This game is honestly boring

Same here. Haven’t played a game this much since Divinity Original Sin 2. Completed WT2 this morning. Probably 80 or so hours over 2 1/2 weeks. Still so much more of the game to do. I rushed Acts 3, 4 and 5 because I was level 55 and it was too easy, despite mob scaling. Desperate to get to the next difficulty.


Hundreds of hours :rofl:

Same dozen monsters, same dozen dungeon layouts with almost identical requirements to proceed, (go get these two keys, kill these mobs or get that item) same iteration of bosses in said dungeons

I suppose the constantly waiting for lag to pass, the disconnections and reloading the game = quite a few hours though


Yeah this game sucks really bad dude.


Well that is your opninion. But somehow not in allignment of the average playerbase.
Let me guess.
You rushed through the campaign the first day you started playing and are already max level.

Yes i agree the dungeons (base dungeons. Not nightmare dungeons) are very similar and get boring very quickly. But in that case, you do something else. Because you can do something else. Remember when did you have the chance in Diablo 2 to do something else? Or something different? Everyone had to do the story 3 times over and then everyone else was only doing Baalruns and Contess runs.
WoW such fun.

Also D3.
Only after 2 years of release you got to choose what to do in the game. Before that you could do the campaign over and over again which was max 3 hours long.


But the devs dont read the forums.

Could that possibly be, I don’t know, because people are finding the content repetitive and boring?

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Show me where I said it wasn’t okay for people to voice their dissatisfaction with the game.

I’ll wait.

I don’t think the game even has a real end game. When I hit level 100 I don’t really have the motivation to continue that character, I just ended up starting a new character. The idea that I should farm for hours or days just to get an item with a 1.2% upgrade seems sorta dumb, whats even worse is if it doesnt drop and you didnt really progress in power at all. This is why I liked the infinite paragon system in D3 because even if we didnt find any item upgrades we still earned paragon points and made our characters stronger. Idk, im slowly losing enjoyment in the game…


Have to say I agree at this point, it feels like a grind (when I can play it and aren’t being disconnected) real dissapointment so far but I remain optimistic as D3 was terrible at launch too and I very much enjoyed that by the end

You will take it and you will like it or the forum police will down vote you into an oblivion

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I’ll do that right after you show me where I said you did…

Then why did you interject to bring up a point that I wasn’t even contesting? Do you even understand why I brought it up in the first place?

The software engineers may not read the forum, but the producers and leaders said they do.

Well, you guessed wrong. I’ve tried to give the game a fair shake. I’m level 60. It is painful to login. I did roll a new class last night and it put me to sleep within 30 minutes.

You are still missing my point. The endless runs can be fun if the rewards are there and the combat is fun. Something about dull skills, bad itemization, and poor XP make it … not fun.

k… and here we are 10 years later, they couldn’t learn any lessons and apply them?


Far more release content then we had in D2 and D3 even with expansions.

Everyone wants to compare the glory days of Diablo 2, but basically all we did end game was grind to 99, farm act 3 boss and farm act 5 boss. Over and over, oh and dupe windforces in tristram, or zeal kill anyone who walked out the town gate.

D3 we had rifts. They sucked. We had bounties, they were basically the same.

D4 has helltides, bounties, side quests, dungeons, nightmare dungeons, PVP zones that are basically the dmz from the division, and yes it’s all basically the same. But so was it’s predessesors.

Take breaks, play something else when you burn out, go watch Crunchyroll, idk. Go trash talk in fortnight or COD like every 13 year old out there. Either way complaining that you personally are bored without adding anything constructive is basically just trolling for the sake of attention, call your parents tell them your lacking in the hugs department? Idk.


I mean, if the dude is bored, playing another game isn’t the worst advice to give.

Also if your bored instead of forcing yourself to play, take a break and then pop back in on season release? That’s basically what I’m doing at this time, because almost every game out there is the same, I do a lil raiding in FFXIV, I watch some Netflix/HBO/crunchy/etc. I toss around some jrpgs, like the atelier series here and now, and I wait for the season, because the games not even a month old and I’m curious to see what Blizzards long term is. I think the first season will give us an idea.

This game is honestly boring

Then just leave, seeing these threads is getting boring

D4 needs GreaterRidts with leaderboards(or even actual dungeons eith leaderboards) and group find - this kept D3 for years as a played gsme.

Feel free to stop playing

Looks like more people are reaching the end game after this weekend. Welcome to the club brother. We have been giving this feedback for weeks.