The Pit Boss One-Shot-Mechanics are unfair!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: thats not how it works, not even close.

but considering that the pit reaches to tier 200, and people can survive these attacks on tiers below t100 id say it is realistic. ^^

i mean, im not sure where you are at right now in game, but im sure youll be able to survive a shadow attack. Hence why i said in another thread. right now, if i want to mindlessly farm, i just do t70-80 while watching some netflix.

dodging doesnt prevent you to die?

Even darksouls bosses doens’t have hitkill mechanics, they are rare, and usually are a single skill in their whole kit.

In diablo 4 season 4, Pit bosses has 95% of their kit based on hitkills and sometimes a pool tooks half of your hp… completely delusional.

“Dodge therefore fair” is a bad argument

SO, why have the minions that lead up to the boss then? What’s the point… if I can run through them in 2 minutes… only to get 1 shot all the time because I can’t raise my skeletons, curse… and dodge mechanics… it’s never been a diablo things… it’s garbage

SO, why have the minions that lead up to the boss then? What’s the point… if I can run through them in 2 minutes… only to get 1 shot all the time because I can’t raise my skeletons, curse… and dodge mechanics… it’s never been a diablo thing
… it’s garbage

Eventually everything is going to one shot you - just a question of when.
BUT… The telegraphing of boss attacks is ruining the pit experience. I dont mind one shots if I can see them coming but so often they are not visible, so I just die and it feels really bad.
If only there was someway for an overlay that shows telegraphs clearly regardless of graphics settings/spell effects on the screen. I want to feel responsible for my deaths.

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SO, why have the minions that lead up to the boss then if you guys want 1 shot mechanics? What’s the point… if I can run through them in 2 minutes… only to get 1 shot all the time because I can’t raise my skeletons, curse… and dodge mechanics… it’s never been a diablo things… it’s garbage. It makes that initial minion run completely pointless… it tells me nothing about how I can handle the boss. I need to masterwork? Ok, i need to do lvl 61+ pits… they have 1 shot mechanics… if you want to add this… add it in super high +90…
sow we don’t have to deal with it if we don’t want to (or in a minion build, highly unlikely you can dodge and keep your minions alive)


The way the pit scales atm feels extremly poor, there should be such one shot mechanic that starts at such a low level pit meanwhile theres abilitys in the game such as flame sheild that can let you fully immune all mechanics in the game forever. This is very artificially inflated. The boss itself does next to no damage at all when it hits you and is a complete joke itself. Would love to see a shift in how this scales up to 100 between what the boss actually does vs what the shadow image does. Of course there is a point when the one shots from the shadow should in fact exist but i feel that should start at 100 or close to it, otherwise why are we even worrying at all about defenses in this game? Max resists/armor/with a fair bit of health do not overcome the one shot so why bother, its not like the boss can even do more than 5% of my health if he were to actually hit me.

One Shot mechanische, in my opinion, is only the laziest design of game designers in this Diablo 4.

There are more ways to make the boss fight more challenges without one shot death, for example, summoning boss’s shadow version, or using some element that makes the boss gains some health (rather than loss it), …

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There is no way in any game on the market that a player should be subjected to being 1-shotted, period. The damage should be a % to the player, not an arbitrary value that is randomly rolled by the AI, without taking into account the players health that it is affecting. This type of unfair calculation makes people not want to play against a NPC. Blizz, fix this or you will be losing more of your fan base…people are not going to stand for this at all.

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what pit level is this ?

1 shot should never exist, at any level

Agree with OP.

This is a design thats not working, especially for hardcore.
At launch the difficulty was also high, but then it was chain cc. With cc you got a few seconds to react. This is not the case with oneshots.
In content you play over and over, this just doesn’t work.

And for the “Learn to play” comments: grow up, its a game. Let people have some fun.

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I’ve also noticed that there can be TWO different shadow clones that spawn during different times when the Pit Boss HP reaches 50%.

I’ve encountered both Lilith and Tomb Lord “shadow clones” (and others as well) in Pits levels greater than Level 40+. My Incinerate Sorc is doing Pit Level 57 and experiencing two different shadow clones w/ the Pit Boss encounter.

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Boost this post - it has suggestions:

Dude, where in hell did you get 125,000 life?? :sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses::sunglasses:

For me, I have reached the end of the road with the Pit. It is no longer enjoyable and I cannot progress. Therefore, I can’t complete my gear upgrades. My toon has reached the end of its usefulness. There is no point in starting a new toon, which would be great while the XP bonus is running… because I expect to run into the same issues, unless I run some immortal build… but that would feel like cheating.
Being able to win against these bosses using some Skill feels way better.
When there is simply NOTHING you can do against some of these pit bosses, no gear or stats that help, and u dont even get a warning, and it doesn’t matter where your standing in the room, and you get 1 shot by ie. SeaSlag or which ever, it’s just depressing and demoralizing.

Mothers Blessing be damned, I have way more enjoyable things to be doing than getting PWNED time after time.

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I wish my sorc could get this much life lulz. 100k third world probs while I run around like a chicken with 20k and if a monster sneezes I die if no barrier or shield.

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Misunderstanding the type of game this is.
Get smarter.

well at least you can get 120k life

I am on a rogue and +life on almost everything I am at 28k life, I have got up to the 60’s in the pit but now shadow lilith spawns all the time now and it’s just pure luck to not get 1 shot from the random attacks.

Feels like season over for me, the miniscule bonuses I get from upgrading my glyphs aren’t going to help. Otherwise I am just having to rely on a getting uber unique like harlequin crest to progress