This explains everything - wow

You’re good. You’re real good.

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This explains why the game is poorly done and dungeons are terrible. Too many people trying to add their 2 cents in. Path of Exile know how to put on a show!


OK, so, let’s assume the following scenario

You have a car company and you want to showcase the new series of the new model that has top-notch “state of the art” tech features and call for the…

Chasis cleaner

Quite literally the window/chasis cleaners to do the “test drive” and showcase the car’s (new) features/performances to the world

No offense, Asmon is 1000% right, whether we’d like to admit it or not Blizz did a terrible promotion job (whichever the idea/goal behind it was)


Game sucks. Period. Male, female, agender, bigender, gender fluid - doesn’t matter. This is a trash game in its current state. You’re so focused on the populace “denigrating” the developers, when what you fail to realize is it’s not them we’re pointing out - it’s their collectively flawed work, which we all paid for.

Go on though. Your in-depth knowledge of this team and constant rallying behind everything Blizzard really does put forth how much of a shill your are. I’m really starting to bet you’re on the payroll - you defend this game daily and with ferocity.

The masses have spoken. The game is garbage. It could get better - but with everything else releasing this year and countless hours to be had elsewhere, why even bother until at least S3?


Man, it looks too optimistic, probably at least until the new expansion. The question is of course, will anyone buy it at all?


What you fail to realize is that I was literally responding to someone who called the people on stream untalented and unskilled because they were diversity hires.

But go on. Keep interjecting some nonsense about a conversation you weren’t even a part of because my presence triggers you so hard.

It’s not in-depth knowledge. It’s more like understanding that a senior designer is not the same as a lead designer and then looking up who the real lead designer is. A very simple Google search that the person I was responding to very clearly didn’t bother to do.

You can believe whatever you want, sweetheart. I still live rent-free in your head.

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Guess what tho… don’t matter… we all bought it and can not refund it.


Merit > Quotas

20 lollies

Guess what, sweetie. Your post was on the forum. So it’s not really just yours. Yeah. Maybe take it into a private message if you want your conversations between you and just one other person.

You can shrug off any sort of design flaw or anything that has to do with a “diversity hire”, but the truth is…the game sucks. I think that’s pretty clear from the reviews, recent articles floating about the internet and just the general mood of these forums.

You consume none of my thoughts - not you anyhow. You’re faceless. An abyss of petty words and spiteful thoughts. You’re akin to a wall of graffiti spouting nonsense and hyperbole. You don’t matter to me. Just so you’re aware.

What does bother me, is that the spawn of corporate greed and commercialism through pseudo-marketing and media manipulation contend with those of us intelligent enough to know a paid actor when we see one. We see you.


Tone-Death at Blizzard on probably every level at this point. Look to BG3 to see how it supposed to be done guys. SMH


I mean, you’re free to join the conversation if you so please. Just understand that if you interject without understanding the full context of the discussion, I’m not going to put much merit in what you say.

“Spiteful thoughts” Big accusations coming from the guy who is, quite literally, responding to me out of spite.

You know, you say that I don’t matter to you, but this is about the 4th or 5th time now that you have come into a thread and accused me as being a paid actor/shill/white knight/etc., so what you say doesn’t really line up with what you do.

I don’t know, man. If I felt so apathetic towards someone the way you allegedly feel towards me, I don’t think I’d even give that person the time of day. I think you care a little.



It feels like many people have taken the stance that these folks don’t know how to play… but I feel like they’re more casually playing and using it as a backdrop while they talk about some of the development methods that were used.

Honestly, I could care less about the game play unless this was touted as “Devs showing players that they actually play the game” I didn’t get that vibe from this video - it seemed more of a casual play through while chatting.

I’m probably in the minority here.


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What the hell do you mean by this? I agree with most you state but def. not this…being a women or LGBTQ+ has nothing to do with why this game is horrid!!!

Absolutely correct. We’re all still doing what they want us to do. When even just saying “No we’re not!” is doing what they want you to do :slight_smile:

The one thing they can and do count on is subjects being subjective :slight_smile:

Burn in Hell fascist!

You’re right…in a way. There are plenty of “insert whatever” devs that are absolutely fantastic. But…if you are passing up good, quality candidates – just to fill a quota - then that’s a serious problem. I believe blizz actually stated that they were going to go out of their way to hire specific groups of people about two to three years ago.

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No you’re not. You care more about the agenda than the game. What’s your highest character level in the game?

93 on eternal and 91 in season…
Curious to see where this goes…

Ok, so you know the game sucks.

I know it has issues, I agree s1 is not good.

Sorry 92 in season I just hit the next level. And I have 4 characters on Eternal, but the highest is 93 Sorc.

And the comment you replied to was a joke, in response to what Bodach said, that is what the little smiley face means. :wink: I think you may have taken it too literally.