The no good news about Couch Coop in Diablo 4 (2 copies required for a lot)

yes you can. On playstation, you need to make sure that the account who bought the game is the main account on the system the purchase was made on. With that done in the settings for the purchasing account, other accounts on same console will 100% be able to play the game in their own profile, a.k.a solo

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I’m gona do this , hopefully it works. Did you get a chance to test this? the only opportunity I’m aware of is if you had 1 game code in the first beta (because after that it was open)

Thats not true at all. I just watched an interview with ad dev who said that couch co op was a big reason D3 took of on consoles and they were blown away with how popular it is. They said its a big priority for them going forward and that many devs play with their kids or family this way.


I cant get couch coop to work on thr ps5. I am in the first town on my profile and click start and have my wife try to join and it acts as if she cant play bc she doesnt own the game. Really crappy, to have to build a second acct/battlepass… she doesnt care about that. Wouldve loved if one login to have two people play. I cant get couch coop to work, so asking ps for a refund and then i think a physical copy will solve my issue.


same problem here. doesn’t work at all anymore

EXCELLENT NEWS - Found out that this effects early access only. When the game actually launches on June 6, GameShare will be available (two consoles with one copy). In the mean time couch coop is still viable. REPEAT - DO NOT BUY ANOTHER COPY.

Diablo 4 won’t let any player (primary console or not) launch into the main menus unless they purchased the game. They’ll be met with a greedy message stating they don’t own the license.

To be clear, yes, couch coop is available, but only if the owner of the license is already in a game. Solo play and coop on separate consoles (i.e. Using one copy for two consoles like with D3, or any other game) is not available. Each player needs to own their own license. This is clearly deliberate to sell more copies. Yay for corporate greed!

As of right now, this isn’t working on PS5. As the primary account holder with family sharing enabled, I can play solo without issue but my wife receives errors stating no valid D4 license available when she tries to start the game.

After I start a game, she can join, signing into her bnet account (she only needed to connect it once, the system remembers the association to her PS profile) and we can play co-op as advertised.

As others have mentioned in the thread, I have never experienced this with any other games purchased through the PS Store. In all other instances, after purchasing the game using the primary account holder, other family members can play the game on the console.

Very curious if this was an oversight. I would hope those purchasing the physical copy benefit from whole household solo-play options using a single disc and would expect the same courtesy for those of us buying digital with the appropriate family management configured.

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Doesn’t work for my wife signing in on our main console. Purchased the game under my gamertag and battlenet, and she can pop in if I’m playing, but she can’t play solo without me. Which is complete and utter BS.

She was always able to play D3 on her own on my console before, she’s never had gamepass or xbox live either.

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@momotaro. I need your help please. I just dropped 80 bucks on Diablo 4 for PS4 , was very excited to play with my kid couch coop. I have one ps 4 with two accounts that we have used before for games like warhammer and vikings. But with Diablo 4 I cannot figure this out. I start the game with my account , login, but when she tries to join and verify the code I just can’t log the seond account in. It says xxxxx has been blocked for 365 days? what is that? then it tells me to switch accounts. I’m very confused and need some guidance. I feel like I wasted money here.

@momotaro. I need your help please. I just dropped 80 bucks on Diablo 4 for PS4 , was very excited to play with my kid couch coop. I have one ps 4 with two accounts that we have used before for games like warhammer and vikings. But with Diablo 4 I cannot figure this out. I start the game with my account , login, but when she tries to join and verify the code I just can’t log the seond account in. It says xxxxx has been blocked for 365 days? what is that? then it tells me to switch accounts. I’m very confused and need some guidance. I feel like I wasted money here.

Just to update everyone with how it works, as I ran into this during the early release (I could play but second account couldn’t).

I have the ps5 version and a pc copy. For the ps5 version, my wife and kid can both log into their respective PSN accounts and play just fine. This became available once game was released (early access didn’t allow it). My account (which is where ps5 and pc version are both tied to) doesn’t have to be logged in to play, and neither of their PSN accounts have ps+.

So I can play on pc, while they are both on ps5, despite my BNet account being linked to both purchases.

PS4 co op works with pc… i cant help but feel if you wanna play it you buy it, or dont whine about free play options weve been spoilt with previously
that said i think once you buy it you shouldnt have to keep on buying it to play it

I see what you mean. However, if that is the case, it is no longer support - it is exactly the opposite.