The Diablo IV Season 5 PTR: What You Need to Know

Try again they have at least 4 “teams” working on D4.

  1. Live service.
  2. Expansions.
  3. Even numbered seasons.
  4. Odd numbered seasons.

Can we please add some stacking multiplicative on classes other than Barb so other classes can catch up to the damage.


I tried it, but it’s all wrong. Need to make it possible for the player to immediately increase the level of the glyph by the possible maximum level for N level of the dungeon.
Each time clicking on the glyph to increase it - it’s frustrating after dozens of dungeon completions.

Please post full list of new aspects and Unique’s reworks! We want to theorycraft! :hugs: :rofl:

What you need to know… Play Barb or Rogue. End of story.

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It’s unfortunate that you feel you will make more money by alienating the sorcerer playerbase as well as members from the necro playerbase and you vocally express how you’re buffing sorcs specifically but then the patch notes, that you most likely will go through with, specifically state otherwise.

If you weren’t a developer, and playing someone else’s game, and you were playing your favorite class, but the developers kept changing the way your class works for the worse… and you’re already on the lower end of the spectrum in terms of survivability and meta… and the devs keep nerfing you because of one or two of their favorite streamers highlighting broken builds 99% of the class on the game would never see or use… Would you want to reward those devs with your money?

After those same devs repeatedly promised you that they would be strengthening your class and that each class should feel fun, vibrant, and useful specifically at endgame and you realize now that they literally only allow one build for endgame a season?

Would you assume those devs knew what they’re doing, being paid to do this? Is the implied intent to reduce interest in sorcerer because it’s historically one of the most popular classes of the franchise?

Why the infatuation with barbarian? Buff after buff after buff. And yes, I realize it’s just a video game, but you’ve got a lot of us sorc mains twisted right now and very angry and agitated because the class we want to play cannot be faithfully played the way we want to.

Nobody’s asking for broken mechanics - these are forced on us because we have such little survivability we have to rely on someone finding broken mechanics just so we can survive.

Fix the broken mechanics, but for god’s sake, give us a reason to want to keep playing your game. This is too much for a lot of us.

Season 4 was so promising too, and now you went and ruined all that good will you generated. Oh well…


Season design teams are not responsible for the class balance changes. They just design the season theme and mechanic.

I really wish their was down vote here but i guess ill just mark as trolling since thats what appears you are doing.

Please make ptr console as well or make a way to download just the ptr to PC so everyone can try

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Legit I don’t even want to buy any blizzard game now


your decision is like a grain of sand in the sea - as insignificant and unnoticeable :smiley:

same as me. the game sucks.

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This activity looks pretty interesting :slight_smile:

No walking around, Only slaying

Can reward all types of things, that you can choose

Different pathing into them, by choosing banes/boons

We’ll see how it plays out :slight_smile:

Removed Druid multiplicative damage in Shepard’s aspect and thunderstruck nodes and added additives. Where are the new multiplicative?

Where do you see that?

Just wanna point something out because even the major influencers seemed to miss this;

Yeah they nerfed Debilitating Roar, and likely because it was just too strong in group content. But did ya’ll miss that Druid clip in the campfire with the new Unique?

It went by pretty quickly but I’m pretty sure it made so all Earth skills Petrify. So Druid gets one of their Ults, for free, whenever they attack with an Earth Skill? And one with super strong CC?

Like bruh. Gotta wait and see what other crazy stuff is being added.

They also buffed other sources of DR for Druids. Sadly the tendency of the patch is, takeing away more than they compensate with.

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Maybe it’s a strategy. Alternate crap and not crap seasons, so that the not crap seasons have an impact. So they don’t actually have to work at the game, just make it bad and revert the bad stuff alternatively to give an illusion of progress.


Agree and recently posted something similar. Barb and Rogue both have usable two handed slots, don’t have to compromise, aspect on two hander or an extra aspect in their build. They have 1 or 2 they can leverage. Casters on the other hand have the least amount of aspect slots and I personally thing at a minimum they should have a second amulet slot, would prefer a dedicated 2 hand slot though.

Who was it made for?
'cause to me it just sounds like another whiny-crying post about quitting if you don’t get what you want.
There is a reason we say “no one cares” to these type of posts. See if you can figure out why.