The return of Diablo

As much as I want Diablo to make his return to Diablo 4, I also kinda hope they take their time bringing him back. Slowly build his return over a course of expansions. Like possibly start bringing Baal back during Vessel of Hatred, then at the end Baal gets released and Diablo gets teased.

Then the next expansion could be like “Diablo IV: Destructions End” and it’s all about destroying Baal. All the while Diablo is being teased throughout and then somehow pulls a “Malthael” and consumes the other primes and possibly the lesser evils too. Then he makes his return at the very start of the next expansion.

“Diablo IV: The Reign of Terror” Diablo comes out right at the beginning and just wreaks havoc the whole expansion. I just really want an actual scary badass of a Diablo this time around. I Feel like they didn’t do him justice in D3.


I agree with your post. The prime evils can never really be destroyed. They just go on holiday for awhile.


IMO, they probably have some kind of long-term business roadmap, with all major expansions roughly planed several years in advance. Diablo as a boss will return 100%, but it might take several expansions until we get there.


He is alive an well in d2r… They just need to update that game and everyone will be over there.

Yeah that is most probably the plan.

He will return. The question will be whether Kitava or something actually innovative beats him down before that.

That’s probably close to what the plan is.

I found that in both D2 and D3 killing Diablo off first was problematic. In both instances, I liked the expansion villain more.

“We never lose our demons, only learn to live above them.” - The Ancient One

He will be back. There is no destroying the depths of hell.

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I sure hope they aren’t “saving” Diablo for a 3rd or 4th expansion. Many of Blizzard’s long term plans tend to get canceled.

I imagine its a 5-6 year plan with several expansions along the way. My problem is WHY are they gating the bosses behind Mat gathering. Im not interested in having to farm all the mats just for a chance at something to drop - like Duriel and Andariel are now. They set the bar high making Lilith so hard - most people including me dont play Meta builds so we’ll never even beat her once. Bring back the good old days and let us fight them all over and over as many times as we want. Thats all Im asking for - I can wait 6 years but man the Mat grinding really needs to go …

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This has been my attitude over the issue. Why does Diablo HAVE to be in the game from the start? So he can be killed and just be another uber boss to defeat every season? I like that they are tryin to expand the universe with different characters while building anticipation for his return. Lilith was a cool villain and I can’t wait to tackle mephisto in the next expansion. Diablo has been mentioned a few times already along with the other prime evils. This is called foreshadowing, a concept that seems to be getting lost with todays “I got to have it NOW!” crowd.

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Diablo Immortal took 2 and a half years (and by this I mean that it arrives at the end of this year) with updates every 2-3 weeks.

So it will take a long time in Diablo 4 (update every 3 months).


(I’m more worried that we’ll never see it, honestly.)

I believe that a lesser evil will come between each greater evil. Maybe Belial will be the next expansion, then Baal, then Azmodan… then Heaven… then Nephalem Random… Then the Cow King…

last expac the real endboss, and who is behind all the evil - the cowking!

Well… it’s not for nothing that his domain is considered a realm of vengeance.


Obviously, Diablo will return to D4 in Expansion #6.

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OP if you want the xpacs to be like that you might never see the end of the game. Look at me and the other Vets that been waiting for its true Ending we are in our 50s-70s now since the first game and this is how you want to break up D4 to get to its finale? Seems you all really gave on gaming and rely on speedrunning and just get BiS gear and worry about a character nerf. Back in the day there was no such thing as a nerf in D1 and D2LoD or get BiS or this Scaling nonsense. This is why Dd4 is a mess and Lilith is so Broken because as you nerf and try to fix up each character you forget a piece of programming mathematics on Lilith you nerfed and increased on all the characters Devs don’t know where to begin to make her killable. All players do is say she is doable…that is BS and it is an excuse and they know it. Devs you know I am right on what I posting here because I been writing up in your surveys on what to implant and what not to do or it will cause your game to fail but my survey means nothing right…it goes in the trash because i’m not a popular streamer. As I am typing this it reminds me when i gave the word “Longevity” so far back and I started seeing streamers and the Devs use it…but…you guys used that word so wrong in this game that your campfire and your streams knowing that you didn’t even know what the word meant. Anyways, just like my WoW TWW beta feedbacks on Skyriding whoever that person they call Ion he or she needs to stop being a dumbass and let go of that pride because that Dev knows I am right when they called me the What if guy. A What if guy makes the game work.

This game should be called World of Sanctuary. So far, none of the evil plans have come directly from Diablo himself.

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Not goona happen. A scary Diablo? How? The design philosophy of the game is to carve through it like a hot knife threw butter.

Diablo, Baal, Mephisto will all be worthless punchingbags in the story.

We might get some form of Pit where you can fight a lv 500 World boss with 17 shadow bosses and 3438347569384756938476593 hp. Aside from that they will all be as harmless as toddlers.

Btw i didn’t enjoyed the diablo design that much in D3 but wit was miles ahead of what bosses look like in D4.

I still have money on Lorath being Diablo.

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What if we are Diablo and final Act is taking down heaven. lol

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