The game has gone 100% meta

You and a couple other posters have the right mentality and I wish others paid more attention to it. The fact you guys are in T4 with non meta builds should be a wake up call to the sheep who think streamers and influencers are the friggen gospel and know everything. Newsflash: they arent.

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i entered it via help though sadly I’m stuck. And my build was so out of the meta purview i would literally have to redo everything.

An Architect designs a building and a General Contractor takes the plans and builds the building. Clearly OP likes being the Architect while other people enjoy being the General Contractor.

At the end of the season some of those Meta builds will be finely tuned and polished while other people will not have come close to realizing the builds true potential. I would rather be an excellent General Contractor than a mediocre Architect

Too many streamers have a “do this” approach and not a “here’s why this works” approach. As a result the majority of people are unable to actually make their own builds because they don’t understand the synergies between the various abilities and aspects to push those none meta builds further.

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The problem isn’t meta here, it’s that the meta builds are so many light years away from what the average build is that it completely breaks the game. And they should have fixed it days ago because these builds are built on mechanics that aren’t functioning properly.


yeah my game been crashing none stop, and game finder is always freezing. Maybe you’re right about Lith, and yeah the balancing is crap. I guess this is the problem. It’s not a big ask to add more flavor in choice in the high tier difficulties, and I dont see it as a bad critique to point out a want for a less narrow path the deeper you go. Is it impossible to have a good end game without hyperefficiency being so limiting and punishing? Hitch hike a 100+ pit and see how much variety there is.

IF someoen enteres T4 with a theorycraft build they might have to do a full redo, and what if their redo is also bad? it’s very expensive and time consuming, and at one point is the theorycrafting loses its purpose for entertainement when the fact of the matter is the game is designed around the meta? And we all have knowledge of it and can witness it in real time.

Well in your example after they redo the build and its not good enought then they just lower to t3. Thats the thing, you dont need to be in t4. Ancestrals and mythics arent gated to t4. Nothing really is gated to t4 aside from that cosmetic in citadel.

Does he at least give the build authors credit?

I guess accept to remain in T3 and just grind for gear knowing I won’t be able to go up without conforming, or conform and go up the ladder. And gate keeping bling bling under these pretexts? That is blasphemous.

But yeah if you are fine with this design that’s fine. I just think the game could improve here.

From what I have seen yes he does. But it’s also not the full truth to say all his builds are someone else’s. He’ll create a build,.someone in his community will make a change that’s better and he’ll update it and say it was the community or if it’s another streamer he’ll give them credit. But I don’t follow him just see videos from time to time and as little as I seen I’ve seen that happen several times so I have no reason to think it’s not the majority of the time.

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Youd be able to go up to t4 in this scenario - once you theorycrafted something better. And acquired the items for it in t3 which is what you can do right now.
What Im saying is that if someone is commited to theorycrafting and thats how they enjoy the game, they do have a path to tread as they go through the learning curve and craft better and better builds. They are not gated out.

Worst that can happen is they feel bad when their friends are speeding ahead because they got a meta build but this problem can be easily solved by just no having friends.

No frends? :sob:

The gap is so wide and the damage sponge is so high for theorycrafting to be valuable time spent for anyone who wants to go to higher tiers. For me this doesn’t work, I think it can be improved on. I don’t think it’s impossible for the devs at Blizzard to lessen this gap and increase build variety in Pit 100+. I think it’s intentional though and could have negative impact in the long term.

Well, to be fair
 I think the whole concept of “balancing” is an illusion to this team. I don’t think they really want to. It’s like a pendulum swinging side to side.
One season your class/spec is OP, the next it’s begging for carries lol.
They actually said that when SP launched it would be OP. Pretty much how they handled Necromancer in D3.
After it’s sold several more expansion to the consumers, it will get brought in line.
I figure it will last a season or two tops.

Then, Barbs will be back on top and the new crusade to nerf them begins lol.

At least I am sure Barb fans hope so.

I’m not sure if he always does but the few times I seen him talk about the builds live he has says he got the build from whoever made it.

Best way for me to play and enjoy the game is to get a fast and efficient build to grind the lvls and paragons then min/max my setup and move on to alts with homebrewed builds to finish the season at a slower pace while doing exploration and gathering resources.

Right, they are all created by blizzard. There are no original builds in this game. Nobody is taking niche things, they take whatever buffs X skill and stack it.

People looking to push T4 a little early will use it if they got it. It makes it easier to jump sooner.

Wait sir!!! Are you aware they own a webcam?? :hamster: :popcorn:

Macrobioboy or whatever his name is does in depth stuff pretty well for necro. Also has some guides on basically how to theorycraft for yourself.

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At the very least they can put out a post saying hey
 we are going to be adjusting this so if you don’t want to spend all your time on it, here is the warning.

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