The first time ive said this about any diablo game

I agree, making d4 into d3 with mob density and such is a mistake.
Seasons and modifiers for dungeons are the place to experiment.
The overcorrecting has already began and ruined my campaign experience, everything feels too fast and OP and like d3,and it will probably get worse.
They need to learn to read and play D4 it has more interesting direction if we can embrace the new and stop trying to blast this game like itā€™s d3.
Thatā€™s my hot take.

I donā€™t think you will, not really.
They already ignored the complaints about CC spamming mobs for example.

At best they will add more things to do (like copy Lost Ark chaos dungeons for ppl that want to be swarmed by stuff).

It does need extensive loot filters though. Because that way you donā€™t have to be bored sorting though the 32432143 ring that doesnā€™t even have crit% and is ilvl 699.

Thatā€™s boring.


100% Agree.
more is not more in D4.
On a personal level even more mental engagement and slower combat and sure s few weakling fallen swarms to smush, but the fun is learning to have a good fight with the higher ranked monsters on the battlefield.
When they land a brutal attack and i get punished i feels exciting and love the fight back it triggers.
D3 has its place and time,why make it more of the same.
More mobs means harder to have meaningful fights
Less intelligent Monster AI because no the problem/solution is a hack and slash fantasy due to mass mobbing.
Then with the power creep,Monsters that have skills to shut you down get aoe or health drained before they can fight backā€¦this is why itā€™s not a HP sponge issue that ppl have called it.Longer fights sure, but the trade off in engagement is worth it.
But i feel we are losing the fight those that want this embraced in D4.
I hope not, but i am concerned.
Exploring the open world and finding surprise fights out their in a similar vein to a eldenring but in D4 was a great time.Just like almost dying to the butcher, but was able to tactically use my build to survive and get those health globes to out last him, even though he was so strong, and i got punished for not preparing my elixirā€™s and this is a good thing.
I i feel i am going crazy and we will loose the best things about D4 to the ppl that will jump to poe2 or back to d2r anyways.
All game do not need to be the same.

I have heard ppl talk about this ā€œnever feel strongerā€ bit. Perhaps itā€™s player / build specific, but as a now lvl 91 sorc I definitely donā€™t agree.

Every few runs brings more paragon pts post nightmare xp patch = power, plus glyph levels = power. I was previously fighting sigils 3 lvls above for max xp, now Iā€™m doing 8 above (could likely do more, but this is efficient).

When I dip into non-nightmare runs (e.g., just a whispers run or helltides) itā€™s ezpz. Dipping further down to help a clanmate into T4 is a faceroll.

Good drops are too rare and thatā€™s a concern as the level/paragon/glyph gravy train will be ending soon.

Uniques in particular are disappointing as most are worthless for my build but then also worthless beyond that, i.e., if I could salvage a Unique for 20 forgotten souls they would have at least some value. Even better would be a Unique Exchanger (perhaps fueled by unique mat from salvaging Uniques) to give you a one time chance per Unique to get a different one.

In summaryā€¦ donā€™t agree with this point but imagine I will at 100 unless/until things change.

I feel that this game has fallen into the same situation as other pay to access live service games of feeling half-baked and all of their chips are on their live service ā€œfeaturesā€. And letā€™s be honest Activision/Blizzard doesnā€™t have a great track record of being great at live service.

Do I think the game is fun? Sure, to an extent, but that fun starts draining after a point with this game. And before people say ā€œah well youā€™re playing it too muchā€, I couldnā€™t get enough of Elden Ring for weeks and still mess with it from time to time, versus this game Iā€™ve shelved until S1.

My worry for this game is that itā€™ll end up like D3, where weā€™re waiting two years (RoS release) for the game to really gain good traction.

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Wut the hell is even that?

I believe the technical term would be typo.
I think they meant Beyond.
:rofl: :crazy_face:

LoL I know im just being a fool :stuck_out_tongue:

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I would hope this is the first and last time you say this. :rofl:

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ā€¦and another one.

1 day

Last Post
23 hours

Thanks for playing ā€¦

I think everyone knows, whether they admit it or not, this game will end up with a population no different than Diablo 3ā€™s end of life, but much quicker. That is unless they drastically shift where the game currently is at.

People may like what theyā€™re playing right now and find it just fine. But Iā€™m certain even the overwhelming majority of those people recognize that this is not going to hang on to people unless major changes are implimented.

Of course a lot of those people are still just playing the campaign and have no idea what problems await them.

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Iā€™m still waiting for the problems to kick in at lvl 79 (and a lvl 64 naked rogue using nothing by self found daggers).

