The game has gone 100% meta

It got buffed by the new uniques and the capstone talent, as well as runewords.

Iā€™m actually using my own build on my barb. Itā€™s a frenzy earthquake thing. Compared to meta builds itā€™s like watching a toddler take on mile Tyson but itā€™s still fun to play. Just unlocked WT4 with it and still missing gear and masterworking is only 8/12, glyphs are all at 50 now though which helped more than the gear.

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I dont understandā€¦ Why people always look and lust a thing that other people have?? Srceew them and the streamers.
Play your game and dont mind others.
For a fundamental (word not allowed) sapiens need for survival DIablo 4 and any other game isnā€™t essential.
Play and have fun. Idiots, lawyers and streamers are different kind of species.
I think they are aliens. Some streamers even look like they are from another planet,namely that Beavis lookalike, Rob something.

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No and yes.

The good stuff arenā€™t lock in Torment 4. The real good stuff in T4 is having your ego padded with the fact you did it is probably the best part ā€“ that is if you care and personally I care.

I agree with you that SB shouldnā€™t be doing trillions. Kinda funny story last night, I decided to switch my Centipede with Hunter and use the Yielding aspect on my Poison build. 90% of everything is the same. I went from 100 mil damage to trillion.


People had been asking Lith rune a lot in trade chat. My assumption was they wanna craft some mythic. I wasnā€™t aware they wanna copy a build until you pointed it out today lol.

There are still exceptions including me. I know a couple as well who stay true to their style, but as a figure of speech I get what you are saying. Itā€™s nothing new. Itā€™s been like that since S0. The majority of D4 players are casuals and donā€™t really care if they copy or not. They just wanna have fun by blasting-- this is their fun. Do I agree with it? Nope? Do I care? Maybe.

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Nah. I like the new difficulties because I can play any build and do fine in Torment 1, which can drop everything there is in the game.

I canā€™t see ever moving out of Torment 1, just to get more MF%. Unless/until the enemies become like tissue paper, Iā€™ll stay here for all my characters.

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You get more xp on higher torments too.

I just pick a fun S or A rank build and make tweaks. I donā€™t play the same class back-to-back so the game always feels fresh.

I hope barbs get buffed so I can try one next season.

If you cant do billions of damage you will have a very hard time to even get your glyphs to lvl 100.

Greetings from DamageSpongeBob :laughing:

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yeah definitely Iā€™m for people people having a choice and no problem if they decide to go on a website and look up an S tier build. Iā€™m just venting more on the culture the game has created around this meta wall, and it feels very purposeful in design narrowing the option to anyone who is curious to climb the ladder it leads to only conforming to a very limited scope in choice.

I wonder what the majority style is in D4 right now. Iā€™m sure they have the stats and I disagree I think most people are on youtube and social media and most people are trend chasing more than ever in more aspects than just gaming. This is just an example of it. The gap is so wide in damage feels like the game scales more toward this trend than not.

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iā€™m trying out the new weapon throw. I was a big fan of the deathblow last season. hopefully with the buffs its as good. but again were being hindered by the new class

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Best season ever! I can do hundred billions damage in 5 days. You can choose to struggle in T1. I one-shot every boss in T4. It made D4 a great game that you can one-shot everything.

Bliz Please. Offer us T5态T6态T7态T8 and more bugs. Let me one-shot everything in T8 in 5 first days of next season.


And now plz leave the peasant status and do some 113 trillions. :laughing:

Tbf people like starting weak and eventually one shotting bosses. People donā€™t play ARPGs to start weak and grow to be only mediocre. Especially in a seasonal game.


exactly that just supports my point more.

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To some, reaching the top of a computer game is their form of entertainment.

You donā€™t need to watch any YT and follow anyoneā€™s build. Just make your own build and has fun with the content.

All the new game I played, I never watch YT until I completed the first play through. I never watch any Dark Citadel guide in YT and I completed it the second day of season completely blind.

Watching YT is the reason you destroy your experience with the game. You will benchmark yourself with the Content creator and force yourself to play their meta build. In return the content creator get revenue from your YT views :wink:

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Iā€™m Lying. I only play a Rock Splitter Thorn Build in these 7 days. I think itā€™s a bravo build. I beat T3 without any tempering and masterworksing. But it looks like trash compared to the super barrier-resolve build.

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Im currently playing a ā€œnon trillionā€ volley SB and levelling my glyphs. Most of the times i see 450 mill up to a few billions of damage. My Glyphs are at Lvl 83 now. I always adjust the pit lvl to a 100% change.
Next pit is Lvl 93ā€¦ its getting very spongee right now. If somebody does damage up to 20 mill trying to kill a minion thats buffed with a shield. You can go shopping and wash your car during the fight :see_no_evil:

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Great to know that a casual player from your country conquered the PIT 147 with his home brew build instead of follow the meta build from the Blizzard Streamers which hate by the forum users here. :grimacing:


Dude, itā€™s been out a week today. People are having fun.
Imho the #1 way to have fun is for you to concern yourself with yourself.
Let others do what they want and you play to your own tune.
And if it is stressing you that you are laggingā€¦ maybe change things up.
Me personally, Iā€™m just interested in what gives me the biggest dopamine hit.
I donā€™t consider Diablo a deep game lol. I want to run around like the Butcher does and mow down everything in my path.
Iā€™m a simple guy. I see things. I kill things. I happy.

Right now, the new hotness is SP.