The question is not if D4's Season 1 is failing

Um what? I already earned all the achievements for killing 10,000 monsters of every single monster type before I was level 92.
There is not a single “for fun” element found within Noablo 4, I WOULD RATHER BE working than logging in Noablo 4.
I have more social interactions while driving my tractor cutting the grass than you can get through Noablo 4.

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True. Game has made me actually love mowing my lawn a lot more. I cherish the time mowing rather than playing the snoozefest D4.


Anyone using metacritic as a basis for whether a game fails doesn’t understand how bad metacritic is as a platform.


All hail the lord and saviour, metacritic, so sayeth the flock!


No “ARPGs” are not “all about Seasons”. It has become a regular feature of some of them.

It has been ignorable (and has been ignored) by the majority of players in every ARPG, not just Diablo.

There has always been a minority hard core that love the Seasons thing, yes.

D4 appears to take this one step further than previous Diablos and other ARPGs, though, in that they appear to have designed the whole experience around Seasons and what is not intended to be Seasons is left lacking.

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Two things:

  1. We are still post “nerf patch” so their complaints are still relevant. Bringing that up only validated them. If they had complained about the patch BEFORE it was made public, they would have been making things up.

  2. You don’t know what the word arbitrary means.

adjective: arbitrary

  1. based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system.

It’s a 5 star SYSTEM and they even give REASONS for their ratings. Nobody is out here flipping a coin on whether they’re going to give a positive or negative review you copium addict.

Sorry, but get with the times.

ARPGS was a cult game and was not even close to being huge until POE set the bar for seasons, and now even indie arpgs do seasons.

Seasons is what makes arpgs. Even Diablo 3 died off quickly because it did not go with this trend, and at last started doing it near the end.

If you are not playing seasonal content, than you not really playing arpg. The eternal realms don’t matter and should not.

Ummm but…driving tractor suc…s!

I find more joy in playing D4 than driving tractor!
Oh and btw that’s a “FACT” according to experts in here! :joy:

See what i did there? :melting_face:

Yes PoE set the bar and their leagues are still utterly ignorable and the content comes to the core game. Leagues in PoE are pretty much an optional way of playing DLC a little early in a free-to-play game.

PoE 2 is a massive improvement and is adding a massive campaign play-through to the core game. Haven’t read anything about leagues in PoE 2.

So, even GGG don’t emphasise leagues as a fundamental of their games because they know that it’s a small minority that get all excited about racing ladders and competitive leagues.

The vast majority just enjoy the content that the leagues bring to the main game.

So, get with the times, the majority of players - along with RPG fans - are utterly uninterested in Seasons and D4 making them such a core focus is a mistake.


What… It was a pretty good patch.

The game is flawed, but better than it was a week ago.

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Players being “salty” are an exact indication of the game state, how is that meaningless?

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you surely are playing a different game as there can be only 12 peoples per instance , very impossible to see DOZENS riding along you .

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Someone as in the game creators must care about eternal realms since you know THEY KEPT THEM IN THE GAME, obvious just crit you for 1,000,000 damage, you die and your feats will not be remembered.

No it’s just an indication of the playerbase.

Players will ‘always’ be salty. There’s not a time when they won’t be salty. This game could be perfect and they’d still be salty.

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Based on the server traffic last night I’d say the season is doing fine. It will decline over time like it does with any season as people complete their goals, but I doubt Blizzard is disappointed in the numbers so far.

Me and my friend list were foreseeing the bloody slope this game was taking since the end of June. Having reached lvl 90+ we acknowledged the total absence of verticality in this game.

Rewards are pathetic, really took 10 years to write 6 uniques x class, and just 1 out of these works.
Endgame is flat and unstructured, in videogame history holds true the equation higher difficulty = higher and differentiated drop. Not here, everything you do you get same yellows, same aspects, same uniques.

Do we allnhave years to wait for them to add a complete and structured list of items? No, we all have a life and they could have used D3 libraries.

Are cellars and NM dungeons enough for a 2k23 game? Absolutely not, let alone if all the activities you complete reward u same pieces of ****. Why not taking advantage of procedural generation (see PoE endless dungeon)?

Can seasonal hearts be able to fill this immense gap? No again not even hundreds of them.

This game cries for endgame structure and articulation, prob needing a complete rework.

Gl to ya all guys


You aren’t the only one moving, other players are constantly doing things as well. When I was in town it was constantly full of players moving in and out.

Your experience is not the bechmark.

Because review bombing is a thing and judging by the forums, people that don’t even play the game are willing to discredit it for their self satisfaction.

The review bombing started before the patch release mate. Review bombing before or after the patch, it doesn’t really matter that much. Review bombing will give a skewed representation of satisfaction levels as a certain portion of reviewers are making an effort to submit while others aren’t.

I very much do.

People (based on random choice or personal whim) give the game a score from 1 to 5. There are no rules or systems put in place to ensure that the chosen values are accurate.

Therefore the score is arbitrary.

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Claiming the game is so good without listening a single reason. K dude.
This game feels exactly like a job, work for 30 hours unlock story, work 30 more hours unlock paragon, work another 100 get nothing.
The moment to moment gameplay is just holding down which ever skill you boosted with your aspect. Thats it.

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it is just a way for your seasonal chars to go and people won’t “complain” about losing chars. Really they should just delete your char after a season to be honest.

If what you say is true, OP… Then all that’s left to be done is let nature take it’s course. Sit back, put your legs up and enjoy the show.