They need to just remove every affix

Yeah it’s so bad. There is a big floating rock(s) that follows you everywhere. It stops over you and pulses this large, circular AOE. Can 1-shot you in higher dungeons.

It follows you through the whole dungeon, even out of combat. You can’t really loot items without baiting it to move away from them. If you ever stop, for any reason, it will hit you.

Also there are 2-3 other affixes that all share this design.

Stormsbane, Lightning Storm, Suppressor, Potion Breakers are IMMEDIATE salvaged.

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Maybe they could replace all those with puzzles or mini games like in the game WarTales .

Timing things or stepping on certain tiles or shooting clay jars in specific order to raise the threat somehow.

The affixes just seem " gimmicky " like they had no other better ideas hw to make higher level dungeons more risky.

The Butcher showing up randomly also feels cheap and arcadeish to me

The thing with these affixes regardless I think people will end up just fishing the most “optimal” ones anyways. They are very gimmicky and don’t really pose to much of a challenge.

The butcher on the other hand is just an annoyance really, sure can kill him, but don’t really want to waste my time since killing him doesn’t equate to much.

Honestly why does the mobs in the dungeon feel harder than the end boss when fighting them? These bosses should have new Unique attacks the higher the nightmare dungeon goes. Khazara Abomination is so easily fought just stay close enough and it’ll never charge you. Blood Bishop, grab is so telegraphed to dodge, and even if caught just use unstoppable skill and you are free. Tomb Lord is a joke, Sarat just runs, Sea hag no threat, Ressurected Malice a joke… do i dare go on?

Very true now that i think about it :rofl:

Ive had much more stressful fights in the room right after unlocking the door I needed to retrieve 2 boxes to open, THAT room seems like the last fight.

and once i start down the long narrow tunnel to the " boss " fight im always relieved and start imaging the loot im about to get and the glyph im going to level up in a NMD.

Its shocks me how everytime that big end fight is so simple and quick.

Maybe some of these needs to be adjusted. Like, the bubble should probably not dmg you, but give you a debuff, if you arent in the bubble. Like you deal less dmg, or are slowed, for X seconds if you arent in the bubble.
Taking dmg has the potential to be too punishing in some situations, or inconsequential in others. Lowering player dmg, or mobility, always tend to matter.

Anyway, imo the solution isnt to remove these NMD affixes. While specific ones might have issues, which should be addressed, they do represent what the goal should be here; affixes that affects gameplay.
The ones that should be removed are those that dont affect gameplay; reducing crit chance, vulnerable, or X dmg type is silly, it is just a general reduction with no gameplay interaction.

Then of course there is an issue of players just picking the few affixes they like.
That should be addressed. The reward for doing NMDs you dont like should be higher. That goes for both the affixes, and the specific dungeons/monster types.
Imo the way to achieve this is to add “Rare Sigils”. Somewhat rare sigil drops, much better rewards (loot/XP/Glyph XP), cant be crafted. So if you find one of them, you want to do it, no matter the affixes or the location.

On top of that, maybe add more meaningful positive NMD affixes as well. Like ones that support gear targeting; “Increased chances for Gloves to drop” etc.

What if they also added USEFUL beneficial affixes? not dumb stuff like “you do more fire damage” but things like “enemies drop 3x gold / enemies only drop gold”

I think some people might be willing to risk running an annoying, dumb, stupid affix if it came attached with the promise of a giant gold pile / rare reward

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I really hate SW but definitely don’t wish bad things to the person who had the idea.

Your going down the right path here, make it almost dumb to NOT run them based on the rewards.

Even if it was something like the more you ran " gold " affixes the uber drop rate increased by some % for every 1 you ran increasing your odds with each one.

That or im thinking adding a damage effect to your primary weapon, like an added % of fire/frost damage no matter what your primary damage type was or is.

Or even just buffing all of 1 type of damage of your choice by 10%

Unlocking a way to add 2 legendary powers on the same piece of gear maybe ?

Like that feature in POE when you run w/e its called and you get blessings on your gear ? Anything along those lines.

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Another way could be a some kind of list/board with all the different affixes on it. When you do an NMD with some affixes, those affixes gets crossed out on the list.
After you have crossed out all affixes on the list, you get a chest with a bunch of rewards. Then the list resets.
Encouraging the player to do a wide range of NMD affixes. All of them even.

To ensure people dont just run NMD1s to get this, make the chest scale based on the lowest NMD that was used to clear the list.