The Size of the Druid Class

Where the hell did you pull that idea out of?

Is the Druid class in D2 or D2R called ‘idealized Druid’? No? Then stop inventing things from whole cloth.


well we are lucky that blizz/activision and their parent company are businessmen after all, and they do what they do first and foremost for profit. in modern days no self-respecting successful company would dedicate time and resources to please an out of target tiny minority no matter how vocal, moreover so if that distracted time and resources from the largest majority of their core customers base. i sincerely don’t think we risk seeing any of that happening any time soon.

This has to be the weakest argument for the D2 skinny Druid I have ever seen. And to answer your question, yes. The D2 Druid and the D2R Druid that is based off of the D2 Druid are idealized fantasy druids. The D2R Druid looks like he is a vegetarian even though he has animal pelts.

If they don’t give the player base customization over their body type then that is whatever. It doesn’t bother me any. I just find it funny that people want to whine and try to use logic to justify their argument that the D4 Druid should be skinny like the D2 Druid. The logic they use is so terrible its laughable. If they just said they want a Skinny druid just because they want a skinny druid then I probably wouldn’t have bothered responding.

You mean like Bud Light?

Yes indeed, with delivering a Druid true to the D2 spirit they would appeal to the largest part of their playerbase and the people who have been playing their products for 20+ years.

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Don’t insult Hulk. Hulk is way way faster than this fat karen druid…

I support your suggestion but Blizzard dgaf.

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People were leaner 100 years ago because the rich and powerful had all the food. While it is true that Europeans are leaner, maybe asians as well, if you cast as wider net, you will find “obese” is normal in many African and Pacific Island cultures - or at least used to be before the internet.

That isn’t as big of an audience as you might believe it to be. Moreover the subset of players within that audience up in arms about the druid is minuscule.

Lets get one thing straight. The Druid is not “Obese”. Obese would imply he has 30%+ body fat. If you go into the character customization, the Druid is rocking 20% body fat max. Reason he looks so fat is his thick animal hides that cover him. He is a little overweight but he isn’t obese.

You are just deflecting the fact that I gave the example they added a body build option… You should be happy right with that option now right because that is what you are wanting. But clearly you don’t like the fact of the example and you don’t want it to stop there because that one option is not enough.

Attacking customers? Look in a mirror yourself you’re the one making a big fuss over it. Literally you take anything you want to warp it into your own self-indulgent context. Why only take the part of a quote? Oh, right because that other context doesn’t jive with you.

Right because people care what color car someone else buys… NOT

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Back in my day we would try to make the most grotesque characters.

But you care what shape of video game character someone prefers?

One, I agree with you about the Druid. Two, there is a difference between fat and obese but many people do not want to acknowledge this. So, obese was being used in the sarcastic sense as, apparently, the body type for the Necro (at least as far as I can tell from the various posters) in fat!!??


Did you fail to comprehend the example I gave you? Yet again pulling only context they prefer… But I’ll re iterate

Let’s say blizzard gives the option to modify the body type… Keep with me here you have the option it’s in the game now hypothetically. Would you be contempt with that change and all is great?

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I in fact want what I am arguing for, how is that a revolutionary idea?

I also frankly don’t see how it is any of your business what other people may or may not want, but that’s beside the point. Give me a thinner druid and I’m off into the sunset.

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I notice that you are not concerned about the “anorexia” of the Necro. So, how thin do you want people to be?


Because it doesn’t bother me that much?

There were quite a few vocal people who were bothered by that too, but I that’s their business and not mine?


Hallelujah the clouds have lifted and the light hath shone through.

I mean it’s a public forum is it not? You have the choice where you want to answer or respond if you want to. Did I say that it should never be an option? Nope I did not… but maybe you should join the other posts about “body types” and read some of these other like minded players responses…

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Same here lol, didn’t even know it was a thing until I checked out the forum and saw the 5 same superficial people complaining about it over and over again ^^ first world problems ^^

he big boi, they exist


Nah. You don’t give in to people like the ones pitching a fit over the Druid’s looks.
Because once they get this one thing, they will whine and mald about something else, since Blizzard already gave into them once.

Everyone filling their nappies over the Druid has, and should continue to have, two options:

  1. Take it
  2. Leave it

Let’s not give them the idea that they can get their way if they screech loud enough.

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