The Size of the Druid Class

For sure! If it was they’d have a transmog systems and sell fashion items for real cash. It isn’t like they plan to make their entire post launch monetization system revolve around appearance.


You won’t be getting body sliders or a body type selection for release, get over it.


7’1", 300 lbs.

I work out, and I’m in good shape for being older.

You’re the one who absolutely cannot abide playing the druid because he/she doesn’t make your chair wet, and came here to animalistically bleat that on the forum as if it’s going to get you what you want (hint: it’s not. you ARE NOT getting a slider. YOU ARE NOT getting a more slim druid. get over it).

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you can really tell who’s been playing korean mmo’s.

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Some fat is different from moribly obese the druids look like they are competing in a medieval beauty contest where fat equaled I have money to eat as much as I want. It’s not a realistic body type for characters that are constantly on the move. The Necro is on the other end of the spectrum. Our characters probably burn as many calories as professional athletes in a day if not more and oddly enough there isn’t a pizza hut to order from at 10 pm to choke down 3000 calories to keep weight. This is why body types for all characters make sense. Heck a fat mage makes more sense than a fat druid I could totally picture a mage being lazy enough to go everywhere via teleport and basically burn no calories.

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The Necro is also a problem I get they are going for the whole corpse aspect but the parallels with both anorexia and bulimia in the characters are not great.


The Druid has like 20% body fat. Even active people can have that. That is a normal body weight to have. Having 2%-10% is actually unusual and requires extreme activity to maintain unless you can’t put on muscle. The Druid has a lot of muscle btw. You think the Druid is fat because the pelts he wears makes him look fat. The Male Druid is fine. The Female Druid does look a bit heavier. Maybe Blizzard can slim her up a little. Idk. Other than that, I don’t see the issue.

Storm and Earth Druids? Companions? You think the Druid is burning a lot of calories slinging spells and having pets attack?

Druid: Fido Attack! Man…I burnt 1000 calories giving that command. Let me cast this spell. Raises Arm Lightning shoots. Damn… that burnt 2000 calories raising my arm. Time to go look at my skinny body in the mirror.

:man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

There is no ‘parallels’. People made incredibly insulting comparisons because they wanted to complain.

If skinny = anorexia and fat = bulimia, then literally no game could use any body size that was not considered ‘normal’ by the basement-dwelling screechers.

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I believe that is the point. Since these folks are no longer “normal”, they need to restore decency and morals and… anyway, progress has left these folks behind and, surprise, they are not happy.

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Necromancer is what happens when you do death.

Druid is what happens when you prepare for hibernation.


So you are offended by the Druid having a near identical build as you? Damn, I guess go get some self confidence.

That is how I view the class fantasy. They all have some logic behind why the body shape fits the class. Not everyone will LIKE that choice of class fantasy, but it is at least logical to me.

The people who seem to think “nature” is thin by default and only uses what they need to live each day, has not really thought much about real bears, or anything else that fattens up for winter, or hoards food.

The National Park Service has a whole contest and event based on bear fattening! It is humorous, but also quite educational.

Boar form would also be pretty brutal if we had it.


Not trying to be rude, but why are people always trying to go for rationalizations and real life examples and whatnot?

When I find something pleasing to the eye, it’s never because of some underlying logic or because I managed to somehow link it to something in real world.
It’s the opposite. I am trying to escape the real world. If I thought real world is better, I would not be wasting time in a video game.

So when I play my videogame - the escapist hobby that it is - I am not trying to mimic what I see when I am out shopping. I want to be stronger, better and prettier than real life. That’s the whole point. To have an experience that varies from the boring and mundane.
The fact that it’s unrealistic to a certain degree IS THE POINT.

To be stronger, faster, smarter and prettier - that’s the experience most people want from roleplaying games. I know its more realistic to have similar bodymass as a shapeshifter, but it would be cooler if I did not have to.
I know real bodybuilders are not actually that strong - but it would be cooler if they would be!

This was never a realism issue. This was never a social issue. This was never a logical issue.

It was always about the fact that wast majority of people in the world just do not think being barrel shaped is an attractive trait. There are SOME people who prefer it, but as a baseline, barrel shaped people [and women many times more] are not an ideal others are striving for.

That’s why we want the option to play more lean druid. Not because we want to hate fat people. But because for majority of players, it is a downgrade in enjoyment. Not always a dealbreaker [as for me], but in general, it is a net negative.

Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


Nice try, but not even close.

Lol, keep telling yourself that I guess.

Because that is the vision that the Diablo artist team had for the game. Gritty and realistic gore, chars, etc. They shared that vision with us.

People talk about it because it is logical to view the game art in context of that vision.

There are other games out there that are for pure escapism that are very unrealistic. Total fantasy worlds where anything is possible. It is awesome that people like those too!

Buying Diablo 4 when they advertise flame grilled boar, and asking for a profiterole, is a bit of a stretch. See “Sir this is a Wendy’s” meme.

They are not here to make the game happy and pretty. They want that dark, gritty, and gothic look and feel. It is ok not to like that of course! Just don’t expect them to change their vision and art concepts.


The Necro absolutely does not look healthy I get they are going for a skeletal look but it’s not good same with the druid.

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OK. Why is the druid going to turn into a bear then? if he’s already his own obese bear.

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Claws and teeth, duh