They need to just remove every affix

I just can’t believe these affixes made it into the real game. Why on earth would you design multiple affixes that attack you constantly out-of-combat?

Stormbane’s Wrath designer should honestly be put on another project or something.


There’s a select few I instantly vendor, pretty much any affix that spawns something into game to hassle you or waste more time killing.


Need to be more specific with that title. I was expecting a rant about itemization, not NM dungeons.


Both. Why not both. Item affixes are trash too


I can’t check the map or stop to drink my water because this rock/missile/portal/whatever is gonna kill me out-of-combat.

It’s trash.


I came up with an updated version of this that would bring alot of fun back.

Nightmare Dungeon Affixes = Nightmare Dungeon Affixes can git gud with this updated system! 👍

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i didnt bother reading the positives.

90% of the negatives are trash and have the same issues we currently have with affixes.

to be exact ABCEGHKLNPQS

are absolute trash.

what everyone needs to understand is that the affixes NEED TO BUFF THE MOBS IN THE DUNGEON not spawn more garbage. you just need mobs to be buffed.

so something like blizzard and meteor affixes should be akin to: elites can cast meteor/blizzard

They just need to add rifts back to the game.

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Yes another 5-10 years of the same game mode with new graphics style, exciting…

smh, d3 still loads if i am not mistaken.

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its not about not giving positives a chance, i just dont have comments on positives, i dont care what buffs you give me, what i care about is that we dont spawn more stuff into a dungeon. buff elites. want meteor? elites cast meteor. want blizzard? elites cast blizzard. want blood tendrils? elites cast them.

thats the only real solution to dungeons.

We should be able to beat the game naked.

Nope, Else, you would find all perfect gear within 10 hours of gameplay =o

You need to hunt items / affixes you want :slight_smile:

because its terrible design, if you dont see how “spawning lightinging elementals periodically” is exactly the same as “spawn a ghost that chases you and slows you down” then i cant really talk about it, because obviously we’re not reading the same book.

i dont bother with positives, because just like in games that have positive affixes i already know i wont even know what positive affixes i go into since i legit ignore them completely. also, treasure goblins are cancer, so i read that one and facepalmed.

but really, i think maybe people would like the system. some people at least. its probably not worst than what we have now. its just overly complex for no reason. its just not for me. just give me good monster buffs, i dont need buffs. and thats way too many interactions to balance out. its why making just neg affixes is easier and accomplishes the same thing.

Anything that punishes you for looking at the map, out-of-combat, is trash.


Wait, what, that is a thing? LMFAO.
I am glad I stopped playing when I did, jesus.

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Your mom is a bad affix.

the invulnerability or lack of it is not the point. the point is the admission that you made boring terrible designed mobs to the point where its so unsalvageable you have to SPAWN NEW MOBS into it to fix the mess you originally created. what if we had properly spaced out and dense elite packs with multiple normal mobs lead by an elite which buffs the normal mobs, the affixes can be buffs to the elite that trickles down to the normal mobs. stuff like added dots, stuff like new spells they can cast. why spawn new mobs? are your original mobs so bland and boring that you cant salvage them?

no, thats not what i was implying, what im saying, is that spawning new mobs means that the mobs blizzard designed are so terrible they are unsalvageable and even you have to spawn new ones into the game, because the game is that bad currently. i was speaking in the hypothetical of blizzard implementing those changes, not specifically about your designs.

In the last patch they bumped up the density of mods, didnt add more or gimmicks like chasing annoying anythings.

And i havent been higher than lvl 40-50 NMD’s. And not playing certain affixes, i play prolly 70% of the affixes and although id prefer more density again some affixes are tollerable but imo dont make sense as to why they are even included.

Bigger mobs per level seems alot easier to me tbh.

stormbanes wrath designer should be KICKED of this planet forever.
This guy is lucky to be alive tbh.

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