The question is not if Diablo 4 is failing

used to see so many lvl 100s a few weeks ago

now its all low levels running around and I end up carrying more than half the events i join…

all the proof I need right there that endgame just isnt good enough to keep max lvls playing

They missed that a game needs to be fun. Monsters always at your level, you can’t get ahead so not fun. Poison and other traps are all instant death? Not fun. I played hard core on all other diablo versions but 4 is just not realistic. Not keeping loot from seasons, that you pay extra for, how is that fun? Not gear to avoid stuns, slow, frozen? How is that fun? Can’t play an easier section to level up because oh yeah monsters are always your level. Hear’s the stupidest one of all, why make normal difficulty impossible to not die? Shouldn’t normal be for light fun play? Nope. Lastly, huge annoyance. Why is every dungeon just a copy of another? What are there maybe 4-5 different dungeons? What a lazy lame… :flushed:

One key tipoff is the fact that you will see the same people more and more out in the world doing bosses, helltides and in town. Up until a little over a week ago I never saw the same people. Now I do all the time.

And my clan and almost all of my closest friends clans are maxed out but we all have like 10-20 people online during primetime.

I continue to see players abandoning this game and a plummeting viewership on Twitch for such a new game is a tell tale sign of a failed game. It’s fixable but it requires a lot of work on Blizzard’s part. They aren’t acknowleding the issues or communicating with their players adequately so I’m assuming they also gave up on the game until they prove otherwise.

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What made the previous Diablo games appealing to you? I feel like they all suffered from the same problems you’re saying D4 has. Runewords in D2 were an exception, and there was satisfaction to grinding out your first enigma.

Diablo 2 was PVP, could spend hundreds of hours dueling or power leveling new alts to min/max it’s duel capability and try a multitude of builds. It had vastly superior PVP replayability to Diablo 3 and Diablo 4. In fact, Diablo 4 already botched the end game because they let people exploit uber uniques while no one else can realistically get one. At least on Diablo 2 you could get similarly strong items even if they were duped/exploited. Diablo 2 also had a superior end game PVE item hunt and trading so it has D4 beat there too.

Diablo 3 had better gameplay, PVE builds and greater rifts. I spent hundreds of hours climbing greater rifts. It had vastly superior PVE to Diablo 4. In this game there’s literally no unique reward or achievement for climbing higher NM dungeons. More like, you get the same loot after spending hundreds of millions of gold rerolling stats/skills and wasted time to alter your character to beat a NM 100. D3 has a leaderboard.

In both D2 and D3 it was much more alt friendly and stash friendly as well.

These were just a few of the core issues but make the diff between a bad game and a good game.

uh huh. Nice try and gaslighting there buddy.

It is common. Not just gaming software industry either. A well known Astronomy forum is renowned for removing any and ALL posts that criticise a manufacturer, even when due. Question it and you get a ban. Owner of said forums is a retailer, with close ties to quite a few manufacturers, hence them doing their utmost to screw consumers over and hide and remove any negative reviews of products and/or manufacturers. I bought something from them once and NEVER again. Worst customer service I have ever experienced, but I have found many American companies to have extremely poor customer service.

Anyway, I’m not going to change your mind, and you’re not going to change my mind. Let’s leave it at that.


I made the mistake of tryiing a cold NM dungeon earlier today. Have since deleted a bunch of sigil keys. Get frozen, and if you survive, before you can take a potion or get out of there, you are guess what, frozen again. And again. And again. It is NOT fun. I tried for **** and giggles a NM 47 dungeon - damage wasn’t a problem. Getting constantly One shot, even from mobs off screen (yes, off screen) - in that instance, those skeletal turrets. Their arrows are fired so quick that no human stands a chance of dodging them. 1 shot and bang, character dead. This is NOT fun, this is incredibly unbalanced p.o.s game design.

