The stash programming is a nightmare

It was actually an issue in D3. Several years ago, they tried to add a bunch more stash tabs, but on the PTR it basically choked the game. So, one more stash tab was made obtainable — instead of the 5? originally promised which brought it up to 13 max. And they said they’d try and work on it in the future. (Spoiler — D3 has had no more stash tabs added since then.)

When I saw that tweet, my first thought was “didn’t they learn from coding D3 that way?” So, if they are using the same engine, that would sort of explain things. Still, the D3 issue came up in like 2018 or 2019 as I recall, so there really isn’t any excuse for not taking care of it before launch. Anyone who thought that D4 would magically need less inventory space than D3 is living in a fantasy world.


WOW sharding is due to memory overhead issues to…

D2R has the same issue… they got issues when trying to add more than they have now. Diablo does the thing Bethesda does with all their games. Uses an old engine

Fine, but when the engine has a huge issue like this, maybe that’s something you work on fixing in the engine?

When engines are old and you keep stacking on them… they would need to do an ENTIRE new engine, which most likely current shareholders were telling them no

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Shareholders? Or greedy executives with unrealistic timelines?


Shareholders… executives in a company like Activision listen directly to them for most cases

Got some sauce for that, just curious.
I know the character size is bugged due to limitations of size in the old engine, but never heard that before.

come on…

of course they did not program it like that, it is just a lame excuse so that they can sell stash tabs (either in the shop for real $$$ or as massive gold sinks) in the future.

It was when they were talking about how it was extremely hard to get the shared stash tab in the game…

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Ill look around for it.
Peaks my curiosity as a fan and all.

D3 locked them behind season journey as the 2nd to last reward

true, that sounds like a sneaky method to strongarm people into playing/buying seasons

I mean D2 strongarmed people by locking all new runewords behind seasonal drops and you could only get some of them by trading or RMT if you refused to play the ladder

More like an incentive since you carried those items over to non-ladder.

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either they are lying through their teeth, or they have seriously bad engineers

this statement is not excusable no matter where you look at it from.

I am pretty pretty sure blizzard has capable/smart engineers, I choose the “directors lying through their teeth” option.

this game is a circus


Blizzard has extremely talented engineers. But they cant be everywhere all the time at once. Though that doesnt quite explain this.

We also dont need more stash… there is no reason to hoard anything in this game.

We have more than enough for uniques which is really the only thing to hold onto

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Same thing i keep saying

I assume this is a Troll comment?
Aspects. that is the reason. Almost all uniques are laughable and I assume you only play one class?
I have 3 armor and weapon sets for my druid (not including the one I wear) enabling me to swap out my build when I grow bored of spamming the same skill over and over.

There are fundamental issues with the gameplay that lead to these issues. (And I’m a long time Diablo fan so it hurts to say that)