The reactions on Necro nerfs are hilarious to read and watch on stream

Stupid thread topic.
You go to the boss, boss does 1 attack and all minions are dead.
How in the hell you can justify so bad balancing…?
You dont understand the game, not even the class…
It’s a valid playstyle to be a full minion master, nothing to do with faceroll or something…
Nobody claims 1 dead skeleton per minute.
This is not the point.
It’s the same with the hydra sorc. 15-20% nerf would have been fine. 60% is over the top. And here it’s the same… when a boss kills ALL (!) of your minions with the first attack, the build is not viable. There are no 2 points of view in this question… :see_no_evil:


And that’s on easy/normal, wait for Torment where a single regular zombie will crush all your minions in one hit :rofl:


no only the reality…

Your statement makes 0 sense in the context of what you’re replying to. No idea what you’re trying to say.

It’s not only about a necro, look at it objectively OP, not through glasses of a fan boy. If you put the nerfs and the drop rate together you get heavily worse experience than previous beta. Open beta was such a fun, now I hit lvl 20 with sorc and I immediately stopped playing just gonna kill ashava later and move on.

You can argue like many of you that “it gets better” “drops wil improve once you lvl up” and so on and you know what, you are probably right at that, seeing codexes across acts and tools we have to make initial build are meant to be there until drops improve later on, I see that and I also know full release will be different because I can go to act X to get codex I want to start building, I can also rush to get a horse to make traversal more bearable. But the point is game should be fun and engaging from first 5 minutes and server slam showed it’s really not. They don’t need to necessarily redesign entire game but just improve the initial leveling experience, be it so by buffing classes or slightly increasing drop rates. There will be many many people who just won’t wait until they hot lbl 30+ or tier 3 to start seeing proper drops, or go through 10hrs of gameplay just to get a horse so they don’t have to spend hours running around semi empty spaces from A to B


The balance is now more trash as ever before, and the drop rate, is hilarious Anti-fun to play. In the 2 other betas i literally can’t stop to play, now I need to force me to play.


Note: World Tiers are not affecting drop rates, just XP, Gold and enable ancestral / unique items to drop. Since even WT wont have impact on drops, I really doubt level will.

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Or they could be wrong. Literally nobody knows for sure because nobody’s been able to play past the beginning, and you can’t take Blizz’s word for it because they’ve gotta market their own game.

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“Well said, OP, you hit it on the nail.”

Literally not a saying by anyone in human history. Nice try half wit.


Asmon thinks he is the smartest person on the planet and knows what is best for everyone. Every once in a blue moon he has a decent
take but 99% of the time…yawn


You have a game that is being marketed in two primary bullet points:

  • “Play Your Way”

  • “Return to Roots”

Neither bullet point is reflected in the current iteration of minionmancer.

The pudding that proves it? Diablo 2. Fire that up (Remaster works for this as well), roll a brand new Necro and head out to the blood moor. Kill a mob, raise your skellie. Now go find other mobs and take note of how many that one single skeleton is capable of downing, on its own, before breaking apart.

Now fire up D4 and try the same exact thing. 1 single skellie versus the first enemies you encounter. Compare notes.

It’s possible that when we reach level 50 + have dozens of paragon levels + decked out legendaries with proper aspects and enchants, that summonmancer might be viable on top-tier fights on hardest difficulties. It’s also possible that the Red Sox will win the world series this year. I’m not holding my breath.

In D2, necros weren’t gear-dependent until Hell difficulty, and even then, it was the standard endgame runewords (Enigma, Fort, etc) that brought it up to par. So being an early game powerhouse was more in line with the game’s roots than what we have now. I also recall plenty of people saying in those betas “just wait and see, things balance out over time.”

I understand not being able to have your cake AND eat it, too. With the current build though, the cake is a lie. We neither have it nor eat it. And the ethereal cherry on top? What we are being told by people like the OP is akin to someone trying to convince you to read the Wheel of Time series.

“Just trust me bro, it gets much better a bout midway through book 7.”

Having to suffer a few thousand pages before it starts “getting good” is a hard sell.


And on D2 you can easily have around 40 minions + golem + resurrections.

Here you only have 4 skels, 3 mages and a golem. There’s a legendary (I have it) to bring up 2 skels more, maybe there’s a legendary to bring one more mage idk, and the skirmishers passive that let you rise another one, so we are talking about around 8-12 minions at most.

They just don’t perform at low difficulty and obviously they won’t scale to Torment endgame, no mater how hard you try. I tried to make a viable pet WD on D3 release and I failed miserably; I ended up making a sorc and a deamon hunter and it will be the same here. They are forcing you to play the caster necro.


Please tell me streamers aren’t whining about Necromancers too. I can’t possibly be the only person who had fun and was relieved that the class wasn’t faceroll like it was during beta.

So easy it’s actually easy, yep, nice point.

Diablo games “normal” difficulty is the final one, if your build is struggling on easy, it won’t work on Torment as difficulty increment on Diablo is not gradual, it’s a wall.


They are not fine, the health and damage are utter crap and the healing is at 5%. Nobody can tell me that this was balance, balance is tweaking some skills a few points or percentages here or there, not blowing the build up to the point you’ve lost 90% viability on minions.
This feels utterly fail at this point, they’ve taken it from op to useless in one fell swoop, it is like they are trying to redo the class completely at the 11th hour. That sure as hell doesn’t fill me with confidence that as the game progresses we aren’t going to find even more horrendously imbalance.

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True, the whole game is now boring, and drop-rates are also way to low.

lvl 20 only Grey-blue, not funny, I don’t have time for such a drop rate after work, it’s not fun, it’s frustration.

I can not believe you made it to level 20 with only greys and blues. How? By 20 I had all rares and then it wasn’t too hard to create a few legendaries with the aspects and get lucky and farm up a few more.

They needed damage nerf early but constant resummoning in current year is just annoying.

People complain good items drop too often in D3. Sorry dude can’t please everyone but I don’t see the issue in blue items being used for once.


I find funny that people are bothered by the pet playstyle, Diablo 2 really pioneered this kind of gameplay, to have gazillions of summons to do the work for you, even at that time there’s people that found boring and went with bone spells instead, but the difference is that they had a choice. No other game than Path of Exile had the balls to replicate this kind of gameplay and now even Diablo itself doesn’t want anymore, it’s funny because they listened to people jealousy about the class, while summoners themselves was happy with what was given.

We invest into pets for them do exactly that (newsflash!), the argument of the complainers doesn’t make sense.


You mean the nail in Blizz’s coffin, right? Because players in WoW and other games are really starting to lose faith in them because of their lazy corrections (such as this one). I know the echo chamber that is the Blizz forums will deny it, but it’s the truth.

The entire issue was one streamer going AFK while letting his minions kill everything. Just because one person did it on stream doesn’t mean we all want this. There were many ways to correct this beyond nerfing minions. They claimed they would just despawn after a certain amount of time, which would have been enough, but it turns out they also nerfed their health.

I also wonder why people care so much about how others play a game? This is NOT an MMO so if someone sits and farms stuff? Who cares. It doesn’t affect you at all. It’s not like you won’t be invited to the raid or mythic+ if your class isn’t able to do the same.