This game is honestly boring

I don’t understand how Diablo 4 costs so much with how little content it has


The content is in farming the same 5 monster families and 12 dungeon layouts and 15 bosses over and over again with a smile.


You mean couple hundred hours of content?


The idea of renown is cool. Completionism gameplay is rewarded.
Helltides is fun with a bit of risk around it.
There is also PvP, with their own set of rewards/cosmetics.
You can also do Whispers events in all zones.
You also have scaling dungeons you can keep climbing.
An insane amount of side quests & stories to follow.
Some cosmetics to farm out.
Dungeons to acquire aspects for alts. So your level 1 can be decked out to the teeth.
Strongholds to unlock.

It’s really quite a lot actually for ARPG.
I’ve been playing with some of the WoW guildies, and playing together does it make more fun.

I’d also add (in the future) factions/reputations & tabards. You can pick and choose what factions to reach Exalted reputation with (like in WoW) to unlock cosmetics.


theres actually a ton of side quests, the quality of them however is 0/10 not kidding


By that do you mean busy-work that is unrewarding and not fun to play?

Youtube has millions of hours of “content”. 99% of it is absolute trash.


No game is for everybody.


This is a bad stance to take. It is in your best interest, if you enjoy the game, that it retains a healthy playerbase. It will not if opinions are not voiced. If you like it, great! Go enjoy your pony simulator. Adding useless spam posts and telling people to go play other games is not the way, which is all I’ve seen you do so far.


This post is the 6th post about being bored I’ve seen this morning, and it’s not even 10 AM where I live.


Do you kids not even play the campaign to come to such extreme conclusions?


It is important for people to voice their dissatisfaction. Otherwise, the devs assume all is gucci 100%.


So I found what’s in the game to be surprising. I expected a much lighter content delivery for release. So that’s been nice.

Of course all the things you listed people take for granted, right. “Content” is different to each person. For example, if my main jam was build diversity (it is), this game is very content-lite. Now my IQ exceeds 90 so I can be rational and realize it’s an early game and more stuff will be on the way, and balance/item support expands with every content update.

So i’m cool with it, for now. But yes we live in a “throw your toys out da pram” society with cheap internet, and anonymous websites so here we are.


I’d disagree on it being boring:

Combat: Feels good and keeps me engaged for a good amount of time. It’s a decent thread between D3 and D2 here

Helltides: I enjoy these for what they are. Same with Legion events which I’d put in the same category

PvP: The zone is quite fun due to density. The PvP isn’t great though. I farm here some when I have an opportunity

NM Dungeons: Ehhh… They’re being addressed some soon but for right now they’re not my favorite at all except for the fact that Sigils do allow for some power grinding

World Bosses: Make these better/harder

Essentially, room for improvement but I’m not finding it boring. There is enough to do if your goal/focus isn’t grinding a ton of hours per day imo


They could easily put their opinion in another thread rather than making a new one and spamming the front page with the same subject ¯_(ツ)_/¯

I mean, I personally don’t care. Just pointing out the double standard.


It hits a little differently when you see 6 posts at the top of the list that say “game is boring”.

Now whether or not those threads have worthwhile feedback is an entirely different topic… but still. I support them voicing their opinions. I said this months ago during the beta testing.

I was fooled by user comments and reviews into buying it. I had a presumption that the end game loop would be satisfying.

Turns out the entire game is a snoozefest.


If there are people satisfied with the game, is it not equally important for them to voice their opinion?


Dude I’m playing since the 1st ("early access) launch day and i finished the story and the side quests and dungeons only this weekend.

And i’m playing an unhealthy amount of time per day.
If you think this is little content, you are definitely playing the game wrong when you want content.


The story was mediocre at best
The sidequests are a snoozefest
The dungeons share the same few layouts and you have to backtrack for many of them.
I guess we’ll have to wait for the next expansion for the game to get good


Sure - make posts about what you like? :man_shrugging:

It is that the content is not engaging and doesn’t deliver the feeling one expects out of an ARPG.

  • Itemization is cumbersome and convoluted
  • “Content” is busy work side quests and copy/paste dungeons with low density and bad rewards → unrewarding playing experience
  • No sense of community in this game
  • Large open areas with little to do, very few mobs, etc…

There’s a lot of problems with this game. Blizzard has a bloated staff yet seems to get NOTHING accomplished.

It took them 10 years to produce this?!


The entire point of a forums is to generate a discourse.

If you want an echo chamber, make your own Discord with people who hate the game.