-We have stash being trash - since it needs full tabs (no 40% of nothing) and more of them and not being forced to do seasons for it. (And nr of char slots but didnā€™t get to that problem yet.)
-We have aspect tab being trash (not sure why itā€™s not 2x current size - then you wouldnā€™t complain about ā€œmoving things aroundā€ - which still not that much of a problem to be fair and even saved aspects for 1.5 builds) AND kept revising the final build until lvl 70 AND have defensive options for tier 100 dungeons.
-We have no way to trade. (I donā€™t care but I do care you canā€™t grind your way to a specific thing.)
-We have nothing to do at max gear (not level).
-The lack of loot filters turns loot sorting into extra downtime and boredom.
-The UI is garbage.
-The mounts have 1-3 major issues depending on whom you ask.
-The uniques are too few and not interesting.
-The druids look terrible - especially for caster fantasy ppl (and not enough options for all classes at that).
-The one barb cloak armor clip bugs into your torso if you leap.
Some weapon types are very likely insta trash 100% never to be used even with perfect rolls except for MAYBE 1 build/class ( barb building nothing by OPā€¦and/or maybe a stun centered barb using maces otherwise everyone with a brain is a 0/10 mace mastery). Thatā€™s not that bad though, it should have a bit more builds that would use it though but having somethings just for some buildsā€¦no problem.
-Oh and lvl 85-100 (if not bigger interval) rarely feel different (because you do get most things by then). They cut WT5 because this was rushedā€¦and thatā€™s part of the reason it f
feels bad.
-Not enough bosses/mob types.
-Not 120 NM dungeons (with even more weird affixes cuz most of the ones we have are ā€¦ok with some being a bit too annoying for too many classes at onceā€¦because, again, not everything has to be good for everyone.
-THEY NEED TO STOP FORCING PPL INTO MULTIPLAYER (4 revives/NM dungeon when multiplayer gets almost infinite if done right).
-TRASH VISUAL FEEDBACK. I canā€™t believe the noobs gave sparkling effect to god damned incense but you get nothing except a trash 0.8cm icon to know your next Deathblow will do 300% dmg (and barrier glow vanish bugs with berserk interaction or something - and the same issues for next attack will overpower).
-Having 388 thorns on chest at lvl 100 and the aspect that guarantees next atk to overpower triggers on thorns LMAO (swap wep 10 times, get hit onceā€¦you do 800 dmg instead of 388, you wasted the aspect). - Thatā€™s probably a bug (or just sillly that itā€™s made to not work with anything except 100% OP builds which are too weak at that).
-Legion events (like bosses) are trademark manipulation into seeing and socializing with ppl so you buy cosmetics and you are pushed into it with XP buff.
-Super rare uniques are probably a bit too rare even with target farming (because no trade).
-No gem tab (and making them a nr in the material section is not great even if most efficient). Itā€™s cooler when itā€™s an object you can play withā€¦especially if they ad jewels later and/or if you can turn gems to dust for something.
-Transmog resets if you swap weapons and you have to walk back to stash. >.>

Otherwiseā€¦where are the problems? WHEN ARE THE PROBLEMS?

You just want a slot machine (maybe? from that ā€œI play for the loot huntingā€ comment),like, go in room, press 2 buttons at most, insta-gib 8 elites that are prema ccā€™d or one shot, get 32432423 loot (that would be higher value - or semi-auto sorted), grind runes to work towards a good trade. No (or less) CCā€™ing mobs, no reward for playing right (just go in, spam 1 button, if frost immune leave - not that much decision making, no rotation), no need to build in either unstoppable and time the use of it (or no replacement for that - like stun build that stuns them before they can CC you -WHICH YOU CANT DO IF you got 8 elites with different affixes in 1 spot) ?!

Or the fact that the loot hunting stops at ~80 when you do have ā€œeverythingā€ is the problem because thatā€™s under 100h of caring about loot before youā€™re set. Which ā€¦yeaā€¦make 4 more classes, play 1 season (if they donā€™t remove themā€¦one can hope), then weā€™ll see if they add runes of followers and/or pets you can upgrade in some grindy loot dropping way.

It does need more content, sure. (3 world bosses that you canā€™t solo are no threat and are just TM psychological manipulation to see cosmetics and gear on ppl - and it timed SUCKSSSS so much.
And I get why they want seasons because the loop ends - and also MONEY (but I still hate seasons).

Iā€™ve come to realize the current game is meant to be played in 20 level increments. By this I mean you just straight up salvage / sell anything for 20 levels before upgrading. This assumes:

  • a more or less fully stocked codex
  • a class / build that can function from those aspects
  • a substantial supply of materials farmed from helltides on your main
  • ā€¦a main character you managed to level past 70

Gear management on a leveling alt is not only painful but probably impossible with only 4 stashes. However if you essentially have infinite resources and accessible / good affixes for a build, it can feel ā€œpunchyā€ when you swap out gear every 20 levels or so. or finally get your first good unique while leveling. Unfortunately, it does kind of fall off from there.

