This fanbase is impossible to please. The game is fine

What exactly do some of you want? D2R exists for a reason - I dunno about you, but i’m too old and tired of doing meph/chaos/baal runs until my eyes bleed in the hopes I get a decent drop. Been there done that, for over a decade. And honestly speaking, I was so hyped for D2R, and when it came out I played it for a month or two and stopped. I typically only play hardcore mode these days as well. Ladder reset is the same thing, you chase the item, don’t even bother trying to get 99 unless you have a well established team, doing the same runs for hours on end. I don’t have the time anymore, and if you do, more power to you. I’m not 15 anymore, I want a game I can jump on and have a good time and kill things, and most importantly have fun.

I for one don’t mind that Diablo 4 is trying a different route. Besides some tweaks here and there, the game is quite fine. It needs some work, but overall the product will be enough to get your moneys worth, if you think otherwise you are stuck in a fantasy land, time to take off the rose tinted glasses. If the perfect game exists go play it, because it aint gonna be Diablo 4, but it will be a good game that you can get many hours out of to make it worth your while.

A few things I personally would like seeing changed are: the text, the generic text from the item drops is a little off putting and doesn’t fit well with the game. A zoom for us PC users would be nice as well. Obviously some changes to some of the talent trees and balancing is definitely needed. Also, we’ve seen Act 1 of the game… That’s it.


Totaly agree, unfortunately you can not please everyone. But let the others complain while we others will have a lot of fun with the game.


People wanted d2 with new scenario, new classes, new graphics.

That’s literally how simple it is lmao.

Instead we got wow Diablo version.


D4 has nothing to do with WoW.


Every beta is like this for every game I have ever played in. People just like to complain and the forums allow this to happen.


You mean besides the theme park mmo style, the useless side quests, dungeons etc?


Yep, the amount of whining on here is unbelievable. There are thousands of old games players can go play if they were the peak of perfection. Just go do it.
Most of the people who are demanding pre-order refunds are those without the self-awareness to realize this is exactly what they were going to do all along, and just not pre-order in the first place.
And this is just a beta. It’s over two months until launch. Please, those of you who are here just to complain, do NOT bother attempting to log in on launch day. Everyone else who is actually trying to enjoy it will be better off without you clogging up the servers.


These useless sidequests give you XP, mats, gold, items, Obols and Renown. Renown gives you over 1 million gold, 10 skill points, 400 more max Obols and 5 extra Potion Charges if you complete all 5 Areas.

But sure. Ignore them. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


What a ridiculous expectation


Stop being childish and wanting that every opinion on the internet is like your own. A game with this level of hype will have dissenting opinions. It’s normal especially as we’re were served a largely flawed game.


Largely flawed? In your subjective opinion? How is a game that you’ve played a very small percentage of, flawed?


Had blizzard cloned D2 for D4, there would have been crying about lack of innovation and sameyness.


There are 5 Acts. I like all what Renown is presenting so far. Nothing is bloat only your brains.


Exactly. Hahahah. Couldn’t have said it better myself.


Truly, the cellars need more incentive to go into. As of right now, they are not worth the loading screen(s).


It’s my personal opinion that I have seen most of this game in terms of core gameplay through act 1. In fact I would thank Blizzard for giving us such a massive Demo for us to play.

One positive I have to give is that performance has been superb. Not a single crash. I noticed zero bug or glitch too.

But all the problems I have with this game are the design. Mainly how they try to mix Diablo 2 with an MMO. It’s jarring. But of course the crowd that loves lost Ark and all these online games will like this casual gameplay.

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Diablo have always been casual, nothing new.


Game isn’t fine stat rerolls are too expensive

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This you? You’re the one here complaining about it not being what you want.

let them complain their opinions mean nothin to me, i am enjoying the game (when iam able to actually play it would be nice if it would stop crashing all the time)