The game has gone 100% meta

This version if Diablo is tailored to feed the streamers/Blizz needs strictly!
There is no more “normal player base” in these games. “We” don’t exist anymore…"We’re only there to feed the cash cow flow and when that doesn’t happen, the streamers get high-end tickets in order to keep Blizz’s flow going and alive!
It’s a sad reality. But this is the new normal in gaming.

The problem is that the meta is typically reserved for one class.

PPL like to be powerful and earn items. Once they get bored they will make alts and then we have an even bigger issue as ppl will feel the difference in power to such a degree they might quit. Its ok for ppl to want to be powerful. Its ok to copy streamers. What is not ok is that there is no balance in the game so streamers and content creators are making content ppl want and those are op SB builds.

Its up to Bliz to even the playing field so this doesnt happen.

They have failed miserably.

Why even bother having all these skills, aspects, classes, paragon boards when there’s just going to be one or two FOTM builds that do gorillions times the damage of the next best thing while being invincible.

This is the same company that managed to balance Protoss, Terran and Zerg to be competitive with each other. What happened?

Greed went over quality.

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This, intentionally making the the new shiny class 10 000x better is just, i dont even have words. And not bug fixing as soon as they can is just bad too.

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The grass is always greener until you get there

I honestly don’t think it is intentional. It seems like there are 2-3 bugs around Spiritborn, and how they scale. We had all the big head streamers Testing the class in early access and none of them found those exploits. Most of the time it is normal in these games when 100s of thousands start blasting, they figure out some bugs and glitches regarding to certain builds.

Once Blizzard fixes those major bugs on the Spiritborn, they might remain like 10-20% stronger for the season than the other classes, but not as significantly as they are right now.

I am 100% sure this crazy power spike the Spiritborn has with the new Resolve Stack meta and Block Chance stacking is just an accumulation of certain bugs nobody found before the release.

It just goes to show that streamers are useless outside of advertisement for the game. They aren’t good testers. They just copy what others find. They aren’t insightful, or necessarily even good players.


It’s worse this season than ever before - and we have early access for Diablo content creators to blame for that.

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Bunch of whales with :crocodile: tears in here

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I’m enjoying the Hell out of this Expansion and End Game Season 06. But the Build Variety and Weak Classes below Spirit Born is the only thing super bad right now for me.

Bugs, Lag and game crashing is obviously a pain.

I think every Class should have 2 or 3 Builds each Season that are S Tier like Spirit Born right now.

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No they aren’t. I’ve spoken to plenty of people who don’t use builds they looked up on the internet. This includes myself

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I feel you man. Don’t worry, it’s not quite as bad as it may seem. We’ll still be aight with the builds we come up with. If folks wanna copy paste and not think, that’s on them tbh. I want the recognition for a solid build that is representation of my work as well, but the more I started paying less attention to what most of the sheep are doing, the more fun I was having. Besides, let’s be real dude. It’s going to either get nerfed, or 90% of them will still lose out to basic content and will be some of the first to immediately reply to this comment and say “WUT CONTENT IT EASY , MY NECK BEARD ITCH PUBE KEY BOARD ROB BUILD DATA MINE BUY PAYAL GOLDDDALS;FH Lahf/”

Enjoy the game boss man, don’t let the betas get ya down.

I have never worried about meta builds. I play what I call “by-the-seat-of-my-pants” builds. They are almost always gimped but so what. I play for fun. If I am dying constantly then I changed my hair brained strategy. My problem is one day I want to sling lightning and the next I want to crush my enemies. I have 4-5 chars on eternal that I have no idea how I was playing them. Makes me want to delete them and do over.

Agree entirely. Loved last season. This season is boring. I am not enjoying being forced to play the new class. They broke a fun game.

“with this DLC…”

Uh, when hasn’t every single person run the meta builds from streamers and build crafters? Nothing has changed with this season except more people are playing the same class because it’s new. The vast majority of people have been playing meta builds since the race to 100 ended.

Life has a Meta, everything has a Meta… more news at 11

People are like water they go the path of least resistance. 100% meta make the game easy mode and people don’t want to take the time to build for themselves. I play druid and every time we get a good build the devs nerf it into the ground. Would live some druid love. The devs for D4 are pretty short sighted with this expac. They made spiritborn OP to see it. While the story was just ok it wasn’t great and leaving the ending like it did was horrible.
The season is absolute garabage is boring the rewards and rep grind at not even worth it without a spark. It’s like the D4 B-team came up with this season. There was no seasonal quest line. I think they got lazy with that one. Last season was so much better.
I don’t give a crap about this season at all.
D4 dev show they are not in the least bit capable of balancing the game or even care enough about the classes that are weak. They nerf, nerf, nerf, nerf instead of bringing up the classes that are super weak. Their inability to think ahead and really grasp what players want is amazing. They sure spend a lot of time on the cosmetics though. Here is a thought how about balancing your game properly.

The Lith rune isn’t for a build, its used for crafting the mythic unique Tyraels Might.
Every class can use Tyraels Might, but the Lith run is quite rare.