The Diablo 2 Blueprint

The major issue with this game is that it is balanced around group play like an MMO, from the abysmal experience gains to the trading. Everything reeks of KPI garbage, otherwise the core is great.

yeah even despite horrible servers issues reviews were higher lol.

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Totally agree with you.

Having to run Baal a million times is not what good looks like.

Having to grind hundreds of hours to get a drop is also not what good looks like.

Leave D2 in the past where it belongs.

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Mercs, playable story without awkward pauses, sets, cubes, plate shield classes, charms, runes, belts, HDR, fun

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why those d3 little dudes even talking about d2 itemization the thing that they have no clue at all. LOL.
You should be completly insane to even mention itemization as D3 player.

Every D2 blueprint crumbles if we take out teleport and trading. Teleport having the most impact. Remove it from the game and there is no D2.

yeah and than imagine that PD2 exist without teleport and with tens of thousands players every season.
With 0 marketing and 0 MTX.

This game uses D3 mechanics. The power escalation is dumb. You could clear D2 in the right set of yellows or even naked on some classes. D2 fans play a story in each mode with definitive end bosses. The game is difficult but then you start to get powerful. Sets, uniques, were from a shared loot pool, this allowed trading. The darkness in d4 is generic. In d2 you started roaming the countryside, desert, jungle, then finally entered the dark depths of a river of lava. D4 constantly brings you back to the countryside. There was 6 quests per act in d2. It kept you in the game and fighting. D4 is d3.5 bounty simulator.

Lol, was just about to make the same reply. :rofl:

Some of these people would be blown away to know how well some of the d2 mods are compared to the official game.

D2 is my favorite game of all time and I have countless in D2R but I can admit some of the systems are archaic and just dont appeal to general audiences anymore.

Would D4 be a better game with them implemented? Yes, but a mass seller like D4 needs mass appeal which means dumbed down systems.

Ideally they would work hard at developing a game good for both sweats like me and casual audiences but that would be an undertaking and def fell short of the mark

Disclaimer tho I like the direction of D4 a lot more than D3 and its a promising base moving forward

Amazing right? The devs of the mod are not afraid to change meta and add real engame? Now change it in D2. What could be the reason that they have not done it… Surely not the same players for 20 years playing same game and making real money right?

I wouldn’t say huge but the lack of World Tier 5 is definitely obvious when you get to the endgame. The data mining that it is coming confirms to me it should have been here. That said 1-70 felt fine in terms of content.

For a loot hunt based game, I would argue that loot is important. Being able to clear the entire game naked is a problem.

I don’t. Being able to clear the game should be for everyone. Loot should bring efficiency and higher tiers at end game. Efficiency means better resources, faster movement, higher armor, maybe a bit more power. We are talking skill points higher, not 500x more damage on 6 different multipliers.

How is this a new game? It is a near carbon copy of D3 with slowed down combat.

And other many of us are still waiting for a sequel with the spirit of D2 after more than 20 years.

It wasn’t D3, it wasn’t Immortal, it isn’t D4. Isn’t it legit to ask when will be our turn or will we have to wait while we see how they cater to everyone else but their original fans? All we got in all these years is a remaster, not a single new entry.

Don’t be so selfish to demand that everything has to be for you and nothing for the rest. Have a bit of respect for others.


Im in the same boat and hoping POE 2 does the job.

Oh yeah, I played about 2k hours of D3 and began playing D3 on day one through season 28. Please tell us how this game is a carbon copy because I absolutely do not see it…

The problem is that current Bliz has assumed people liked D2 because you couldnt easily reroll builds, and travel was a pain, and everything took a bit longer…and not because of the grim dark vibe, cool builds, loot, layout of content, ect.

They did the same for vanilla wow and started loading their game up with fun throttles for anything people want to do, and forced content for things they know people dont want to do.

Its a totally wrong philosophy theyve been working under for far too long.

This is why they go after super casuals, and also, forced content, and also throttles on everything, paired with high frustration travel and navigation.

Basically they think their old glory was about massive time wastes, hard choices, and rerolling/starting over…and not about the content, complexity, and fun.

Glad you’ve asked it: