The game has gone 100% meta

The best way to enjoy trade economy is to roll a SB and use boss mats to farm SB gears for sell. I just sold a semi decent SB Unique ring for 1 billion, which I still have 20 units of them. :smiley:

There will always be a meta in pretty much any game, so complaining to that regards really is a mute point.

The Spiritborn is absolutely overtuned this season, no doubt (And no doubt it’ll be tuned back soon enough), and honestly everyone should have expected as much - at least to a certain degree - with it being the latest class.
But then again last season it was LS Sorc, so then it was either a case of being carried by them or join them if you partied with them. Then it was barbs on top for quite a while.

It’s how it’ll be, the flavors of the season will change, and it’ll vary how far ahead the top builds/classes will be to everything else.

The main issue really is when you start expecting to be able to do all the content at the maximum difficulty with the same ease any other strong build.
But it’ll never work like that, in a game like this it will be impossible to always balance everything to be just as strong without something ending up ahead of the rest.

So either you should start accepting that if you want to make a build of your own (Which is perfectly doable and can perform really well), that it might not be able to clear the “hardest” content, at least not with as great of an efficiency.
But you’re also loosing out on pretty much nothing by playing in Torment 1 through 3 instead of 4 except for a few cosmetic pieces. And you’re loosing out on pretty much nothing by not being able to do high Pit tiers. Heck the only reason to push higher tier pits really is just for bragging rights.

Your whole concern is all about personal ego. If you really take pride in playing and building your own build at your own pace, then you shouldn’t worry about the meta slaves. They have their own leagues, and you have your own. It’s only a matter of perspective, and let’s stop comparing ourselves to those who are abusing the overtuned class. Let them have fun with it.

At the end of the day, nothing beats the joy of building your own character that can play comfortably in T4 contents.

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Supply is being artificially filled faster than it should be because of broken mechanic builds, thus the season is over for me. I only care about finding scarce items in the early part of a ladder/season.

That doesn’t sound like a fully fleshed end game when the difficulty scales around trillion hit damage exploit builds, which is basically the meta in D4. The gap is so wide, either conform or not is basically the suggested solution here.
Do I hope that they might be able to expand build variety in high pit level? yes.
Is it an unfair critique to point out how influencers are revealing meta builds before a season is out and there’s a growing cutlure and design around it? No.
Is it impossible for Blizzard to lower this ridiculous damage gap every season? I have no idea.

Ah, so things being more accessible to players is a negitive for you.

oooh a strawmanner
So anyway, when builds are more evenly distributed in how powerful they are, not lapped by 10 times, then the economy is stabilized, and trading is great for everyone. That’s what I like. If you’re still having trouble, re-read that.

You can play the game however you want and make whatever builds you want. But it isn’t our fault if they all mostly suck.

Were you not around when playerbase was 99% ball lightning sorcs?

Game has been meta only from pre season 0 with whirlwind barbs everywhere.

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You do realize that it CAN be balanced, and that thinking it can’t be is a lie you were sold by the people who abuse overpowered stuff over and over again while they gaslight you into saying it’s normal, right? Games in the past were balanced. There’s no reason it can’t be balanced now. It’s math. And even MORE of a problem is we SEE it’s imbalanced, and yet here we are with a development team who refuses to address it. This crap should have been patched out 5 minutes after discovery with a 1 second minimum ICD on evade. The fact that the guys that did the campfire got on stage and openly stated “we’re excited to see what people break this season” should be a telling sign to you that they DONT CARE if it’s broken. THIS is the direction they’re opting for now. It’s dumpsterfire quality.

This class needs almost NOTHING to be this broken. It’s a usable build with basically no correct aspects, no correct tempering, no masterworking, and you don’t even use ANY SKILLS…how much more brain dead can this get?

This isn’t S tier. This build is ACTUALLY 100x faster than ball lightning even was, and ball lightning was laughably broken as it was too, that’s why it was nerfed into the ground. THIS is a cheat code, and that’s putting it MILDLY

This isn’t S tier… It’s way beyond anything that has ever hit ANY ARPG. If there was 6 tiers above S tier, it would be 2 tiers above even that. Whatever the tier that cheat codes start showing up in, it’s there. This isn’t semantics. You’re missing the actual problem. Have you even seen this? It’s dumb.

