The prices for cosmetics are ridiculous

There was a picture somewhere that showed a Necro skin for 28 bucks.

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If/when I get the game I will ignore/not even open the shop :slight_smile: I find cosmetics to be a huge waste of time.

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The only way it could possibly bother me is if i couldn’t evade the ingame store.
If i get commercial type things that i can’t ignore.

In WoW they did it pretty well ,there they have a ingame store but you don’t really notice it.
Or the shop in the launcher ,doesn’t bother me either.

And what they sell ,it’s only cosmetics so that doesn’t bother me… it it was an xp boost it would be different imo.

But i don’t want to see the store ,that’s definitely something i don’t want.


The biggest turn off to me is kinda expensive but class specific outfits. I don’t plan on having a bunch of each class nor do I plan to play the same class all the time. Also, that level 20-25 Sorc dropped “set” looks better than anything I’ve seen from the cash shop so far. I’m not interested in the overly gothic stuff. Unpopular opinion…the stuff that would interest me is the flashy stuff a lot don’t want.

They’re about exactly what I thought they’d be, based off my experience with shops in other games and my experience with WoW’s optional-services pricing.

Definitely stupid prices, but I like that. It makes me have zero temptation for buying them


You might have me there.

Er, you can buy maxlevel or maxlevel-1 expansion boosts in the WoW store lol.

(and Gold)

That’s a shame but not unexpected. As one of the potentially few people that actually cares about cosmetics just as much as the gameplay, all the “it’s just cosmetics” people have really been a downer for me these past 10-15 years.


You are right but i was referring to Diablo 4.

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i only buy the finest cosmetics in FF14. every other games cosmetics suck. GW2 are alright i guess.

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my boxes of condoms cost more.

GW2 does quite a good job coming up with cosmetics you really want to have.

They’re completely optional so it’s no problem.
The higher price means a premium look for those that want it. It’s a good price strategy.


Yeah I saw a video review it showed one skin for $13 I think it was a rogue one and a necro one for $28, I would consider it normal if it was a F2P game like OW2 but this is a $70 game at it’s cheapest! With a season pass on top.
We still don’t know how much premium currency you will get per season but I’m sure they said it won’t be enough to buy the season pass again, so that’s less than 1000, and I’m pretty sure it’s not gonna be by little, I would be surpised if you get more than 500 per season, AKA every 3 months. Which is even worst, that means, even if you are paying $10 every 3 months for the battle pass it would take you over a year to buy one of the most expensive sets, like the necro one.

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I don’t know, that sounds pretty normal to me.

Yep, it’s insane. No cosmetic gear set, mount, etc. for a character you don’t even see up close most of the time should ever cost more than about 5 bucks. I think they’re seriously handicapping themselves that way. If they priced these things at a few bucks each, they could go Walmart on the customer-base and earn more through volume of sales. I’m a big cosmetics guy and I spend a lot on that crap, but I will NOT be motivated to pay $30 for a set of gear. It just won’t happen. You might sucker me into it for an especially awesome full armor set for $10, and even then I’d be a little embarrassed, but $20+ is a no go and people will probably just make fun of their friends that do it! :rofl:

I’d pay $40 for my character to look like the Master Chief!

Yeah, OW2 skin pricing is when I realized they were a few cards short of a deck. Their awful policies for pulling back OW1 content into the OW2 paid scheme, coupled with those $28 skins, basically meant I’d never buy any of their stuff again. In fact, I stopped playing the game outright and haven’t looked back. :expressionless:


Meanwhile, OW2 has been charging $20 for legendary recolored skins since it “launched”. I don’t know why anyone is surprised by Blizzard’s greed today. I said F2P monetization is bad, even worse when the game isn’t even free to play. :skull:

Funny enough there are still fools who believe this monetization goes back to the game at all and doesn’t line the execs pockets for new yachts.