Until Blizzard can actually balance the builds, bring OP AF monsters back in line to reasonable levels, they will continue to lose players. Items are well, crap, since the last hotfix haven’t had a single unique drop and legendary items are considerably rarer to drop now. Making crappy items even rarer to drop doesn’t make a game enjoyable or fun, and only discourages players to abandon the game. Why play a loot game when the loot drop is rarer than hen’s teeth?

D4 has potential, but Blizzard has to really want to fix things and listen to the community. Given the sordid history of D3, I highly doubt that this will happen. As it stands, D4 is probably in a worse state than D3V was at the same point of time post release.

5 weeks or so post release, my horse still gallops on the same spot for 10 seconds. Load times when TP’ing back to town are like 20-30 seconds and there is ZERO reason for this imho. Stash is crap. UI is crap. Enchanting costs are crap and far too high. There is so much wrong with this game as it currently stands.

For those whitenights defending Blizzard and trying to gaslight me and tell me to “get gud” or “this game isn’t for you, go back to D3” you can pre-emptively take a long walk off a short plank.

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You are very short-sighted in this take. This is not a single player game, this is an always online multiplayer (in shards) game.

Perhaps put a bit more thought into your response when trying to defend the game. Right now, it seems you are just throwing anything on the wall and hoping it sticks.

You sure you meant to reply to me? I hardly consider my one, single response in a 233 reply thread “throwing things at the wall hoping they stick”.

I explained in a perfectly clear manner why your statement was short-sighted and amounted to a hail marry attempt at defending the state of this game. I suggest you re-read what you posted about not caring about 99% of the players leaving. Then consider the fact that the game depends on players being around to gain revenue through its cash shop. What do you really think will happen if the game tanks down to only 1% of its original population?

I think I’ll probably just play another game, yeah? You think my life revolves around D4? I don’t care if it fails or not, it’s not the only game out there. For now, I play it and enjoy it.

I appreciate your reply. Obviously there is a huge issue with the ‘fun’ as so many players are leaving. Many won’t speak negatively because you get beat up by other members. My current theory for so many lvl 100 players leaving is when Battlenet said after paying for a battlepass you don’t get to keep anything. Typical big company, they never listen to the actual players.

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I’m thinking the failing is a continuing trend with these new patch notes.

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Diablo 3 literally died before seasons. Also with this season there will be

No Extra bag space to put all the new items you will be collecting and forced to hang onto

No Leaderboards

No Barb builds worth a salt

Druids still need uniques to succeed.

Items that still don’t exist as they are 1:800,000 uniques dropped.

Sorc builds as they need vulnerable, cc, and cdr

Necromancer lost its best build and has no replacement as they killed blood as well.

The dungeons are still BARE. Nothing to fight at all

No rewards for doing content

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Have we seen all the season/BP rewards yet?

I still think there is no need for all the hoarding that people say they are doing.

it was like this on the d3 forums. My suspicions are that these people who “beat up other members” are Blizzard employees incognito. They break the forum TOS and even if you report their posts, nothing is done. EVER.


Then we can agree to disagree. I think the google metrics are enough to go off of to be able to accurate predict the popularity of D4. Which, I think, is lower than expectations.

A lot of the players need to just look for the truth in each post if the person is saying something you totally disagree with. Many times the Blizzard defender/whiteknight/suspected undercover Blizzard is just spouting babble and nonsense.

Take this patch for example. It objectively made everyone weaker and ruined our builds. There is a huge fee to reroll/try other builds at level 100 or any late game level. When weirdos are on the forum defending a crappy patch, saying their build improved or they “fixed the game” even though they made it worse, it isn’t worth arguing with them. They probably don’t even play the game at all.

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Quite simply, I agree with your assessment of this patch - it’s complete and utter garbage.

The answer is simple - we simply abandon the game en masse. Writing lots of letters of complaints en masse to computer and gaming magazines about Blizzard and D4 will help too. Bad press is a good motivator. We simply have to band together.

I’m pretty much done with the game after this patch and will probably uninstall it. I’d personally like to seek a refund, but that is unlikely from Sony.