These are the guys in control?

Listening to these guys talk makes me understand why the game is doomed… its literally so easy to make the game more fun, skills more usefull and items less of a chore to figure out


Grass. You should go touch it.


They’re confined by the demands of a media empire and not by the bounds of their own creative imagination.

It’s sad. It’s also why a large portion of the high quality development community does not want to work for Activision-Blizzard.


You should stop eating what my dog leaves in the grass.

Having expectations for unfinished products isn’t a bad thing.


Rofl source for that? I’m sure you’re absolutely keenly in touch with the pulse of “the high quality development community” and this is absolutely not something you’re pulling entirely out of your :peach:. Right? :rofl:

Perspective mijo. You can want your VIDEO GAME to improve. And that’s totally fine. Personally attacking the developers of the video game because it’s not as fun as you thought it is…? Well that’s probably a sign you need to go outside.

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I look forward to your game then.


You’re in luck- I’m in the business myself. Diablo 4 is what we call an MVP or minimum viable product launch. You should look up what that is, how it’s intended to be used for product development vs how Blizzard uses it (as a full release version).


wew a whole 12% exp buff? i thought seasons were supposed to be at a faster pace than normal…even wow leveling is faster now


Press X for doubt.

No one asked nor is does any of that have anything to do with anything.

If you’ve got a quality source that shows “the high quality development community” is actively avoiding Blizzard I’d love to see that tho.

Well, you’ve failed that skillcheck.

So now you’re just denying basic product development standards while decrying other’s opinions about said unfinished product… I digress- I’m arguing with a child.


So doomed lol. Got to love these pointless hyperbolic posts.

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Look how this dude talks. He might as well just be an AI that was fed Reddit and Twitter posts.


How low can this forum go ffs…

From hating and writing sh… about game, now it’s time to write sh… about them?



Why? One of the devs was literally talking about a colonoscopy instead of the game.


What game are you working on Wed all love to see you do it so easily… Well all wait

It literally is easy… you can add simple high number buffs to some skills and change aspects a bit.

The reason the devs claims its not easy is becuase they don’t want people to “break” the game by being “too powerful”

Yet, they have no current issue with plenty of skills and stuff being broken in being useless.


Man, getting mad cause folks want to voice concerns over bad features is a disorder I don’t understand.


People dump hundreds of dollars for the horse armor. So they have to justify it by whiteknighting the game.


Rofl are you ok? No one denied anything. It’s just… not relevant to anything. You’re citing random definitions no one asked for because you think it makes you sound credible. The reality is, it just makes you look like a :clown_face:

For 5 seconds. Are YOU ok?

No one’s mad. But what is most definitely a disorder is getting so worked up over a VIDEO GAME that you’re personally attacking the REAL PEOPLE behind it. That’s literally just abnormal behavior. Get a grip

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In reality I’m a product manager at a large software company that has 70% marketshare across the US and any professional in the industry is familiar with the basic terminology I referenced. The fact you think it’s being used to “make me sound credible” really just calls into question your education and job skills. You’re too used to shallow arguments with people at or below your maturity level. Good luck out there.