The Diablo 4 White Knighting is amazing

How many you sell really doesnt hold water…They can sell on Branding and ads alone.

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Proof or just fluff?

The whiteknights are only trolls here with like 1000 posts, they are just annoying and pure trolls.

The real feedback is on twitter, 100% angry and negative, there are not white knights. Twitter is the Blizzard main platform they dont even care about forums, so they have the crap on twitter from first line.


At least they let everyone know. I remember the stealth nerfs at the start of D3 and then the removal of the RMAH because of the pending lawsuit that left players just confused.

At least the buffs in this patch make sense and the nerfs are obviously to correct number stacking imbalances they didn’t catch because they limited the betas to lvl 25.


I made $1400 on that auction house…hahaha but yeah was a bad idea

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But in typical fashion they over did the numbers on the nerfs to some classes.

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I agree…this game has sooo much damn potential…i think the nerfs was a bit much.

What does a game selling millions have to do with how good it is? Had I been able to test end game in beta, I would have saved 70 bucks.


Oh but you did… and we still got suckered!

Yeah, the last patch with only buffs was a little suspect for trying to fix numbers. This patch having nerfs seems expected, but definitely larger swings than I suspected. I wish they were transparent with their internal numbers.

Some of the % swings seem high, but until I see end game with the Ligma Gems idk if it’s too wild. If people are still clearing NM 100 after a week they may have just kept the power level the same to accomodate the gems (Which if the gems don’t roll over into non-season would be rough for what appears to be the adamant non-season players).

If they changed the classes to be the way you posted, no wonder they’re all still trash and imbalanced.

There it is. The “Karen” comparison. Here’s the difference. Someone that “perceives” a slight vs. someone that actually gets dumped on. You see the difference? Blizzard is just piling on the issues that are further dividing them from a community that has provided valid feedback for the past month. None of these things that were changed were noted in the bugs, the feedback from forum posts, Twitter or other avenues. No, they’re all trivial “Blizzard knows best” moves.

So, maybe you should ask if “asking for the manager” is the same as “asking to be better”, which is what the community has done. The only “Karen” I see on these posts are those rallying up against a community that wants better and then stating we’re all wrong. Have you seen those videos? No. Those are the ones where someone makes a complete buffoon out of themselves by announcing how they’re right and everyone else is somehow tremendously wrong…



Ok let me rephrase.

Had I personally not been busy/able to test end game in beta, I would have saved 70 bucks.

My point still stands.

Too many need to claim a game is imploding with absolutely zero evidence. The door swings both ways.


no no no… if you think this thread has any valid feedback, you need a reality check.


BUT serious question, did you get Ashiva’s Trophy?


I’m telling you that’s their MO. I’m a Diablo fan but honestly they ALWAYS over correct then panic rush more fixes to follow instead of tweaking things slowly and meticulously until it’s just right.

you could serve the white knights a plate of freshly made poop and they would lecture you about the nutritional value and that you should be happy that you get a warm meal at all.


whats dumb about complaints right now? Answer this please.

Because they have mountains of feedback in bad reviews to look at.
They have a million videos made of why we all think the game sucks.
They have Forum feedback with good ideas on how to make the game better…

They did not do a SINGLE thing the community was asking for and nerfed the entire game into the ground in one patch completely killing barb for S1 and double nerfing druids.

No :frowning: also sorry I didn’t see your edit before I replied lol my tone was very rude