The game has gone 100% meta

It really feels like the fast food of hack’n’slash at this point.


well thats why i said that this is a point i somewhat agree with. i totally am for balancing the classes as that 1 s tier build for every class is present for sure.

however, this competitiveness thinking doesnt bring us anyway, since, as we all know by now, d4 isnt a competitive game. it doesnt matter at all if you kill something 20 seconds faster, or slower, than someone else.

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let’s be honest when one class is literally x1000 times stronger than others you should not use word “slightly” :wink:


semantics :stuck_out_tongue:

All i was saying is that i agree on S tier builds for every class. But i also think this discussion is worn out. We had one of these builds pretty much every season. Its not like its some crazy new phenomenon thats happening here

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Literally having no progress is fun again exactly how? For the record, even though I’ve capped out the season journey buff, gambling still gives me almost all blues and yellows.

Any game designer worth anything understands that at some point gear should allow anyone to rise above their own level of incompetence. That’s why in RE while you can finish the game with just a knife (there’s a reward), you later get Magnums.

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not sure what you are doing if you are having “literally” no progress in t3. are you afk?

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Probably spending too much time using proper capitalization.

well, there you got your reason then i guess.

I can’t tell you how much i agree with you.
But as watching in forums these days i am really surprised with people playing this game.
They ask questions like why i am teleporting to the same town or why my glyph hasn’t got legendary power at level 45.
This surprises me because it means that they don’t even read some patch notes to see some basic changes in the game.
And then you see these people playing the strongest builds in the game because they copy/paste streamers.

This is not really bad but it makes me wonder that maybe it is not blizzards fault that turned to the game into a “play meta or quit”.
Maybe they do that because players really want to play like this?
This is my question really.

Also of course anyone having fun in a game for his/her own reason, but for me what’s the point when you play the best build but you don’t even know your skills?

I started with rogue this season because it’s my favorite class and now i rolled a Spiritborn, i didn’t see any guide, i just trying every skill of the class alone to see what skills they are and what they do.
Maybe it’s me playing the game wrong?
I don’t even know any more.

Finally i understand that some build have to be meta, but the gap of power between meta and casual build is like 1000% far away.
Maybe it’s blizzards fault or players i don’t know.

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Lol what, it was absolutely nerfed, in 5 different ways. It would at least be a bit more competitive with Spiritborn if it hadnt been. Spiritborn would still be better though. Thats my only issue is that they nerfed the other classes unnecessarily to make Spiritnorn shine when it would already have outshined them without the nerfs.


In days of internet, guides and streamers meta is always a thing.

But since release D4 balance is horrible. Sure one build will always be best, but disparity should be max 20% not thousands.

What I hate even more about own builds is not nonexistant balance but fact that you need (if you don´t want watch tons of guides) spent eternity next to dummies to check what aspects, skills etc is bugged and broken.

Theocrafting is nonexistant bcs every single seasson there are lots of broken s**ts

i agree that absolute balance is impossible. But the gap is so wide between theorycraft builds and youtube builds that it makes you wonder if there is room for improvement here.

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agree 100%

it would be great if each had 1 s-tier. It would also be fun if Bliz added an option to play a pre-defined build by bliz that you were unable to change any skills/paragon and it was locked in only for you to fill in the gears and complete a series of tasks with that build for some achievement/cosmetic reward/title thing.

Many of us are suckers for achievements

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I haven’t used a meta build, ask for, or looked for, help or even done anything even approaching that. I’m just working it out as I go along.

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I mean it wont be too bad if Blizzard just announces meta builds themselves and purposefully designs them now that the veil has been lifted on the illusionary theorycraft. Why should they wait for Influencers to make videos during the betas while they can do it themselves? The gap is too wide for this to be accidental, and it’s been here since release.

Maybe in another thought making new type of stat synergies could benefit them. Overpower just seems like such a gimmick for example. When I watched a guide on DoT build it really was just another version of an overpower crit build. I hear in POE duration of fire or poison increases damage in exponents.

I wonder how many builds can even do T3 w/o mythics.

I’m on T4 only because I have an ancestral max rolled ring of Mendeln and a GA helm of perdition.

My non-S-tier Fireball Sorc from S5 is doing fine in Eternal Torment IV. I can do Bosses, Hordes. Currently levelling my Glyphs past 70 on Pit 80. I play solo and don’t care for what others do.

Better be a solo player currently in Eternal Torment IV because there is almost nobody around. I still managed to find a couple of times a group for Boss runs using the group finder.

I do have Legacy Mythic and replaced some of my Legacy gear but not with top quality items.


I think probably half of the class builds can do T3 comfortably. I had my evasion SB without the barrier build before T4, doing something like 3-4 millions. It had no problem at T3 whatsoever. Jumping from T3 to T4 though is something that I am not sure other classes can, but I still don’t have another class. So I can’t tell for sure.

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Haven’t touch the SB and still main a barb. don’t think i’ll be touching that class anytime soon


What build do you like? I’m thinking of making a Barb just to speed farm NMDs for mats.

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