Third Party App: Diablo IV overlay is permitted? #ModCheck

If the overlay can update information by reading the game state, it will could get you banned. Blizzard gets a bit grumpy when apps pull data from their game clients as they are running.

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I’m pretty sure Blizzard knew about an Overwolf map overlay before you reported it. I didn’t even know about it until today because I’d have no use for it at this point and used mapgenie’s website for what I did want a map for.

From what I understand the Overwolf overlays don’t read a games memory, they use OCR to look at something like your minimap when it’s up and adjust the map based on that.

Who cares if they knew about it. I make sure to report every AHK, Github repo, Overlay etc… that I see. Gotta make sure the cheaters are noticed.

I really hope they do an overlay like D2R, especially with adjustable transluscency. They also need to address the current map not centering when the quest window is open and the cursor being damn near impossible to see half the time (both on the map and on the battlefield).

The honest truth about D4 is that it’s a potentially great game marred by a very badly done UI that gets in your way more than it helps. Even now we’re still accidentally clicking on chat and activating the window during combat and/or activating our UI “buttons” via click when trying to maneuver on the mount. With a good UI and fixing the problems D4 has that mirrored the exact same mistakes D3 made in D3v and just after the RoS launch, nearly all of my complaints about the game would vanish outright.

Also, an in-game event calendar for world bosses would be grand. We can’t realistically expect every player to know to check the D4 World Boss Timer Twitter account nor can we expect that account’s maintainer(s) to do so indefinitely.

Do you guys not remember TurboHUD for D3? Did a lot more than this simple overlay, and no one was ever banned for it. I would say you are safe. It isn’t changing any game files or hooking in.

I know at least one person that was banned for turbohud… just fyi. my uncle.

he used it because he is 60+ and damn near blind (strong exaggeration, but he does have a hard time seeing dark games) and the big orange and blue blobs on the map allowed him to know where something like an elite pack was. now is that an advantage? or is it like colorblind settings? hard to say, but the eula is pretty clear on it…

The reason most people weren’t banned is because turbohud was very hard to detect… so, yeah, most people didnt get banned.

turbohud was issued at least one cease and desist order as well, if memory serves, so if you use a program that has recieved a CnD from a company, don’t be surprised if you get banned.

Seperately, overwolf overlays have been allowed in many blizz games and while I do not know about the one in question, they do a good job of following the rules or changing the features when notified they are not in compliance.

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I never said anything about approval. If a third-party program is becoming popular they will know about it. The community will ask. They, meaning someone in a position of authority above customer service, can make an assessment for the community at that time and provide a statement of denial if applicable via Twitter, serving the community by preventing bans for simply trying out a QOL mod (in this case), and serving themselves by reducing support demand and retaining customers that never intended on breaking the rules in the first place.

Obviously. I already explained that the problem is that every third-party program is suspicious and we have to ask about them all due to the broad and vague TOS that is selectively enforced.

A second monitor to use google on gives you an advantage over other players.

Bro when you see @Kabooms just ignore him, even with 100% valid arguments he ll come up a bs to justify his words, like our precious devs


Again, the question is not “is this allowed” the question is “is this prohibited” and the only answer is “yes” or silence, because a no would be approving the software, and silence allows it to remain ambiguous.

And here’s where the problem lies. You’re admitting that you DO have the ability to find all of this without the program, therefore it is not “granting an advantage over other players not using such methods”. But that’s MY interpretation, while YOUR interpretation is different, just like the two people above you with conflicting opinions. And somehow, if we get banned, it’s OUR fault for misinterpreting their TOS. You made a statement about it being detailed, it is not, and this is why.


This should’ve answered the question.

Doesn’t matter. The fact of the matter is, a script is running in the background that affects the game; be it a mod or AHK or whatever. Here’s the thing. Blizzard can’t tell what it’s doing, but they know it’s running and flag it. Maybe you’re hacking, maybe you’re just macroing your skills, but that isn’t the deciding factor.

I saw some streamers using the clicking one that allows multiple fast clicks, not sure if it’s legit, it’s been there since D3.

AHK key bind is another famous one with barb users to time their 3 shouts together. That is one I use a lot on PoE for multiple potion press at the same time to spare my lazy fingers.

People like you are a fine example of why the community becomes confused about the details of the TOS.

I, as someone that knows what a script is, can tell that you have no idea what a script is.

I, as someone that somewhat knows what Bliz can see, can tell that you have no idea what they can see.

Stop spreading false information.

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I can’t tell if you’re trolling or actually believe these intrusive thoughts so lemme help you out. AHK is a script. A mod, is a script. Neither of these are built into the game hence 3rd party.

I don’t understand why you don’t understand.

Barbs can’t time all 3 shouts together because there’s a 1 second cast time on Challenging Shout, for whatever reason. Also, this doesn’t require AHK to do.

People have been banned for overlays, any 3rd party software is risking a ban. Don’t do it OP

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You 100% don’t know what blizz can see, please stop lmao

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A script is a program that is interpreted or carried out by another program, such as a script interpreter, rather than being executed directly by the computer’s processor.

You’re one of those people that call every program a script. lol