The Diablo IV Season 5 PTR: What You Need to Know

Well its not all what we need to know actually. Where are the the updated drop tables. I want to try the new uniques but i have no idea where to target farm them. i already did 10x tormented duriel and 10x tormented zir and none of the new unique dropped

Good stuff, I love to read this type of post, It is of my belief the this would be the right choice for the game right now, thanks for the logical opinion.

This is correct, its all a manipulation for our money.

I want someone who is in the development team who handles skill nerfing to see this.

I am going to uninstall the game and get a refund for the expansion because of a change that happened that I noticed while playing the season 5 beta.

Season 4 was the most fun I had because I was able to finally make a build that made me feel strong. I spend so many hours grinding the perfect gear for my flameshield build. My damage output was not great and I couldn’t complete t100 pits before the timer ran out, but I was still having fun because I was invincible most of the time.

Now playing the beta of season 5 I realize all that hard work was for absolutely NOTHING. You completely broke every sorc build I enjoyed including fire shield. This was the nail in the coffin for me.

You let every other class push insane damage and near invincibility, but after working my @$$ off to get my sorc fun again by ATLEAST making it nearly unkillable you go and say NOPE, but it wasn;t just flame shield. You nerfed almost every fun build sorc players like me enjoyed.

If this doesn’t go back to how it was AND buffing sorc damage scaling I will never come back to this game nor will I pay another cent for anything blizzard again. This is now 5 seasons where you have crapped on sorc players for no reason. Maybe nerf BARB??? jesus christ.


I’d like to see the development of sidequests in the game. They should be more rewarding in terms of material reward as well as satisfactory reward, like new dialogues and environmental updates. I mean so you can see the results of your actions (i.e. end of famine in corbach, end of plague in wejinhani, restored lake in tirmair and dahlgur, restored moors after end of Nafain’s corruption)

Also i like the implementation of vantage points with F button at alabaster monastery, black lake, balance sanctum, guhlraan, mt. Civo. It could be great to have more of this for example in tul dulra, solitude, shipwrecks, tree of whispers, port of gea kul, etc.