There is one missing item slot

so, we have headpiece, we have chest armor, we have gloves and even pants and boots. What exactly happened to shoulder pads ? That’s the most valuable transmog piece. What happened to them?

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Yah I miss belts too.

Shoulder Gear Slot = NEW Shoulder Slot = 😍
Earring Gear Slot = New 👂 ring Slot = Hear me Roar with approval


oh right, the belt, how could i forget about it… thank you for reminder. Also I miss mana potions…

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No on health and mana potions like we had in D1 but we should have some nice drops to replace them…i will make a post on it.

We could at least have an option to replace health potion with mana potion D:

All classes but barb should get shoulders and belt to even things out. Make changes a whole lot easier to items when everyone wears the same amount.
Double stats on shoulders and belts like 2 handers too.