The game has gone 100% meta

which probably is playing SB and do 113 trillions damage :star_struck:

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Copying someone elses build sounds pretty boring anyway. I always try to be creative with my own and its usually very fun. Maybe u wont always get the most effective build but there is a satisfaction in going for what u want instead of just doing the meta.

It is very dangerous to copy someone’s build and fully invested into it this season, crafting material is very expensive. Rob2628 copied a wrong build from streamer, now he is broke and not able to masterwork his gear follow the Chinese home brew build. He has been left in the dust in the race to Pit 150 :rofl:

I also make my home brew build to farm hordes, as I cant afford to invest further to master work the gear for Evade Build while keeping my Orange Resolve build.

Wait, streamers are copying other streamers?


Many streamers who showcase their build is just the front. Streamers work in group, someone in the back end did the boring number crunching mathematics work to come out an optimized build. And then the streamers on the screen copying each other and make adaptation. Streamers operate like a criminal organization :grimacing:

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As soon as mekuna showed the 113 trillion damage build he said thx to his friends for that awesome build. Now everyone else adjusted their Sb build to Menagerist Glyph, new runeword, vortex skill and Amethyst stones :laughing:

You didn’t know that?

You are welcome :slight_smile:

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Def not a problem with other people having fun, my issue is seeing the path narrowing down to little choice for anyone wanting to go farther down the pit. My issue is not people having fun ofcourse that’s awesome, but the game feels that is scaling up with this culture around the meta by design. It’s not a bad critique to point out the wide gap.

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I can totally feel that. My fingers are hurting and im at lvl 93 pit
 i dont think i can do Lvl 110 with the normal volley SB :see_no_evil:

I guess that makes sense, someone has Excel open.

Someone at the training dummy.

Someone else finding fastest way to get xp.

Someone else cooking chicken tendies. The most important job.

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yeah that’s basically what is happening. I always theorycraft every season, except when I went for uber lilith that was the only time I ever copy and pasted a build, killed her on my 3rd try after many theorycraft builds and many attempts before that.

I think Blizzard should get a head of this and not make meta paths part of their core philosophy design.

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i would say that meta is a pretty strange word to describe what is happening to D4 and how stupid this season looks like.

Meta was when everybody started as blizzard sorc or hammerdin in D2, cuz they can do content kinda better or faster than other classes. You can’t use meta when 1 class is literally x1000 times stronger than others - that is broken clown fiesta, but not meta.


I’m not sure how what someone else is building affects at all what you build. If anything, it would make items that you seek cheaper because they’re off-meta so in reality, they’re doing you a favor.

There is really someone took the role as “Maxroll affiliated Training Dummy Expert”

His name is Ava, who is behind many meta rogue build and now the SB build except the Resolve stacking which is from China.

He contributed to the Attack Speed breakpoints tables in Maxroll.


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No it isnt fun to not play the game. Have you played with an evade sb in your group? I have 160% run speed and I cant even keep up with my buddy. He zooms so fast the best I can do is walk into the explosions he left behind. Its not fun to just walk through an empty dungeon.

I also do not agree that almost any build is capable of T3 either. I also dont agree with you in general on any of this actually. I dont like this swing meta BS they do every 3 months. I dont like that S tier builds are 100-1000x stronger than builds below it. There should be no builds below A or maybe B tier and the gap between A and S tier should not be more than 10%. This is a reasonable balance and completely achievable if they had a balance team worth their salt.

After getting all the classes there they should be able to just do small tweaks each season instead of these giant swings they do. They have had well over a year to get classes to this state and yet its the worst season ever.

If they got them to this state then they could properly balance the world and everyone would be able to do all content instead of just a few builds per season.

it affects it if the end game if the devs are scaling the game around this because then yeah your cheap items are cheap for a reason, and your favorite looking affixes are just cosmetic. The gap is very wide. But I do agree if I reached the meta wall and don’t want to adapt to it knowing exactly how to get past it maybe it’s time I move on.

Mainly my critique is around how there has been a meta build culture engrained very deep in Diablo 4 , influencers are revealing meta builds before the game even releases, and it’s now becoming a central part of the scaling design. Wouldn’t it be more fun to see all these different builds when you cross into the meta wall zone, instead of variations of the same one? When you see trading chats people are all looking for the same items now, it’s so boring.

The problem is there is no balance between classes and builds.

We now have a situation where nearly everyone is playing 1 class and 1 build. This may as well not even be an ARPG at this point. Never seen an ARPG be THIS bad at balance. It’s like a pre-alpha.


I don’t think you have any idea what you’re upset about. Scaling the game around an evade only build? That isn’t even the build doing the most damage. It sounds like you’re upset you can’t just throw together some pish-posh gear and run Pit 100. Well, that’s never gonna happen.

yeah mostly everything becomes pish posh by then.

I need more damage
 i died twice now at the sea hag (please make her a playable character in mini size) Fight took sooo long that Lilith came to help.

3rd try beautiful sea hag was done. Had luck with some critsand did the dodge game. Lvl 110? Puuh no way. Even with this so called “S-tier” build. (for me)