Third Party App: Diablo IV overlay is permitted? #ModCheck

It’s not a reach. It’s literally what the TOS says. Your misunderstanding of what “advantage” means and how it is applied proves my statements earlier in this thread, which I’m sure you went back and read, right?

I really don’t like calling people names or insulting their abilities. I do find it frustrating when someone won’t, or can’t, see the point no matter how many times it is explained.

Either they don’t want to understand and prefer to argue, or they can’t. Either way it is not worth making it personal or keeping the argument going.

Blizzard makes the decisions. Period. If he wants to risk a penalty on his account that is up to him. Hopefully others make better decisions.

Thats not their job. Stop.

Secondly, lawyers that write TOS don’t come to explain them. You either need to go to SCHOOL and get a law degree and decipher them yourself, or hire a lawyer if you can’t decipher the ToS.

Lets be clear here: Your personal definition of advantage is meaningless in this context.

The only opinion that matters is Blizzard’s. And I am not willing to risk my account on guessing whether my definition is the same as theirs. You can if you want. I won’t stop you. But none of us will feel any pity for you if your account gets locked as a result of you trying to push your luck on that, and Blizzard certainly won’t accept your appeal on the grounds of ‘I had a different definition of advantage’.

I think overwolf is bad for gaming and bad for your own computer network security. If you need anything outside of the game to play the game you are playing with things that other players don’t have which is an advantage not intended.

I think you suck if you have to use 3rd party aps to play a game.

you can use opti + an image of the undiscovered map to create a janky 3rd party overlay that worked rather wonderfully for me trying to find the altars.

it was very helpful, and since opti is a standalone overlay app that has nothing to do with diablo and is typically used for cad applications its completely undetectable, although its very VERY janky and requires a lot of tinkering.

You literally described doing the same thing to provide the same information. The program looking at my position on the map is the same as you looking at your position on the map. The program accessing their own database is the same as you accessing their database on the website.

You do know that the program can access your location without accessing the memory or files, that it can simply “look” at your minimap, right?

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And essentially you just admitted to using an “undetectable third party application as an overlay”

You were just Detected.

i think that anyone using 3rd party apps is just indicative of the Devs failing to create a properly engaging experience in that part of the game, and forcing their players to find a solution to their ineptness. but here we are.

what next, ban people for opening paint?

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They haven’t said so, and if you read the thread you’d know that I’m advocating that they should say so if it was cheating.

They do. Read them. If you can’t comprehend them hire a lawyer. Thats how it works.

Edit: everyone should stop asking them to clarify honestly, they clarified in their Terms of service a LONGGGGGGGG time ago.

But please, if those who want to even ask, just go ahead and use it honestly. All you’re doing is donating more money to blizz because they will likely catch you.

You’re a walking, talking dunning–kruger effect.

No its not. One is automation, the other is a person acting.

“Me clicking my mouse on screen vs the program clicking my mouse on screen is the same thing” - no its not.

Are you willing to pay the few hundred thousand dollars a year it takes to hire sufficient experts for them to evaluate each and every individual piece of software for viability?

Because they aren’t going to do so themselves. If you want to approach Blizzard and agree to fund them having an ‘approval team’ for D4 add-ons, you can make that proposal to them - probably best to do it via official channels rather than the forums though.

They have made a statement in the terms that ‘anything that interacts with game files in any way is banned’ and ‘we reserve the right to restrict your access on our sole discretion’. That is their blanket coverage. They’re not going to do more because this is sufficient for 99.99% of players. The few people who refuse to accept that this is a catch all meant to cover any attempt to automate the playing process… they can just ban. No big loss.

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Yeah… I wasn’t serious about blizzard lawyers coming to the forums.

Also not sure if you’re replying to the correct person. I’m literally the one posting the terms of service because Lumpy can’t comprehend what they mean lol

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This statement right also beyond true except for one thing. They don’t lose if they ban you. People can’t “live without their game! wahhhh!” and they will buy another copy.

Just don’t do it. Don’t Cheat. Don’t Overlay, nothing like that.

You’re right, my bad. Sorry about that!

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1. a condition or circumstance that puts one in a favorable or superior position.

Someone doesn’t use the overlay is in the same position as someone that does. Both players have access to the same information.

You then used the correct word, benefit. Someone that uses the overlay has the benefit of not having to tab out. That benefit does not affect the gameplay, it streamlines the process of accessing that data from outside the game.

  • cheats; i.e. methods not expressly authorized by Blizzard (whether accomplished using hardware, software, a combination thereof, or otherwise), influencing and/or facilitating gameplay, including exploits of any in-game bugs, and thereby granting you and/or any other user an advantage over other players not using such methods;
  • any code and/or software, not expressly authorized by Blizzard, that can be used in connection with the Platform and/or any component or feature thereof which changes and/or facilitates the gameplay or other functionality;* must be an exploit then. Good luck policing it though!

Why bother with 3rd party QoL when Blizzard doesn’t care about this game? Save your energy overwolf team, d4 aint worth it

Asking the same question I did earlier since you dodged it.

So someone has an xbox, no other source of searching information.

While you have a map overlay for shrines of lillith.

You don’t have an advantage thats coming from outside of the original state of the game?

But please, dodge the question again