The Diablo 4 White Knighting is amazing

I’m not defending anything I’m just saying I’m probably going to keep playing for the time being. Nothing is permanent and to me it isn’t the end of the world. Bare in mind I watched d3 come up from launch and only get really good after the expansion.

If you don’t like the game I suggest putting it down until some time in the future when you may feel like giving it another chance. These forums are full of shrill complaints (and I usually defend complaints against the complainers squared), but at some point it just doesn’t seem healthy.

But again, I’m not even saying things aren’t bad right now. I’m just saying they aren’t bad enough to force me to stop playing. I may reroll every instance I get out of WT1 but I can still play the first 50 levels so I’m not out yet.

Just one of those guys that’s convinced they’ll be a millionaire if they lick enough dingleberries off bobby’s butt. Brown nosed simps gonna lick.

I don’t think resorting to calling people “Karen” who are upset at a game they once enjoyed being objectively much much worse than before is a good approach either.

Apart from the trolls I’d guess the majority of the player base feels quite negatively about the impact this patch had. Players are upset. They use the forums to express that frustration (even if it falls on deaf ears).

You’re just a contrarian. No one is going to read your comment’s and not think this guy is mainlining copium or a complete moron.

Not everyone who disagrees with the Cult of Imminent Doom™ is necessarily “white knighting” for Blizzard.

Yeah, D4 has issues. A long list of them.

Yeah, the devs have made some poor design choices. A long list of them.

Yeah, there is a LOT of room for improvement.

BUT THAT ISN’T THE END OF THE WORLD. The sky is not falling. Unbunch your panties!!

… just how extreme of a no-lifer are you, anyway?

something something copium, something something simp, something something uninstall, something something refund, something something rage, something something BG, something something POE, something something snarky closing

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… something, something, plays Diablo IV for six hours straight.



Not gonna lie the (D)ev riding is out of control

So, just a troll, gotcha.

I’ve come to the conclusion that people with 1000+ posts have nothing to say.

wahh you have an opinion about defending the game you’re a white knight wahhhh wahhhh u have an opinion on not defending the game you’re just whining wahhhh.

I wish you guys would just SHUT UP.

Rational people have long since come to the conclusion that someone who dismisses the posts of others over trivialities like post count have nothing worthwhile to say.

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I feel like we should make this clip our banner. The context is just too perfect.

I think that’s just the first day he went on the forums. I pre-purchased the game as soon as it was available, and my “join date” on the forums says June 12th.

So far every whiteKnight i have seen doesnt deconstruct the argument or have any rebuttal whatsoever; they all just say whiner cry baby and snowflake & French cries, just those type of comments. Which boggles me because they dont even say you’re wrong, they just say cry baby go somewhere else.

Would be hilarious to see a video where someone stands outside of a business and yells at the customers all day and calls them cry babies and says go away we dont want your opinions or your business.

Bro, it’s extremely annoying. Why play a game you don’t like?

Are you even reading all these posts that are like “d4 bad” or “blizzard, im the main character, i’m leaving, it’s very important for you all to know im leaving” or “i didn’t even play the game, but these changes are bad” or even “nothing new in the new season (didn’t read patch notes/season info)”

You might love hating the game right now, but those who will keep playing want to contribute with meaningful posts, tons of bugs still to fix, bugged builds unchecked, etc.

Posts like these contribute nothing.

You are right that fun builds got nerfed, but they were super bugged and unintended.

Just tweak things around and keep trying until you can clear the content you used to.

Or uninstall and move on, and stop cluttering the forum with useless whinning and tears.

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Some fanboys need to justify the money their spend on the game.

The real white knights are the cry babies and mommas-boys who strongly defend their entitlements because they cant make it through a few minutes without having their way spoonfed to them.

So playing a game efficiently and stacking xp with elixers and doing legions with people makes you a no-lifer? Haha. being wealthy and self employed has its perks. Free time to spend doing what i enjoy.

Actually the only people making Troll Accounts are you Fanboy White Knights so you can Derail or Get Threads and Posts Deleted! Nothing New There You Did It In D3 and Now Your Doing it in D4…No one Else Is Going To Throw Away Money Like That on a Bad Game! :unamused:

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