The Rule of šŸ†’ turns to the Rule of uncool (NERFS)

The idiocy of D4 is that the game is to easy. When you give a lot of power to players QUICKLY, which they always crave, then they want MORE POWER. Making the game HARDER EARLY, makes all of the later power gains more meaningful. This game is designed for ā€œcasual dadsā€, who want to click some demons, after work.

There is a simple reason why you should never just balance up warts. Instead you go centered around your game.

Here is a simple number example.

You design a boss and it has power lv of 10.

You have 5 player character with different power.

Letā€™s say.

8, 9,10,11 and 15.

So you kinda made balancing great except for 1 char. It ended up being way too strong.

If you now hardcore nerf that char you will probably get a lot of angry winners complain.

You also get a stable game.

What if you put all chats on power lv 15?

At first no one complains, everybody is happy his class is now as strong as the other classā€¦

You even balanced out all classes.

However. You totally broke the game. Simple as that. The idea was to bring the chars close to the power of the boss.
But since you did not wanted to run the experience the some players you instead ruined it fir everyone.

50 percent of this forum is people whining about nerfs. In an piss easy game. How. What is going on here?


Hc is a different game altogether, i make one every season. You just have to pay a bit of attention to whatā€™s going on. It will just be a bit tougher with nerf is all. I will still play Barb.

Barbarian will still probably be the strongest because of the 4 weapons. People have predicted they would be weak before and are always wrong. There is just so much power in having two 2-handed double aspects.

Thatā€™s why I call them Numb-ers.

Thereā€™s Monopoly money flooding the world and the same monopoly numb-ers numbing the brains of gamers with ā€˜more is betterā€™ when itā€™s all relative and based on absurd and illusory precedents.
I vote: keep the irl ridiculous game of giga-inflation ā€¦ā€˜themeā€™ out of this game.

Funny back in the D&D days one rolled a 1d4 or 1d6 or 1d8 for their damage and modifiers could add a +1 through +5.
A REALLY strong character could eventually roll a 1d8 and 1d6 for their damage.
Even D&D eventually fell into the trap of ā€˜bigger numbers = betterā€™ and numbed the players.


The boss in high PIT not having trillions of HP during our test in PTR. Blizzard changed them to Trillions as response to those barb and Necro Golem build which did the billions. This is just an end less cycle of player do billions and Blizzard tune mobs HP to trillions to match the damage number. The T200 PIT boss has quadrillion HP as we tested in recent PTR. There is no build to output quadrillion damage. It is just a failsafe mechanism in case anyone found a bug build and clear the final tier.

Billions damage is bad for the game as all this extra digits will consume server resources in damage calculation and graphic processing. It just cause server lag. Even in Season 4 now we cant have two sorcerer play in same PIT without lag. Tune down billions damage class and tune down the mobs HP is the right step to normalize the game.

Barb has to many multipliers ,I donā€™t think it will hurt as much as people think. Ht is just killing trash nerf wonā€™t effect that. Pit well its yet to be seen Bash and Flay were broke builds.>>>> I play Barb.

What I wanted ppl discussing is the overall Bliz plan here with Rule of Cool. Is this a one or two time big nerf reset thing? Is Bliz trying to reset barb back to a baseline so rule can then take effect? They had to go this route because barb was so out of control? IS Rule of Cool even going to be part of future? IS the Rule of Un :cool: here to stay??

I will not recognize the grade school nomenclature srry lol buckets? Nah.

Maybe its both. No heavy nerfs mid season, with large adjustments for major patches in prep for following season. We knew that already tho.

Well I made a pretty long post about that - any thoughts? The Rule of šŸ†’ turns to the Rule of uncool (NERFS) - #58 by leusebi-1647

I think you are misinterpreting what is happening here. These nerfs are necessary to allow the game to function and they are specifically targeted in a way that implies they are still planning to buff the other class mechanics and to keep the current weapon slots structure for all classes.


What need to happen is Bliz follow their own approach they laid out in Rule of Cool.

Here is how to do this:

1] Announce sweeping overhaul to every single hero in passives, skills, paragon, ect. Everything will get a new baseline.

