Third Party App: Diablo IV overlay is permitted? #ModCheck

what if their pc isnt’ fast enough to alt tab?

what if they don’t have a phone?

what if they don’t have a second monitor?

Too many what if’s. It’s going to get you banned regardless.

The fact that you’re debating it means you know its against the ToS especially because everyone told you.

I.E. majority rules. (look at laws, this is why they are voted on.)

But please, go ahead and just yes use it. You seem to question everything.

Sounds like you also use it tbh. i hope they do investigate tbh.

That website does not connect to Diablo 4 in any way, nor does it ‘change or facilitate gameplay’. That website is a community resource that players submit data to manually.

If people were to make an add-on that reads the game to populate that website correctly OR an add-on that took info from that website and displayed it in game… that would violate the terms of use. But having a website that players can use to document the things they have seen while playing so other players can reference it without having it interact directly with the game in any way… that’s not a cheat.


Yeap, this was perfectly said.

Did you fail to read?

methods not expressly authorized by Blizzard (whether accomplished using hardware, software, a combination thereof, or otherwise), influencing and/or facilitating gameplay,

The website isn’t expressly authorized by Blizzard (to my knowledge) and definitely influences gameplay.

Do you work closely with Blizzard or their devs? Because that is all that is important here for D4.

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My assessment is that you are overconfident about your interpretation of the TOS, and so much so that you’re framing your opinion as fact while simultaneously denouncing my own as false. And THIS is the best example of why we need actual official statements when something does break TOS.

I said I want an official statement from the beginning. Next time you insert yourself into a thread, read it.

False, it sounds like you cannot decipher what MissCheetah said nor can you decipher what the terms of service state. Which is why you need to either GO TO SCHOOL or HIRE A LAWYER to read it for you and break it down.

EDITED: just also wanna be clear, all the years and all the games and forums MissCheetah’s posted on i would assure you their credibility is substantial.

Now ask yourself “What if I’m wrong?” and imagine how this post looks if you are.

If neither you or I decide what breaks TOS, as you stated, why is it a problem with you that I’m here discussing it and not accepting your interpretation? And why are you insulting me?

Still dodged my question for the second time.

Lets go for a third! Will he dodge!?!?

Asking the same question I did earlier since you dodged it.

So someone has an xbox, no other source of searching information.
You’re both doing shrines of lilith
While you have a map overlay for shrines of lillith.
You don’t have an advantage thats coming from outside of the original state of the game?

Nope, they shouldn’t ask that. They’ve been around forever and the whole world is telling you that a 3rd party app that attaches itself to the first party app is a DIRECT MODIFICATION to the game even if no advantages.

Read the ToS. This is my last response to you because continue about it means you’re trolling. If you don’t understand i already provided you with the answer to understand which is to go to school and or hire a lawyer to decipher it for you.

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You have a HUGE misunderstanding of what automation is, and are another very good example of why official statements are needed.

If you read the thread, I said that statements would only be necessary for trending programs, like this one, and only if they broke the TOS.

You do realize everyone in here is replying to you on how you’re wrong, but 90% of your posts are you telling everyone else they’re wrong, right?

Like I said hours ago, take the L. It’s ok if you can’t comprehend the TOS, just dont use 3rd party software to impact your gameplay and you’re fine.

I just went through the posts and you never asked me this.

You not being able to look something up because you lack a phone is the dumbest argument I’ve seen against the overlay yet. Congratulations.

To answer your question, the TOS does not care about your lack of ability to access publicly available information, and it is irrelevant to the legality of the overlay.

Majority rules :clown_face:

look at laws :clown_face:

I just went through the posts and you never asked me this.

You not being able to look something up because you lack a phone is the dumbest argument I’ve seen against the overlay yet.

So you’re agreeing that it’s and advatage to someone that doesn’t have access to an external map of shrines? You still attempted to dodge it by not directly answering it.

Take the L man.

To answer your question, the TOS does not care about your lack of ability to access publicly available information, and it is irrelevant to the legality of the overlay.

So what you’re really trying to say is the TOS cares about how you get that information into the game? Correct? You’re so close man, just admit it, you’re wrong.

Your endorsement isn’t exactly a shining gold star.

I’ve seen other statements from them that were blatantly wrong. There’s nothing wrong with being wrong, but being wrong while standing on a pedestal and claiming it as a fact is a bit of an issue.

You’re misinterpreting the definition of ‘influencing or facilitating gameplay’. In technical terms those words mean ACTUALLY impacting the way the game functions. ie. modifying or reading the game files.

But I understand why you’re making that mistaken interpretation, legalize is tough to interpret for sure.

A large part of my job is enabling automation, you tool. Anytime software does a job that would otherwise require manual input… that’s automation. Its not complicated. (Implementing automation can be very complicated, but the concept? Very easy.)


Folks, don’t take argument bait unless you are really really bored and have nothing better to spend your time on. It might be better than dealing with family gatherings, but meh?

When all someone wants is to argue, and is not going to listen, it may not be worth it. You won’t change your mind and will just waste your time and energy.

P.S. Lumpy, I have been wrong before, and will be wrong again in life. I am old. I have no issues with it. I am not going to try to debate that with you though. If, in the end, I am wrong, so be it. Chances are high that I am right and it is far far better to err on the side of caution and prevent people from doing something that would cause an account action. Please don’t try to cast me as something I have never pretended to be. You want arguments. I don’t. If you want to risk your own account, I can’t stop you.

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Don’t blame me for writing such vague TOS. LOL! With how vague Blizzard has crafted their TOS, following a build guild could be considered an exploit. LMAO