I love how few likes this opinion has compared to others because it shows that it’s wrong. The fringe minority enjoy this, but every time you play any ARPG, when you stop playing, it’s because you have nothing left to farm / play for / strength to gain. Any additional strength on top of this is just pure redundance. 100% meaningless. You already 1 shot everything. No reason to keep going.

This is a multiplayer game. Blizzard has stated they don’t want this to be a single player game, and want to encourage multiplayer play. So how does this do that? If you dont play the same class and build, you never even see a mob. I could be standing right next to a boss and the boss would die before i even get an attack off…but the funny part about that is, the way it is now, I don’t even make it down the second hallway before they complete the dungeon entirely, objectives and all. They move that fast and hit that hard. It’s not playable as a multiplayer game this way, and it’s intended to be a multiplayer game, PER BLIZZARD…

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That’s how we get six million torment levels. You keep striving for those one shots, on increasingly harder bosses.

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This isn’t a Blizzard problem, this is a player problem. That’s a tough pill to swallow, yes, but it’s no less true.

There ARE multiple ways to play. What happens is that people feel pressured to be very strong, very fast, so instead of going about the discovery process they copy some build.

Bliz doesn’t control youtube, it doesn’t control you, and noone is forcing anyone to play specific styles. The reality is that FOMO sets in and people buckle to the pressure to be strong like everyone else.

You/we did that, not Bliz. So if we’re going to look for fixes, we have to first look at ourselves. Building a new build yourself from scratch will ALWAYS take longer than copy/pasting some other build.

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Players don’t dictate math, they just solve it. Developers design the equations in the game. Players just follow the path of least resistance as designed by the developers. That design should not result in some builds that lap everything else by 20 times.

Just because you haven’t figured something out doesn’t mean; 1) it doesn’t exist, or 2) can’t be figured out by someone else.

I would agree if the gap wasn’t so wide the the frequency of bad builds being too high with too much resource and time being consumed. A person can go from the whole campaign up to Tormented 3 perfecting a build, going on a steady pace upward in damage and success to find out they hit a meta wall with a build that is so off base that tweaking it would be infinite and pointless. Theory crafting is not just tweaking something that has worked for hours and hours but a complete redo, and if that doesnt work, do it again, but it’s so resource heavy with high failure rate that it takes away the value in theorycrafting in a time where all knowledge is out in the open and meta builds are in plain sight in an abnoxious degree in the open world events. The issue is the deminishing value of theorycrafting as Meta build culture is become very fashionable with a funnel toward it. The design around trilliion hit damage scaling is becoming the norm here making theorycrafting really just not as fun anymore.

Might not be a problem today for everyone but at what point are people going to tune out knowing that this is an intentional design in a 3 month season meta flavor. Overall I don’t have a problem with you accepting the way D4 is right now, but I don’t think my critique is unfair.

PoE 2 is coming out soon. D4 is just a placeholder until then.

I agree with you BUT Blizzard has done this for 20 years the same …

over power one set up then power nerf it till it is unplayable then build it to being over powered .

With all the bugs and issues between insane lag spikes … mobs spawning under the world … low drop rates of anything other than 750 items in T1 to T3 at max level… And then there is the inability to ride anywhere anymore as a rule … I get insane lag spike and it means I was dismounted and died to mobs I can’t even see till I am dead…

I WISH Blizzard would actual TEST their games prior to releases … AND their servers REALLY needed to be stress tested before this launch as it seems the lag is worse than EQ was in 1999 and we were using dial up at the time

i noticed most builds can like do around 75 pit ok and well but if you wana do 100 + or easy do things it has be meta

Lovely thread. This reads like a group of people venting nicely to each other and being better for it.

And that’s how you also end up with a completely unbalanceable game.

You’re so disconnected from how gaming is supposed to be, that you’re blaming the players now for horrible game design. You’re paying for a game that has such a glaringly terrible flaw, that you blame the players rather than development. You’re officially owned by Blizzard.