The game has gone 100% meta

It is because Blizzard gate keep the content behind monsters with hundred trillions HP pool. As they worry if someone broke this wall, there is no content left in the game.

Then every season, some class is overtuned and some has bug which could break this sponge wall. SB has 3 bugs along side already overtuned gear and passive. It is an unprecedented situation of overtuned passive stacking with multiple bugs. Lead to hundred of trillions damage in a stat squished season.

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They always have designed the game with EXPECTATION and hypothesis of hypereffiicency

THAT is the bad side of the game, if they nerf “Tier S” stuff and bring things down to Earth (well, Sanctuary) and then rework the things that were DESIGNED with blasting expectations (Torment and Pit Boss HP), it would work well and as intended

Or at least close to it

But again - it’s super frustrating when killing 10 guys at a time but the game expected to 1-shot everything so fail a wave event for example (or even fine if not complete events with a near miss, gives incentives to play better next time)

BUT again - the Boss HP is the big issue that continues the bad practice, just nerf Boss HP and top tier builds, it’s gonna be fine

It’s really BAD to always have more damage as “the intended cure” to everything

First of all you’re already clearing T4, secondly this complaint makes no sense

That is an inherent boss mechanic, that’s the whole point of those fights
 And you’re complaining that the Boss survived long enough to fight back, I mean what the heck lol

Can’t even grasp the basic logic behind expectations like this :person_shrugging:

Welcome to Diablo, people have been doing this for years, not just now. SMH

This is a MMORPG. Of course there is going to be a META lol.

Remind me please any class in WoW that was x1000 times(literally) stronger than others? Had x1000 more damage, more hp and etc.


Nah i think its for crafting. Its the rune needed for Tyraels.

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You dont get more magic find. You get more loot. Like you might get 1 uniques killing a torment boss in Tier 1 but youll get 4 in Tier 3. You’ll also get like 200% more xp towards getting paragon points. Thats a huge difference. Tier 4 is another 100% and even more loot.

Then add in if you arent capable of doing like pit 60 then have fun wasting your time failing your glyph upgrades as you get closer to the 40’s. Tier 1 is only pit 20. So lets say you can do pit 30 or something. After level 20 glyphs you will start failing. Its a giant waste of time to do pits just to fail glyphs.

It always was and blizzard is making huge mistakes letting streamers get early access to solve the meta before the new seasons launch. But lets be honest - the “meta” will always be the same every season because blizzard makes no real gameplay changes.

My Mighty throw barb doesnt understand what you are talking about??? What meta?

Your example with lith is so bad. Lith is used to craft tyraels might. If youre not aware, thid is widely considered one of the best mythic items and it can ease the difficulty jump (since difficulties nerf your res and armor) for just abou anyone. Any class. A lot of builds dont use it, sure, but a lot of builds can and for me and many others tyraels might was my gateway into t4 as I was one shot without it. People will want this item at a certain point in their prog regardless of what they saw around, it is merely a product of the game.
To take this to mean everyone is following a build on youtube is crazy. Like you dont know the game at all.

Now, even if your example was awful and didnt fit, that doesnt mean people arent getting builds from somewhere. They definitely are. But so were they last season. And the season before.

Rob always gets his builds from other people. Those arent his builds.


I have been playing my own build, like every season, it is real easy when you don’t go to youtube and serach for “best diablo 4 builds season 6”. :hamster: :popcorn:

I am also enjoying my build
when the game doesn’t suddenly crash.

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that kind of proves my point. Is it wrong to critique this wide gap? Right now all I see is lighting storm and rolling jaguar on my screen when doing world events in T4.

That absolutely doesn’t mean it wasn’t nerfed. The nerf to the Winterglass in particularly slows it down, max conjuration stacks now being at 30, chance for a second lightning spear cast on weapon temper are all pretty huge. I don’t recall the other two nerfs off the top of my head.

Okay you stopped making sense alltogether. What are you possibly talking about? Your lith example being bad proves your point? People dont want tyraels might because of youtube they want it because its one of the best items in the game and it counters the difficulty nerfs perfectly.

They nerfed splintering aspect.

to be fair i havent seen anyone use Tyrael might this season, but i do get asked for lith a lot in the trading channel. And it proves my point that you have to basically narrow your choice. Diablo has always been a meta game, but now it feels even more limited.

Youre asked because of tyraels might crafting. Lith as a rune is not that good. Im getting the feeling you havent played much pre season 6. Tyraels and Shako have always been god items. I mean the idea is that mythic items are supposed to be top of the top, and there arent all that many of them (plus some are just bad) so yeah that does narrow things down. But mythics are not a creation of voh. Neither is looking up builds.

But really above all the notion that someone wanting one of THE best items in the game = they copied their build from youtube is crazy.

I’m in T4 lol, theorcrafted all the way up to it. If you dont have an issue with the meta wall that’s fine. But can you really deny there is now a growing culture around it? Especially now that the season meta is revealed even before the game releases?

I dont see how that counter argues my criticism about your lith example. Again, awful awful example to support the idea that people are getting their builds on youtube for all the reasons I went over already and you ignored in favor of saying youre in t4. Cool stuff.

As for the rest, like I said despite the horrendous example you chose, the fact remains people do get their top builds from somewhere. But they always did. You think all the lightning spear sorceress last season crafted it from 0 and all just happened to arrive at the same state? Theorycrafting may or may not be enjoyable for any given person, it varies. And especially right now there are so many bugs and hidden interactions that i can definitely put more people than usual away (as a side note, holy sht has the game ever been as buggy as right now?). I didnt play d2 online, but in d3 people were getting their meta builds too. That was before d4 even released. Nothing changed my dude, youre just more annoyed now likely because you just personally dislike this current balance.

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