These are the guys in control?

You continue to miss the VERY basic point. No one is unfamiliar. No one is denying that its real terminology. It’s simply not relevant to anything… And people who randomly inject jargon into conversations are pretty much always over-compensating. Which I’m entirely sure is the case here. :kissing_heart:

One thing we can agree on. Unfortunately, this is no exception.

It feels that way. I’ll stick around and play the seasons if what’s offered is compelling, but this has been Blizzard’s track record with for at least D2 to now D4 (the only Blizzard games I have played). D2 didn’t feel solid until Lord of Destruction, and D3 was pretty bad until RoS. D4 is keeping in tradition with this cynical model of game development, except the D4 base game feels quite sparse compared to even D3. That being said, I hope for the best and I am not dragging the game in spite of its bad class balance, poor itemization, and poor live-service implementation.

Lol, says the guy with 905 posts.


First of all… these are the leads… They are not the coders (engineers)… They are not the whole team of people who these few lead…

These guys don’t have all the answers because it’s been built by a team that takes 15mins of end credits to observe in the written….

You’d be surprised how little time it takes to bang out a few words on a smart phone. Well… for me anyway. Maybe it takes you longer but hey… no judgement here.

You too bud. Give it a shot. But here you are white knighting for blizzard lol


it is just so lucky they don’t like a downvote button here . Doesn’t take a sec to see the likes vs dislike ( in this case, not getting any likes ) …

I guess some ppl really do have thick skin afterall .

So it is true , ppl who tell others to grow up and touch grass on the internet are the one who needed them the most .

Grow up. I’ve been super critical of their WORK. I just don’t think attacking the real people behind the game is… well a sign of a healthy individual.

Standards you should get some


Ok. Sorry who else is listening to negative feedback? Bonny Bobby kottick?

There’s positive feedback for what they just announced? They literally addressed one issue and it was about stash and storage space and all that was said is we are working on it for the future lol, so season 3 for real money per tab these people are jokes


Yeah I think the subtext behind their vague dancing around patch timelines and the stash thing definitely came from producers coaching them for what to say and not to say beforehand.

Typing speed is irrelevant. You took time to READ, and REPLY to at least 900 posts. Good luck in life.

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And you’re here responding now with a completely useless post?

Thanks, but luck doesn’t play into it. I earned what I have. Maybe one day you’ll have the opportunity to do the same… But it’ll take growing up some

I just heard them spew “Diablo Immortal” about 20 times and then I closed the stream.


Obvious troll is obvious. Further communications will be ignored.

There are a few in denial white knights who think there was good info there

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You’re so out of your depth here. You really are the perfect Blizzard customer.

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Thanks for letting me know?

teenage speak fads. You should stop following tweens on twitter.