already knew about diablo 4 before people did know (years ago) because as an artist i look for other references AS REFERENCES TO COPY WHAT I LIKE, cause is what artist does, and i watched a lot of diablo 4 official concepts arts from a few artists i already knew that they were being paid from blizz to make concepts before they even announced diablo inmortal, actually was 2 years before. In fact i showed in the forum the proofs on diablo 3 forums showing the DRUID SPECIALLY, because it was like it is right now, and have the exact same looking, like being overweighted, i already knew and i liked it, and i saw the werewolf and other skills from druid before you even knew.
I play all classes so my points are not favourite class related. Was pretty fun because people didn´t understand that it was a true leak, and a legal, cause the artists where showing their work with diablo 4 official trademark as they usually do to make controlled hype or even talking about. People only messed with me, and here we are with the same thing that i said, just because people want to talk before they understand.
Barbarian, first, i don´t play videogames to escape reality, if i want to escape, i wouldn´t play a game, or be in a reality where people are worst than demons, pretty much the same than in real life. SO…is not very escaping right? the game shows the darkness on humanity that people don´t want to see, is not very escaping instead of facing reality, so the point is the opposite.
Look, as i said, i play everything, because i like the classes and i want more, also i would like more classes.
Continuing, Barb need to be tanky, but man, you cannot compare a fire storm, or a freeze storm nova against 2 handed weapons sorry, if you go pretty well muscled to a tornado, sorry but you will die. Is a fact, not a suposition- And being frozen like this remembers to demoltion man finish him, it was means to be.
Actually i love a lot of things of diablo 4, that´s why i give feedback, i don´t get paid for giving it, so i talk because i want they make the game better, using realistic feedback, not just what i want. If i talk of what i want, then the game wouldn´t be like this. And even the examples to improve the game, wouldn´t exist in my game-
About barbarian, you may think that is from fantasy, and you could say the big CONAN Arnold… But the fact is that is not fantasy, neither druids, that they were healers, not lifechangers, is not fantasy, even necros comes from truth. Barbarians was the name romanic empire gave to everyone who wasn´t on the empire, and then when they changed to catholic church, they did the same, also there are in north africa called bereber, is because catholic called barbarians (bereber=barbarian in their pronunciation) so barbarians never were muscle man, if we use the real barbarians they would look more as FREEMEN from DUNE. I hope you know the reference. But is ok to distort some things to make a funny game, actually that point of realism is boring, that´s why the middle is the best.
So, there is no any class that is not bassed on real life, rogues are rogues, assasins (they have been called HASHASINS since the begining), can be hunters, can be amazons, etc, whatever. They didn´t do amazons, because they are only females. So they changed to rogue cause they didn´t want to do demon hunter again and want both genders. But they are just people specialised in subterfuge and in fast combat, they even have ninja special skills. Like i said, there are no fantasy here only distorted history, that is why we play diablo instead of BLU BLU the monster. We all know hell stories, horns, bad monsters, etc. This game, wanted to be more close at reality and that´s why they used humans as main theme of the game, Horadrim are the mix of angels and demons, and humans are degeneration of horadrims falling in disgrace.
I can explain more in depth about this class and every class but it would cost me a lot of time, that i don´t wanna waste, i give you facts. Is not my game, is ok you disagree, is how you like the game, and is great man, you have your own thinking. But, i only talk here, when they are going out of the way they promised, just that. We can argue forever but i would prefer to be understanded instead of being responded while not being getting what i´m trying to explain, i think i have done too much effort doing something that is only rewarding with people saying i´m wrong or bad things, when man, i can argue with real facts forever with that.
So have a nice day, i hope you enjoy the game, as i´m doing, i really hope you get what i show, instead of only having a parcial opinion (and personal), remember i´m not giving a personal opinion, i never do with things like this. I cannot talk about space ships science, but i can talk forever with this stuff. Good luck, i see you in the hell.