The Rule of 🆒 turns to the Rule of uncool (NERFS)

Fair enough, but D2 or D1 for example require much less hand movement.

Those are more about smart positioning in general and not quick reflexes.

It’s simple. You complain that from billions of damage the damage will drop to millions. When some classes can gain millions only using broken mechanics.
If you remove billions of damage from the formula, then they will also need to reconsider the bosses. Most likely, nothing will change much for barbarians.

Yeah, it’s kind of insane that being the strongest class in the game is a bad thing, because it causes people to whine constantly and then we have to stress and worry about being nerfed . At the core of this is jealousy for most, and it’s pathetic.

I want other classes to be brought up to the level, so I can play them and have fun too haha, but seriously people are way too concerned about “balance”, the focus should be on players all having fun. I absolutely believe it’s possible to do that and still have fun, engaging and challenging content. It’s just harder. These devs have had trouble since the beginning and I think they’re far too concerned with “keeping everything in line.”

Barb was op. We all knew it. But decimating them and then making main stat different for the heroes is not the way to go. You have to balance core issues here. You also have to start making good on rule of cool promise. Also these changes still leave barb core issue in place with extra aspects. Bliz has big big problems with balance. Its num 1 issue now.
Not only that but soon they have 6 heroes to balance instead of 5.

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They aren’t decimated unless you just mean in the literal sense of “they lost 10%”. They will still be one of the more powerful classes in S5.

Leaving barbs with their extra aspects is good, because it means that they can still buff the other class mechanics to match the coolness of the Barb one. Doing less damage is the best way to bring something in line power-wise without affecting how cool their abilities are.

Yeah, well, i dont understand, how they decimated so much Barbs? =p

There’s changes in S5 and uniques, so its really hard to guess right now, which class will be on top

Could still very well be barbs, who knows

The Unique reworks ( not sure if it includes all uniques ) seemed very nice for the Sorc

Fist of Fate is finally becoming Sexy :slight_smile:

Even FrostBurn gloves are pretty, Dual Fire/Frost , which is exactly how i’m planning to play

Heavy LH , IB/Hydra/LS , with FO , IB+Meteor Enchant

Cant wait to see how it will play out ;p

They allways were very clear about nerfing stuff in the game. They only said they won’t do it anymore in mid Season, except it’s super bugged. Tuning something down is kinda healthy for games. And with the new expansion a lot more is coming down it seems.

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if u remember u asked how i calculated the 8%.
but i’m not like that and i’ll quote your question again.

i never complained something, so keep your insinuations to yourself.

I think we need a complete shift in design of offensive aspects. Lets focus away from damage on everything and add more cool stuff. I think frozen orb did this somewhat well. More stuff like winterglass and orbs explode twice. Maybe instead of explode twice and damage its explode three times. Then we can move away from just stacking the most multipliers u can and call it a day. More fun stuff. Less number stacking. Makes balancing easier too.

Exploding twice or trice is very much still a damage/number stacking focus.

But yeah, reduce the dmg multipliers in general.

Barbs were far too powerful.
The rule here is no more billion damage. If they buff all other classes D4 will end like D3 with 10 thousands world tiers… For me its crystal clear

But you are complaining about a class that is definitely stronger than others. Although it is others who have problems completing the content.
Even if the billion is reduced by 80%, this will not be a small number. And then I dreamed that the values were 20-40. And as most admitted, even the weakest barbarian builds had incredible survivability.

You did not quote your words, so that it would seem that I indicated something incorrectly. doesn’t matter. You should analyze your opinion a little, or keep it to yourself.

So this applies to you too.

What u are talking about?
Is it so hard to read my posts?
I was just correcting that the statement “Unconstrained” was only nerfed by 32.5% is not correct. And i was even kind enough to explain to you again how I came to that conclusion.

I never have written about the crap you want to accuse me of.

But really my fault, should have used the ignore butten proactively much earlier. Will fix my mistake immediately.
Why is there actually no block option?

Its not a numbers stacking as it doesnt have an x% multiplier in it with explode three times version.

Three more examples:

Aspect of the Rabbits Foot
Roll your failed lucky hits again.

Aspect of the Elementals
Damaging an enemy summons an elemental of that damage type for 5-8 seconds. Each type has a 8 second cooldown. (Ie poison elemental, fire elemental, shadow elemental, ect )

Aspect of the Millipede
Your summoned centipedes expire into millipedes for 4-7 seconds that attack and poison enemies.

OK. Let’s assume that I mistakenly decided that you want the barbarian to remain excessively over strong.
Of course, there are doubts that Blizzard is adequately assessing the required changes.

The damage you do with Unconstrained was only nerfed by 32.5% in the data the streamers got. The percentage of your damage that comes from Unconstrained (when you use it) was nerfed by 80% (assuming the berserk duration has no effect), but these two numbers answer different questions.

The first number helps answer the question of how much harder the game will be for Barbs that used Unconstrained. The answer is that in the worst case (where you don’t compensate in any way) it’s about like losing a generic aspect off your ammy. Barbs were way more than 1.5 generic aspects stronger than other classes, so Barbs will still be highly competitive.

The second number answers the question of how it feels to click on Unconstrained vs not having clicked it. That’s a reasonable question, and it does seem like key passives should feel stronger than activated glyphs, which this won’t now. But it is not at all relevant to the discussion about whether Barbs got nerfed so hard they are unplayable.

Yes, i only answered the question how much this single one key-passive “Unconstrained” was nerfed, not how it affects the damage overall.

The Question if the Barb is really nerfed can only be answered when the complete patch notes including the unique changes and the new uniques and aspects are available.

Right, but you did it as a correction to my post and I was posting about how it affects the Barb’s ability to compete. So it wasn’t incorrect.

I think the frustration was a key passive giving an 8% damage increase is kinda meh. It’s approaching “why is this in the game?” territory. Sure, it doesn’t necessarily support the Barbarian is ruined narrative. Still…

The funny thing about Unconstrained is it used to be a 50% cap, no? Then it got doubled to 100%. Now it’s supposedly getting kicked down to a 35% cap? D4 balance, heh. What will they do next, cube it?

Yeah, I think that’s reasonable. I wish the devs would find reasons other than damage on Tuesdays to make these passives worth it. Even though something like an attack speed or crit chance increase would also ultimately translate to damage, it would be a lot more interesting to have Unconstrained be like a 20% bonus to AS and CSC while Berserking, or to have it just let you stack Berserking 2 or 3 times.