The Rule of 🆒 turns to the Rule of uncool (NERFS)

Very, very bold of you to assume that the devs do. That whole ‘buckets’ thing they did was due to all the crit/vuln changes, which was done because the devs didnt look at some of the most basic math for some of the most basic mechanics in the game prior to release, as one of many examples.

You cannot always buff and never nerf because that would mean that every “hero” would be so strong as to make all the game content trivial which would certainly not be “cool”.

Well I guess we dont enjoy the same gameplay then.
I love having content that is wildly unreasonable, but in the same time having a way to build my character to where I can get to that content.

So to me every class should be able to get to pit 101 as it is today, fight the uber bosses, and finish everything else in the game.
Then SOME enthusiasts should be able to keep improving until they can reach those pit bosses with trillions of HP.

Having aspirational content is fun and gives me a reason to keep playing and improving even after I have finished the “meat and potatoes” of a season.

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You would still gain power from aspects just not always just damage numbers every single time. Could be chances to cast two or three times or summons like my incinerate example or other cool things. Why do most offensive aspects just have to be %damage in some way almost every time?

I like stuff like what you described as well but I also just like seeing my damage go up as I get better gear and whatnot. It’s an easy way to tell that you’re getting more powerful.

Your damage will go up just not all tied to numbers every single time. Extra damage in other ways is just as good we just are not used to it. Our mindset that damage number go up me better is only way to improve has to change.

If they really care and want to make this game great like D2, they shouldn’t even try to “balance” anything. Just look at hammerdin for example, it’s been OP and it’s been there for years without getting a nerf.

I think it’s a great thing that they’re nerfing the Barb, assuming parity IS actually what we want. If they take it too far and the class somehow lags behind the others in S5, they can revert some stuff to get the math right. Nerfs are, despite the catchy nonsense about raising other classes up instead of nerfing, almost always the simpler, more pragmatic choice. Spend a ton of extra dev time trying to find the many ways you can inject more power into 4 underperforming classes? Or, just nerf the 1 class that’s the cause of all the trouble. Easy call for people that are being serious about the problem. :v:

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Becoming Berserk increases the damage always 25%.
In Season 5 Unconstrained will increase the damage bonus from berserking to 35%.
(The information is from first leaks).
So the damage bonus from unconstrained will be 8%.

Damage without berserking 100.
→ damage with berserking 125
→ damage with “Unconstrained” berserking 135. → 8% more than without Unconstrained (135/125=1,08)

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You can’t keep buffing all classes to the level of the strongest class. The result is a brain afk game. Diablo 4 has become so easy, why do you want to buff the other classes? What Blizzard should buff are the monsters and bosses. The game is incredibly easy

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this is a result of the total desperation and confusion in Blizzard. they don’t know how to keep their word. they constantly change their opinions and try everything with no results. no player who plays and understands the game will not do these changes. even if only one Blizzard employee played each class, this wouldn’t happen. it’s sad that after a year I still haven’t learned from my mistakes.


That means one particular Barb build with quite literally some of the best gear in the world can maybe hit 290 million. Meanwhile Sorcs and Rogues will be doing that shortly after hitting 100 and getting the new Unique Helmet/Talisman, let alone getting anything with BiS rolls and to 12/12.

Of course because as long as it’s not Barb going into Billions, is actually totally okay and balanced right lol


Except Blizzard will simply never buff Barb again. Too many whiners won’t allow it.

If you can just build to get to the content, it would no longer be wildly unreasonable though?

But yeah, different preferences for sure.
I hate, hate, endless power gains like D3 Paragon.
A treadmill makes the journey feel meaningless.

Hopefully true, but knowing Blizzard, not remotely so :frowning:

They did what they said they wouldn’t do, S5 might as well be called the season of nerfs lol. I might play, but i will try to avoid this game for S5 over the barb nuke.

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You assume the HP of PIT will not change? It already changed twice, it was increased after PTR and reduced in mid season of S4. As long we continue to provide feedback to the dev, this will be adjusted according to the damage output of the player. The developer need data to adjust the HP of mobs to maintain the difficulty of the content while make them approachable. With one class output billions damage and another class only do millions, the data is skewed. The Barbarian nerf is very much needed to normalize the player damage and mob HP

Even with the nerf of the passive, Barbarian still do more damage with the extra 2 x two handed weapon slot which equal to 200% x damage over class with only one two handed slot. Barbarian still keep their advance with extra HP with the two handed slots which I believe should be nerfed as well.

Therefore I do not understand why the Barb player is upset about the changes. They have to accept they no longer enjoy the Easy Mode with the extra Weapon slots. Is time to play a Barbarian like a real man, stop hide behind the advantages you enjoyed since the buff in Season 2. Play the game as a true Barbarian, not Barbaby.

Ok but you were saying bosses had trillions of life on the PTR. All I did was point out that they also have trillions of life on the current live server.

I like having high damage numbers because I have messed up hands and like boss fights that end fairly quickly. If a boss fight takes over 4 minutes it is too long. Also dislike multiphase bosses, it just drags out the fight.

Personally I think they should have a new server type that lets all the people who want long hard fights have it and leave the server as it is now for those of us who just like to have fun.

Playing sorserer. Not a meta build. It’s impossible to take even a million damage. Now tell me who should do more damage: a sorcerer with a minimum of survival or a barbarian with a maximum of survival.
By the way, non-meta builds can rarely rise to at least 60. I myself was stuck at 46 due to lack of damage.
Therefore, I don’t see a problem in weakening the barbarian, since he should not deal more damage than the sorcerer.
I admit that the rogue can do more damage but only to a single target. Which, by the way, the robber now does not correspond to.

And that is the answer to which question exactly?
Or how is this somehow related to my post?

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