The Size of the Druid Class

Claws and teeth, duh

This is seriously one of THE best explanations that sums up my view as well.


I’m all for what you are trying to say, but why are we fattening up our druids for hibernation? Only in winter bears are fat otherwise even they are quite athletic outside of this nap time.

Maybe druids get to nap during season’s.

They could have made him a skinnier/more attractive druid and it would fit the art and style of the game just fine. The biggest reason is they wanted to differentiate the classes so they were easier to recognise and more distinguishable. But not everyone is into how the druid looks atm. :slight_smile:

I feel I should be getting training credit for reading Angela37’s TED Talk. :wink:

Angela37’s comments account for one of the main reasons why so many people play videogames, board games, tabletop RPGs, etc. … to escape the real world. Another main reason why is to GIT GUD with their GAMER SKILLZ … this also applies to videogames, board games, tabletop RPGs, card deck builder games, strategy games, etc. Regardless, I do see Angela37’s point. The “lore” of this game is whatever the Devs decide to make it … but we don’t play an ARPG for the lore. We play an ARPG for the gameplay … and … if we are not enjoying the gameplay, because we are distracted by certain visuals … then providing options cannot truly hurt anything. It won’t hurt the story. It won’t hurt the gameplay. It certainly won’t hurt the lore … but … it WILL give players more reasons to enjoy the game. Even if the Devs don’t change their minds now (before launch) … I would not be surprised if the Devs change their minds after launch … and provide more options (i.e. body types) during the character customization screen for Druid and the other classes … and … maybe, provide a wardrobe option to change body types when you get to the main city hub within each region.


I doubt it. The class skill animations are all rigged to the body types, same with the art. That would be rather daunting to try to change the game to have every animation for every class done for every body type.

However, there is gear for the Druid to keep you in perma wolf form for example. Trandmogs and things may offer visual changes player enjoy.

Personally, I am going to embrace a burly druid boy when I play the class. RaaarRRRR!

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It is refreshing to see some truth in here. You want a skinny Druid just because you want it. Least your not trying to use some half baked logic or reason for why you want a skinny Druid. I can get behind this.

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Agreed. How the discussion is presented is refreshingly open, honest, and free from drama. It is ok to like one style of something, or not, and have that be a preference.

Some people like vanilla ice cream and some like chocolate. It is not some huge political dispute as to why they happen to like it.

I think it is also realized that the Devs are still going to stay within the limits of their game vision, because that is what they like, and they are making the game.

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Ok, little guy.

Keep on, keepin’ on.

LMAO, keep on getting mad about seeing a video game character that has the same build as you round guy. Keep on rollin rollin rollin.

Whatever you say, sweet cheeks.

LMAO. Why are you so salty they modeled a character after you?

But they didn’t, so …

Druid looks just like a 7’ 300ish lb character, so you are basically twins.

Sure, whatever blows your skirt up. I don’t think you actually know what 7’ and 300 lbs looks like, considering you think the Druid resembles it.

I look like Shaq body wise when he was younger, although he always weighed more than me.

Shaq and the Druid literally have the same build. You are just plain stupid then, got it. Have a good life overgrown man baby.

Good luck on your attitude as you mature.

Says the man taking to the forums to literally cry about the body size of a video game character. Seems you never matured past the age of 5. Seeing as you also can’t identify someone who is purely trolling you, because you have zero valid points, seems your intelligence stopped increasing at that age too.

People will complain about literally everything.

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I’m all for options. It would be nice, although not essential, if you could choose a body type for each class. Scrawny like the Necromancer, average like most other classes, or large like the Barbarians and Druids.

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