The no good news about Couch Coop in Diablo 4 (2 copies required for a lot)

Couch Coop seemed like this kind of idealistic system that was working fine, but there’s a huge trap. I purchased the game on wife’s account so she could have the cosmetic battle pass. I messaged customer service to make sure we’d both be able to play early access without issues such as if I wanted to play solo I’d still be able to do it. to me this makes sense because traditionally it’s one game per console.

However the response I got back from customer service was much worse than anticipated. Not only is it an issue with early access but you’re only allowed to play coop in general without a 2nd copy of the game. I assume (hope) that you can still do the work around where you log in the other player first and then join and then log out, but not only is this unnecessarily annoying but you would have 0 access to any progress you made independent of the first player’s account, forever, for all time. until you finally break down and shell out another $70 for a game you already own. incredibly malicious and greedy on Blizzard’s part


We’ve known this for a while. The game is tied to the battlenet account. If you don’t buy the game you can’t play as anything other than as a couch co-op partner. I don’t know why it is so surprising that you have to buy the game to play the game.


I did buy the game. you’re trolling. what I’m talking about is having to buy the game twice.


Does game sharing not work anymore? When I played ps5 on different games my friend and I would go half on it and game share. It requires each of you to set the other as the primary account but both of us could play one copy of the game on two different consoles at the same time at least digital games. Worked for cod and other titles

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So what you are saying is that you have purchased the game (PS5 or Xbox?) and you can play coop together.

However, when it comes to Single Player progression only the primary account is able to play?

I’ve never used game share so I’ll have to look into this. I’m playing on one console so it seems like this shouldn’t even be an issue to begin with but obviously im interested in any work around possible.

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Just google game sharing on ps4/5 or Xbox both have methods to use one copy and be able to play both systems at the same time

I think there’s a work around where you sign in the 1st player, and then the 2nd player, and then sign out the 1st player. however the way the map system works is that the state of the world is completely dictated by the progress of the 1st player (the account the game was purchased) . so you’d never be able to access any separate progress. your character will still have items but if you want to start a solo run it would always have the 1st player’s map and quest progress and you would always have to log them in first.

Check out what I mentioned it might fix your issue I’m not 100% sure though

like I said I only have one console so if I can do this on one console it’s doable, but if it requires 2 I can’t do it

The customer service for D4 is not as knowledgeable as you think. I have seem some other threads, custom service even lack some basic understanding of how these things works. As there are a lot of people saying you just have to have 2 copy to be able to play solo on both accounts. I will give it 20% chance that might be true. I will just speak what I know, I used to have 2 ps 4s and been share playing online games with my wife like destiny 2. And just like any other game on playstation, as long as the console is your primary console and you brought the digital games, I haven’t seen a single game that does not allow other users to play the same game solo. You can even play the same game online at the same time if you have 2 ps. I know people are saying this is account bounded and different from other games, but this is a Sony policy, if D4 won’t work like this I would expect this information will be on the game page. I still believe 80% off the chance that you both can play the game solo on ps, you need extra copy to play on another platform that’s for sure. BUT there is a catch, since you brought the game with your wife’s account. You will need to set your wife’s PSN as primary account on your console for you and any other person to play this game on this console without a copy. If you do that, there will be a time you can not switch that back. If I remember correctly, it is 6 month. While your wife is your primary account, you will still be able to play any games that you brought online, disc does not matter who it is, but your wife will not be able to play any other game you brought. It might be a bit confusing. If you have more questions, you can pin me here.

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One system can play the game with one copy. I have two accounts, one for me and one for my wife. We both have Bnet accounts. The game is purchased on the PS5. She can log in and play solo under her account without me. We don’t need two copies.


I’ve got my old xbox one set as the home console and my series x is the console I game on. Missus uses the xbox one.
Whatever games I’ve downloaded on my series x generally come up playable for her on the xbox one.

No clue why they added couch coop. It is not a single player game it is not 1990 couch coop is way to much of a pain for what is .0000001 percent of the diablo playerbase that uses it.
Most did not even know d3 had couch coop unless they had used it to cheat before better cheats came out.

I already asked on Reddit, but could you provide screenshots of the conversation with support? Alternatively, just copy paste your question - their answers.

The reason I’m asking is - support is notorious for misunderstanding questions and giving misleading answers, that aside from them being downright wrong very often, due to having outdated infos, etc. They are also often not native english speakers and can simply miscommunicate. Same goes for the people who contact support, people often ask weirdly phrased questions, mix up different terms… Combine all that, and the conversation can be completely messed up, with the result being wrong answers.

Surprisingly, I see you did not know about game sharing/ family sharing at all? So I’m really wondering how your question was phrased and what sort of answer you received if those two things didn’t even come up in your chat with support.

The one and most important question is - can the game be shared on console, either through family sharing or gamesharing? If you didn’t ask that and if support said nothing about that… Then all of this is irrelevant and nothing to be worried about.

Edit: No offense meant, but I don’t understand why even after multiple requests, you are still unwilling to show any proof of this conversation with support even happening. It’s somewhat shady. Your account doesn’t look like an account of a troll, but still. It’s pretty straight forward, snap screenshot, post screenshot. People should ignore this information completely until that happens.

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I hope you’re right . I’ll hit you up if we can’t figure it out.

Think about it. Why would support tell you that you do not have to buy another copy of a game they are trying to make a ton of money on?


yeah I understand the motive, I just think it’s below the standards of what we should expect from console gaming historically (for lack of a better word, im talking about gaming history not ancient history)

If this is based on the Beta, then it may be incorrect for launch. As Beta was free, anything would have worked.

I’m getting mixed answers here. Guess just got to wait until launch and see if console sharing would work or not. It will work to download it on two different consoles. But does it allow two bnet to use that 1 copy to log in and play solo at the same time? This is the question. Who cares about downloading, the worry is… can you even log into with two different bnets accounts with just 1 copy of the game.

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