The prices for cosmetics are ridiculous

I nearly fell off my chair when I heard ONE skin costs 20-30 dollars. I love cosmetics and I don’t mind paying a little for it and also support the game I play.

But for the price of a skin you’re almost halfway to the price of the actual game. And the game itself is already expensive. I am so disappointed I dont know what to say.

Yes, I know it is only cosmetics and it does not affect gameplay but it is unreasonable to ask 20-30 dollars for ONE skin.

EDIT: I see alot of people discussing whether or not a game should be priced as just a box and that’s it or have an in game shop. For a long running live service game it is necessary for the game to make money outside of major expansions or the base game. I am not in any way opposed to this. However, the prices are shamefully high. Look at league of legends as an example compared to this. One of the first games if not the first that made the free to play businessmodel the next big thing. You can earn alot of them for free but hard to target a specific skin. And if you want to buy a skin they are not even close to 20 dollars except for a very limited few. But Diablo 4 is not even free to play yet their cosmetics are priced as overwatch 2.


That does seem high, but the market will drive the prices. If people aren’t buying them, expect the price to drop. It could be they are doing the model of show something at ridiculous price, then give 50% off deal and people will feel like they get a bargain. Common and effective sales tactic because it feels limited time only.


Is there anywhere we can preview the skins that will be offered?


Im happy I’m someone who doesn’t care what my character looks like. He could be wearing a burlap sack and wielding two whiffle ball bats and I would be a-ok as long as the gameplay is good.


I imagine they will have a way to preview it, so as to entice you to purchase.

As for the OP: these are the same prices they have for OW2 legendary skins.


Elder Scrolls Online is expensive too.

However, I believe they are high to burn up premium currency from the Battle Pass.

I’ll probably buy everything in the shop. :money_mouth_face:


I figured that much. But they way the OP talked, it sounded like he’d seen them.

The 20-30 isnt just for the clothing skins

Its literally every piece for the set

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He “heard”, what source? No clue. But the price he gives sounds “reasonable”. I haven’t seen any specific details yet, so he could just be talking out of his butt.

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Yeah I’ve seen two. A mount skin for 20 dollars and a necro skin for 25 dollars

Well, I challenge them to make something I actually want to pay money for, or even something I care about seeing on another player.

My fear is that their recurring income projections are going to tank because people don’t really care about cosmetics in a game like this, just the way the RMAH crashed in D3 at the start.

But all you whales go ahead and prove me wrong and pay for all of our future game enhancements lol.


I do care about how my character looks like, but luckily for me, i have some self discipline and control and do not get swayed by these ridiculous in game shop incentives. People who complain about the price of these cosmetics have really no room to complain because its because of people like them that encourage these companies to keep doing these practices.


Lol i always think back to the mathil video from poe when his friend comes over and is like dude your guy looks amazing what did that cost you? And he goes ummmm… about 300.


I know I won’t be buying anything from the cash shop except what comes “free” via the battlepass/platinum earned. Whales can go ahead and do what they do best, throw good money after bad.


Day 1 cash shop cosmetics lookin like a raid boss.

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Rich people don’t spend money stupidly, ask me how I know.

  • The in-game armors are very very nice from what I can tell so far. No reason ever to look like a clown. Some of the best will be part of the main game without extra costs. Normal drops/items, achievements maybe? Seasons?

  • The normal Battlepass has a bunch for $10 each Season so those will likely be economical as an option for some.

  • Promotions like Twitch have some free ones for watching, or various other promotions exist.

I feel like I won’t need to buy anything unless it is really really something special I can’t “live” without.

I am good about going to the store and not coming home with everything I see too, so there is that.


cause people will pay it that’s why

no point complaining about game companies monetizing so much stuff when so many people are willing to just give them money

diablo immoral made ridiculous amounts of money while being absolutely shredded for it


Whimsydale unicorn mount skin- I’d buy that. Pretty pony for the beefy Druid :call_me_hand: