The Rule of 🆒 turns to the Rule of uncool (NERFS)

The necro was the hyped class when D4 was about to be released. How’s that going? Wasn’t it nerfed very early on?

So the Spiritborn will most likely gets lots of hype and then get nerfed at/near release and the muppets who bought the expac will head here to QQ. Rinse, repeat. Next up, pseudo-pally class for next xpac?

He isn’t making it up. That was their words. They often mentioned “the rule of cool” as a measurement of what should stay and what should get nerfed or removed.

Not quite. HOTA was op before s4. In s4 its just a support skill used to get a multiplier for other skills. HOTA was nerfed to almost unplayable at s4 launch

Just a semantics - ok, you can call it bleed tyriel bash with HOTA it won’t change fact that this is cream of the crop for S4

I do watch Rob even thou I am a main Sorc player. I saw him say he is sure barb will be fine in S5, sure not OP , but not as bad as ppl complain here.

You’re saying hota is op, but it doesn’t deal any significant damage. That’s not semantics.

Welcome to the feelings of any enjoyer of classes besides Barb.


the first season where they can’t break a tril with whatever skill they want while having 100k hp. woe is me.

Barb was so overturned. From a person who plays all classes it was much needed. If they gave every class gushing wounds and multis out the ying yang, every class could clear pit 120 at level 80.

Plus we haven’t seen the whole uniques rework and official patch notes.

Oh ya fantastic conclusion.

How about you go to an ice cream vendor and ask him what about his ice cream assortment.

He tells you. Look today i got only vanilla, tomorow we got strawberry, and then we got chocolate. Isn’t that amazing? Everyday you can eat a different flavor.

Ya brilliant. How about i go to the next vendor where i can simply order what i enjoy right now and you can keep your stupid gatekeeping “flavor of the day” idea.

In every ARPG you can choose between many builds and you can do that without limitations.

Some people seem to be so uncreative they cannot even think about anything different until you take away what they got now.

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You can still play those builds, no one is preventing you. A much better analogy would be that you go to an ice cream shop and discover that this week they have a special sundae with cake batter ice cream in it, next week they have one with blueberry ice cream, the week after that with mocha, etc. And then after the special is gone, you can still create the sundae yourself by selecting the ingredients a la carte, but you have to do a little more work and you don’t get a price discount.

Urza has made so many trash posts and had multiple threads deleted it’s hard to take him seriously
In this instance though who legit cares
It’s a game
Barb gameplay isn’t going to change
If your doing pit 130 and this nerf change drops you to 100 which would be extremely unlikely that big a nerf. Again what’s it matter the class itself plays exactly the same U just don’t hit in the billions now

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Some of us do care from an efficiency perspective. I’ve been able to speed farm pit 101 and have enjoyed being able to do it in 90s a run. I get mats, obols, gear, and enjoyment. But if these nerfs hit too hard, and I now have to slog through pit 90 in 4 minutes, that’s efficiency and fun that was taken away from us. We will see though, maybe it’s not going to be too bad

Right, I mean Rob is freaking out about how 3 or 4 barb builds are going to drop from pit 160-something down to pit 130/140. That’s before accounting for Crown of Lucion, Locran’s Talisman, Shard of Verathiel, The Third Blade, Rakanoth’s Wake, and buffs to stuff like Ramaladni’s and Banished Lord’s and Godslayer Crown and so on. Most sorc builds would be happy to be buffed up to those pit levels after all the new/updated uniques.


Yeah … Those were the days… I think I want that Bone Spear Necro back now … Lol

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It is simple, if they would put all classes at “barb” level the game would be broken, in fact it is broken to barbs atm. It is easy to see that.

Other way would be to push everybody up and also monsters health and damage. However, this approach would ends up with quadrillions of damage to everybody, which is also bad.

You can’t balance only up, that is it.


This game need nerfs. And yeah especially barbs. Sad that it is way too late.


Nah, I think Spiritborn will be OP for an entire season. This will draw in some of the waiters that didn’t buy yet. S7 it will get nerfed back into the pack somewhere.

I played hota bash simply because it was my first time on barb and I liked the playstyle. I thought flay was the best build though?

I actually love that analogy.