Third Party App: Diablo IV overlay is permitted? #ModCheck

You mean a developer. You’re clearly unfamiliar with the process so I’ll help you out. First, pick your platform of choice: Unreal, Unity, GoDot, etc. Open it up. Great work! Now, here’s the part that you don’t seem to understand.

Literally anything you do in here requires you to make a script to do it and by this logic, any program that you choose to run, contains scripts. Now let’s say you launch one of these programs that alters the behavior of Diablo 4 and then wonder why you got banned.

Just because you’re uneducated doesn’t mean everyone is. If you bothered to research it you’d know what can be used to detect interactions, such as a signature-based scanner.

Here, I’ll do 1% of the work for you by giving you something to read. Google “Detecting Cheaters for Multiplayer Games: Theory, Design and Implementation[1]” and click the pdf result.

EvErYthHinNg ThAt UsEs ScRiPtS iS a ScRiPt

By your logic, I’m going to get banned because I use Windows11 to run the game. I’m going to get banned for allowing AMD or Nvidia to manipulate graphics options. I’m going to get banned for using OBS to stream or record the game. I’m going to get banned for changing the DPI or remapping a key on my mouse.


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windows 11 isn’t altering your game. grow up kid.


That’s its primary function, my dude.

Stay salty.

It actually isn’t. I really hope you’re trolling because there’s no way you’re this dumb.

I just used Windows11 to turn the volume down in my Diablo 4 game so I can clearly hear your next reply.

Go run autohotkey to macro your skills, lemme know how it turns out.

I hear those goalposts moving.

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This game is missing so much QoL, they should be wanting people to develop more stuff like this.


I see you’re too afraid to try it since you aren’t banned yet.

What if I use AHK to run the script F1::F2 ? lol

going by those rules, just having any window pinned overtop daiblo 4 will get me banned? So i can’t even pin a vlc movie for pseduo pip? Seems almost totalitarian

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If F1 or F2 have functions in the game then yes, most likely. But hey, try it out and lemme know. :slight_smile:

That isn’t the same. By your logic, having a sticky note on your monitor is against ToS. What we’re referring to is running an application that deliberately alters how the game is intended to operate.

It literally just rebinds f1 to f2, just like Razer Synapse can do. I think you need to lrn2dev better.

Yes im sure the automated flagging system knows best right? /s

RazerSynapse is probably fine. Running the script most likely isn’t, but hey when your balls drop give it a shot.

You keep proving how little you know, Mister Developer. LMAO

You’re arguing for the sake of arguing. I’m not telling you what to do. I said it is likely unsafe to run autohotkey to macro commands in game. If you want to do it anyway, you do you booboo.