2] Make the damage everyone is going for just 50-75% that much damage in the skill to begin with. This gives you a nice baseline and easier to balance. No more zillion damage multipliers to go for. All everyone is doing is just piling up multipliers and making damage numbers go up. What if most the damage numbers were already up? Aspects mostly changed other things like fire skills to cold or added cool effects like Channeling incinerate you can summon fire elementals or Barrage could sometimes cast pierce shot as well. Cool stuff. Everything doesnt have to be % damage if the skills just do 50-75% much damage to begin with. There still could be some damage stuff but it could be funner like instead of damage while you have a barrier it could be a low chance to cast three times while u have a barrier. Super fun.

3] Give heroes identies. This always helped the MTG designers. Each hero could get rated in single target damage, multiplayer damage, life, defense, ect. These changes dont have to be drastic. Say mage is good at aoe damage. He could be rated great at in and say necromancer is rated bad. This would still only be a say 25% difference from great to bad. But then necro would be rated a bit higher in life and defense.
Heroes with identities are easier to design and give direction and helps new players play what they would enjoy.

4] After all of this is done there will be some inbalance but because of mostly number 1] and 2] the changes will be much easier to figure out. Just tweak some skill numbers and you are mostly done because you dont have a zillion aspects making numbers go Boom.
Now you can employ the rule of cool and just buff other heroes to get to a new baseline.


Please say what u think as I think this is the right approach!


This is basically whatā€™s happening if the recent info regarding s5 changes make it way in S5.

Besides, you are too attached with this Rule of Cool thing, we are playing a game and this was only a thing said in an interview. It is not one of the 10 commandments written in a stone nor a contract or something like that, it was just a way to say their plan and motto for most changes at that time.

I said at that time because reality changes, together with the game so they had to adapt a lot of things. For example, the game started with an idea about what it should be, people played, feedback was received, so the game target changed.

Moreover, if you believe in this ā€œruleā€ and think barb nerfs are bad, so it is its exception (other classes were buffed), by being the exception this ā€œruleā€ is also confirmed.

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I do think its a mistake. They need to just rebalance everything but announce the plan with steps they are taking. Its all out of whack. We dont know overall plan. A roadmap would be nice. I stated what to do above and how rule of cool could really work. Dont just obliterate barbs without a provided plan of action. PPL could believe if there is hope.

A roadmap of features can be useful, although I also like some surprises revelation regarding content, but a roadmap of balance is not possible.

You canā€™t anticipate how the game will be played to its fully extension, only way to do this would be to reduce the options (skills and items) the game has, but I believe no one wants this. Because of that, balancing work is always a thing you do on the go, and a big part of it is reaction to whatā€™s happening instead of anticipation.

However, we will get a plan for the next months when S5 is presented and patch notes are out. We just have some info from streamers now, yet not the all figure, but by looking at it, it is possible to see that all classes were reviewed and also a looot of items, only one class had some nerfs announced, but this one is over performing a lot for at least 3 seasons now.

I donā€™t believe in Rule of Cool, as I think the game needs to be balanced to become better and have a good experience, whether this requires nerfs or not, but the infos we have seems that this so said rule was used anyways.

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I turn the damage numbers off. Honestly preferred it when the game was slower paced (damage wise). I donā€™t mind Levelling faster, though I think it is actually too fast atm.

And you are completely okay to disagree, but donā€™t carry on like your interpretation is the only one out there.


A little unclear. Besides the fact that these are just formulas. Could you please clarify them? It is not clear what you took from where and why.

Just the same, the damage decreased by only 32.5%. The loss is only 65% of 200%. That is, if 200 = 100%, then 65 is enough to divide by 2. Why derive abstruse formulas?

They already had trillions live.

Eww, this would completely ruin the sense of progression and power gain, one of the most important aspects of a game like this. No thanks.

Sense of progression and power in d1 is also given and there you raise from 1 to 7 dmg to 150 to 200. It something along those lines.

No need for abaillion dmg it is all just smoke and mirrors.