Third Party App: Diablo IV overlay is permitted? #ModCheck

Except the terms of use are not silence. The terms state, as a blanket, all of this stuff is prohibited. So unless Blizzard someday partners with one of these softwares and makes it clear its allowed, it is prohibited(like FFXIV did with that immerse spatial audio thing). It is up to Blizzard whether they choose to PURSUE such violations, though, so you won’t always get punished for every infraction. But you could at any time.

For example, In many cities jay-walking is illegal, but the vast majority of the time even if you did it in front of a cop you wouldn’t get a ticket because its not worth their time to pursue every case of it. But you could get a ticket any time you do it, and them not enforcing it doesn’t mean the law doesn’t forbid it.

Read the EULA. It is pretty clear and has already been quoted a few times in the thread.

prometheus already beat me to including it again for you.

Do NOT change the gameplay or features using outside means. Esp if it

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Why is it cheating for a program to know where I am to provide me with information from their own database when someone alt-tabbing also knows their own location in the game while accessing information from the same database? Isn’t the issue having knowledge that a player without the program wouldn’t have? There is no unfair advantage in this context.

Bro you’re reaching so hard now. Just take the L or take it up with blizzards lawyers to re-write their TOS. This isn’t reddit lol

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I gather you simply like to argue?

  • You manually looking at the map in game, then glancing over at a paper or monitor map to figure out where you are.
  • Overlay pulling data from the game to show you where you are in relation to an overlay map.

You can’t see the difference? Pulling any data at all from the game memory/files is not allowed.

It is not some sort of earth shattering OMG massive thing, but it is against the rules.


Because Blizzard says so and this is their world you’re in.

Its like ‘why is stealing from the rich illegal?’ - because the people who make the rules say so. It may not make sense to you, but it doesn’t HAVE to make sense to you. You’re in a place where you’re subject to someone’s rules, and thus they decide the rules regardless of whether they make sense to you.

For sure, pulling information not available to you with your own eyes would be a line crossed, but if an overlay doesn’t provide that unfair advantage or other unfair advantages, it’s not inherently cheating.

doesnt discord have an overlay?

Discord’s overlay doesn’t interact with game info. It just shows you information from discord itself.

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What overlay doesn’t give an advantage? Why do you need an overlay with no benefit?

Like we said above, you just like to argue. It’s the TOS, if you don’t like it, uninstall the game. Crying on the forums for hours on end isn’t going to change it.

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You bolded this as if you think this alone makes it against TOS. lmao

This overlay doesn’t give you an advantage that is not available to someone not using the overlay. Someone not using the overlay has access to all of the information provided by the overlay.

An overlay does not modify files.

The overlay does not change the gameplay or make the gameplay easier. It makes access to data available outside of the game easier.

What overlay is that? If someone has a PC or Console with only diablo installed and no access to anything outside the game, they have that same information in game that the overlay provides? If not refer to the TOS once again.

Bro you’re so dense and just want to be right, take the L and go back to reddit lol.

The TOS does not prohibit ALL third-party software, and the fact that you think it does reinforces my argument that the TOS is too complicated for many people to understand.

“it doesn’t change the game play, it just changes the game play to make it easier”


I replied to him disputing all of that, if you want to retort.

You’re literally questioning everything in the TOS because you can’t comprehend the TOS. You’re the stupid one, not everyone else that’s telling you word for word what’s in the TOS and you can’t distinguish exactly what that means.

It prohibits all software that interacts with or modifies game files, particularly if it gives an advantage.

Of course it can’t prohibit ALL third party software… Windows is third party software. Edge is third party software. Chrome is third party software. Nobody’s stupid enough to think that it prohibits all third party software.

But it does prohibit any third party software that interacts with Blizzard’s game files.


No, I really don’t. I am not going to argue with you about the minutia of the terms. You don’t want to accept them for what they are, and how they have been enforced by Blizzard in the past.

The only real decision maker here is Blizzard, not me, and not you. It is not worth my time to try to tell you what can get you banned when you are not going to believe me.

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The CEO and Lawyer that wrote the TOS could come into this thread and he would still try to argue. He’s too dense to comprehend what anyone is telling him here.

Based on this video, its cheating. That may be an “overlay” but its accessed on the game itself. Regardless if it provides an advantage or not, its third party software that is not part of the game.

even if you can just google this stuff or use another device to look at it or whatever, its still attaching itself to the game as an “Overlay” aka, its on the games screen which = bannable.