The main problem is that first time leveling experiences areā€¦not fun I would say. It was manageable because of the campaign and quest experience, but a pure dungeon grind on an alt made it very clear how slow and repetitive the process can be. If you donā€™t have a build that can be supported entirely by the codex and a hefty supply of salvage mats, good luck with that, it will likely be a miserable experience.

If the seasonal experience can streamline the process so the above requirements are met quickly or removed in some fashion, it could be a good experience in terms of power fantasy.

As far as the gameplay experience goes, I think the builder / spender system that most people hate could be passable if they implement fall-through logic on your main spender (i.e. if you are out of resources, it uses the builder instead).

100% this is exactly how I feel and this is just one of many issues.

Itemization is truly a butthole in the sand, if thatā€™s what you mean. I recently found out which stats I should be trying to push for my build and was not so pleasantly surprised to find that none of the items Iā€™ve found had any of those stats.

Iā€™m not trying to be negative in that I still enjoy playing the game, itā€™s just if they completely started over on how itemization worked it would be perfectly okay with me. Lots of really dumb affixes that are difficult to even understand whether they are good or not. Game needs to get like two steps more intuitive. I mean Iā€™m still gonna go with builds off websites but Iā€™d prefer when I see something drop to know more of what itā€™s going to do than ā€œnothing that actually matters at all.ā€

if d3 had d4 gfx then problem would be solved. D4 is the worst in itā€™s franchise. Not wowā€™d by the latest patch. I hate NM dungeons, theyā€™re boring and stupid. Too much backtracking too wide spread. I could go on about how weak the sorcs still feels (lack of armor, getting 1 shotted etc) but I donā€™t want to go there.

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IDEK what youā€™re on about with seeing cosmetics on other players. You canā€™t zoom in close enough to even properly see them. And the only mount worth using is FREE (the quiet-ish phantom horse). Who wants to hear loud whinnying every time they speed up on their mount? I got tired of it really fast, and was thrilled to drop the phantom horse.

I personally like the world bosses requiring some teamwork. Itā€™s fun IMO to gang up with a bunch of strangers and work together to take on a boss that honestly should be a bit harder. Do I notice cosmetics on other players? Not nearly enough to call it psychological manipulation. Do I plan on buying cosmetics? Nope. Normal item transmog is plenty enough. My only gripe is that about 4/5 of the time Iā€™m dropping a new item type to salvage for transmog, it has an aspect I need and am lacking, or is high/top roll.

My main gripe with the uniques is that aside from the build-enabling ones, theyā€™re pretty much garbage. Iā€™ve dropped 5 motherā€™s embrace so far (for example) and they all have had low rolls for lucky hit or crit. not being able to reroll mods within their tier makes for a lot of wasted time. Something like Divine orbs from Path of exile, or allowing the occultist to reroll numerical values of mods would be GREAT. It would have to be expensive of course, but at least it could be done.

Thereā€™s a trade discord open, so you probably didnā€™t know about it. Itā€™s definitely possible to trade.

Aside from that, I agree with you but think Druids are fine as they are. However, more character customization would be nice. Iā€™m not going to hold my breath for that.

You didnā€™t emphasize the biggest problem with the game as it is: the limited stash space.

Some people paid $100 for a AAAA arpg and it has FOUR STASH TABS? What were the decision-makers thinking?

Agreed, level scaling sucks.

I said stash is trash. :slight_smile:

Never forget: patent/US20160005270A1

And I canā€™t believe ppl actually bought the new druid armor which is 40%-60% parts form one of the base free armors but with diff cloak and some chest piece changes.

(I donā€™t care about trade -if you could work towards something- if itā€™s not on an AH with searching itā€™s a chore for me. Either way, needing external tool means it sucks as it is now.)

The point I forgot was that most of those problems, when solved, slowly (too slowly because Sony certification nonsense which Iā€™m not even sure I believe, or care since itā€™s their problem), donā€™t really change it from boringā€¦whichā€¦itā€™s notā€¦except from ppl that seem to want the ā€˜wrongā€™ (<-partially subjective) things to something else.

At best it will make it last longer.

This is probably my one major gripe in this game. I mean one of these days someone is going to find thisā€¦

Foolā€™s Coverage

Ancestral Legendary Pants
820 Item Power

820 Armor

  • While Injured, Your Potion Also Grants 30% Movement Speed for 2 Seconds

  • +18 All Stats

  • +26.0% Potion Drop Rate

  • Lucky Hit: Up to a 5% Chance to Heal +941 Life

  • +14.0% Healing Received

**If you receive damage to one eye while in an Inn, due to a stampede of wild elephants, between the hours of 3:55 and 4:00 pm (PST) and on the fourth of July, during a hail storm, increase armor by 1000000.0[1.0 - 1000000.0] for 3 secs. Double that if a baby zebra is also present.

O Empty Socket
O Empty Socket

Just in case you are wondering. Itā€™s a reference to a looney tunes cartoon. Fool Coverage (1952).

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